Live in a country founded on the greatest document ever written

>live in a country founded on the greatest document ever written
>government tramples all over it

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jews. lurk more newfaggot.

>greatest document ever written
It specifically preserves slavery.

>government tramples all over it
Well you haven't cared about that the past...definitely more than you've been alive, years, so it's a bit late now.

americans are all niggers

Because executing for treason is looked down on nowadays

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>It specifically preserves slavery.
Blacks were happier as slaves than at any time since in American history. Do some research.

Pretty sure you fought wars because that document wasn't perfect.

The Constitution lacks solutions to problems the founding fathers could have never even imagined.

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Omg slavery, who gives a fuck. Too bad we couldnt ship all the niggers back to niggerdom before a bunch of our ancestors killed each other over their right to rob, rape and murder whites.
Fuck you, you hydralisk sucking faggot gook

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not an argument tyrone.

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>getest document
>not the Bible
The constitution is enlightenment garbage

>pic unrelated

>it specifically preserves slavery.
Yankee bastard.

Anti-Federalists were right about everything. Frankly, though, nothing would have protected those ideas over 250 years of powerlust. It still at least provides a roadblock and you get funny contortions from them when they do what they do.

The Constitution is a divine document, even the founding fathers proclaimed it was divinely inspired. The original unbastardized Constitution is the most redpilled legal document in all of history.

>White men are born with inherent rights given by God
>Government shall not infringe on these rights
>Only land owning white men could vote
>Niggers are subhuman and too stupid for anything but slaverly
>Women are property

There is nothing in the Constitution that was factually incorrect. Blacks are subhumans meant only for manual labor. Women have proven that they can only destroy, not create. While I can agree that forced labor is unethical, pretending niggers can all be doctors and engineers with an IQ of like 70 is fucking retarded.

>>White men are born with inherent rights given by God
>>Government shall not infringe on these rights
>>Only land owning white men could vote
>>Niggers are subhuman and too stupid for anything but slaverly
>>Women are property
You realize none of that is actually in the constitution

The original constitution addressed all these issues. It was only in the last century where it was slowly eroded and destroyed.

>greatest document ever written
by Freemasons and Jews

It was

Because it limits their power and they wan to rule like mini kings and queens

citation needed

Because the Government is filled with narcissists that don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. They all deserve the fucking rope.

read all of this
if you don't believe it then try to debunk what's said

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There were no Jews in America back then. Or at least very few. It really was a dream situation

Patrick Henry warned about the constitution.
That it would later be used as a way to limit rights.


Go worship rabbi's foreskin collection

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Why didnt they put anything about them in?
Instead we got "muh freedom of religion" garbage

what about Masons? The Constitution is a transparently masonic document.

>muh natural rights that exist metaphysically
>still end up explicitly acknowledging their existence in legal writing, totally opposite of the concept
>the bill of rights was literally an afterthought hence being amendments

>It specifically preserves slavery.
Again, greatest document ever written

>What is the 3/5 compromise
>1789: The Constitution grants the states the power to set voting requirements. Generally, states limited this right to property-owning or tax-paying white males (about 6% of the population).
>1870: Non-white men and freed male slaves are guaranteed the right to vote by the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
>1920: Women are guaranteed the right to vote in all US States by the Nineteenth Amendment

Politicians hungry for ever more votes and power ruined the original document by pandering to disenfranchised groups. A trend that has continued until this very day.

>>What is the 3/5 compromise
something that doesnt mention race >The Constitution grants the states the power to set voting requirements.
That is not what you originally claimed though
>Politicians hungry for ever more votes and powerWell maybe that is because democracy is a bad idea

Women had no effective legal rights in the original constitution. The Constitutional freedoms enjoyed by white free men did not apply to women, as it was commonly understood that women were the possession of their husbands and fathers. This was normal for all of human history until the past 100 years.

Since then we've had enormous social upheaval that have engulfed the world in global conflict and revolution on numerous occasions.

Coincidence? I think not.

Because one side continues to shapeshift goal post and shits on the norms for political purposes! Which changes the construct of morals for this passive aggressive progression of things which should not be! Take a close look at the damage drugs immigration and importing shit skins do to a society I’d say looking at the trash on the streets is a sure sign of bigger issues which seem to be forgotten by political weaklings most gratefully acknowledged by truth speakers who are in turn labelled as racist etc as a weak form of defence!! It’s time these pc hacks get off there high horse and enter the realm of honesty be honest and solve the fundamental issues at a basic level!

>Women had no effective legal rights in the original constitution.
What rights did men have that thye did not
>This was normal for all of human history until the past 100 years.
again maybe if politicians didnt see them as potential voters they would had not have become a problem

Governments are never in your side. Don't ever expect if even if some individual guys you like make it to the high positions. It goes for every single form of governance.

The original document allowed a large degree of autonomy on the voting requirements, however it was once again understood that only white Christian men were entitled to citizenship and civil liberty. Since women and non whites were specifically omitted they had no legal status in the eyes of the law. Most states quickly decided that only land owning white men should be allowed to vote, as these men are typically the foundation of their respective communities and have a vested interest in seeing a positive future for their offspring and communities.

Letting people who own nothing vote was a catastrophic mistake. They will only vote for whoever promises to steal the most from the public Treasury and who will give it to them.

Women weren't allowed to vote because women unless tightly controlled by a patriarchy will immediately revert to hypergamous tribalism that tears apart civilizations.

The bill of rights didn't apply to women at all. Women were the property of their husbands and fathers as it had been for all 10000 years of human civilization.

>Christian men
Kikes were always allowed to vote
>women and non whites were specifically omitted
by the states
that has nothing to do with the constitution
>Letting people who own nothing vote was a catastrophic mistake
letting anyone vote was

>The bill of rights didn't apply to women at all.
citation needed
> Women were the property of their husbands and fathers as it had been for all 10000 years of human civilization.
this has nothing to do with the constitution

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I have to agree that this is the inherent flaw in democratic processes. Whoever has the most votes wins. Even a republic such as ours has slowly been transformed into a mob rule democracy by power hungry politicians.

The original document was pretty great, it just didn't stand the test of the scheming of politicians.

The main issue here is that I'm not sure any form of governance can withstand the scheming of evil men. The best we can hope for is a couple hundred years at a time before it implodes. How you fix this inherent flaw in the species I don't really know.

>greatest document ever written
Nah. We never should have left the British Empire. Democracy/republicanism are trash

who is George Washington and what is the whiskey rebellion?

It's a document written to assist and serve a moral and competent people. If the people become immoral and soft, no document or authority can save them. They deserve what they earn for themselves, be it prosperity or doom

America hasn't been a constitutional republic since 1933, instead it's been a corporatocratic democracy managed by the federal reserve investors

literally Marxist subversion and demographic shifts

The greatest "constitution" any many could ever have was always a green piece of paper.

The french constitution is pretty based too

This place suuuuucks

The hills are alive...

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If you know you know

This pol place is full of idiots

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The bankers opened our boarders. It is simple. Low I.Q. mobs buy more gas & shoes than a few well educated citizens.

Our constitution was great. Next time we will make it better. This is the Pursuit of Happiness. We try and it always fails. Republics always deteriorate, but new and better societies always bloom out of the ashes of destruction.

Athens fell, but we got Socrates.
If America falls, we will rebuild.
We always rebuild.
That is our job.

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>White men are born with inherent rights given by God

The Founding Fathers Were Deists and They Despised having a State Religion.

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because most of us are too bitch to stop’em

Correction here. Jefferson was an Epicurean. That is some wild stuff. His favorite book was Lucretius "On the Nature of Things."

The Catholic Church likely destroyed all of Epicurus' writings but Lucretius' book survived. It is a physics book written in poetry. He wrote it at the end of the Roman Republic when the people were going dumb. It is beautiful.
Anyway... Epicureans are into some wild stuff. Maximization of pleasure but controlling human vices. Not fearing fake gods.

You should look into it. Jefferson was not a Deist. Franklin was a Deist at a time but Franklin though he was the reincarnatino of Socrates. These guys were very free thinkers to say the least.

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There won't be a next time. Whites are done for.

very true. they despised state religion.

look at the French Revolution. It was a mess. Catholic Church and nobility were intertwined with the state.

it is not about whites. it is about ideas.
you can kill people. you can burn books.
you can never destroy ideas.
all of Plato's writings survive. Aristotle survives.
even is "whites" are done for.
the idea live on.

Long Live Socrates!

Who are the three in the middle of this image?

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Ideas are linked to our culture and yes they can be destroyed.

read a book. free your mind.

I will personally genocide niggers to make rhodesia great again

we have backup of information in thousands of locations across earth. ideas cannot be destroyed.

how old are Plato's books?

you cannot destroy the idea of Justice.

You Can Genetically Modify Niggers to Be Smart

Through rape?

you can change the definition. you are changing the definition. however, we will have a renaissance or "rebirth" when people remember the correct definitions.

printing press caused a renaissance.
internet will cause a renaissance.

Out of all the races it was whites who thought of and held those views. European history will either be altered or erased.

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Through Rape and Genetic Engineering

it will be a beautiful day when (((Hollywood))) emptiness, vanity, and fake gods falls.
that is a culture of pure evil.
the true stars will shine again.

Who will engineer that? The 70 IQ niggers in Africa or the cold-hearted Asians?

of course it will alter. Americans are not Greeks. this is the Pursuit of Happiness. it will get better. Cheer up. Look up. do not worship emptiness. human history is a struggle towards Truth. it will be beautiful.

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If only, my family owned a dairy farm but had to give it up when they fled the country. All that blood spilled only to give up the land. The same thing happened here; it was the whites who gave the country away, it wasn't taken.


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Jews, pedos and traitors.


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Every American should listen to this, the truth about America's founding and the Constitution.
Very enlightening.

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Kek. Im gonna start carrying this in my wallet.

> human history is a struggle towards Truth.

Ok rabbi

keep you head up user. Africa never went though the long struggle of establish constitutions and rule by the people and for the people.

America might end up in the same situation. Mass immigration from the south.
Hundreds of millions of migrants.
Banks/oligarchs opened our boarders.

we will rebuild.
we always rebuild.

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You can only rebuild if your people survive. Americans are going through something really similar, it's not going to be fun when Latinos are running your country.

>must kvetch harder

Because the government can just flee to israel if things go to shit.

Because our constitution is like the Bible. Some people exist and will always exist in our midst who work against them, but the texts allow the freedom to be annoying dangerous shitwad faggots. That's because things like Hitlerism and Islam are 10x more backwards. Don't like me shaking your frail worldview? Go fuck yourself repeatedly to prepare yourself for Satan's enormous cock of doom.

Because Jews want full control. Bam. Next question.

Given enough time, all forms of governments are doomed to corruption no matter who runs it.

We can always go north or take back a little island called.... England.

it is not going to be good when Ethiopian Jews run your country. Is it true that you sterilize Ethiopian Jews? I thought diversity was your strength? Open boarders right? We need to give a voice to that marginalized community.

You are a hypocrite. You worship emptiness, vanity, and Hollywood fake gods.

You Will Reap What You Sew. you blow up our buildings? my grandfathers fought hand to hand combat with Natzis and you back stab my country? you think we will forget this?

Do not mess with our Constitution.
We will have Justice!

You keep this up and the next Alexander will raze your cities.

Be careful.

If "women are property" is too edgy, it's more like women due to biological reasons do not have the inherent values that sustain civilization and thus should not have a say in its guidance. I'd go as far to say that civilization despite the immense benefits it brings to human survival is still a negative to them because it reduces Darwinian selection and violent conflicts that allow them to express their true mating habits.

Women don't actually fear a country being overun by invaders, they know they'll survive if they spread their legs. You can't have that level of blindness running a society.

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be careful. do not push too far.

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Hope you're not asking your superiors for a raise.

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People aren't willing currently to march and kill their politicians for said trampling because their bread and circus is in place and it all seems far away. Once you take away the creature comforts is when the anger comes out

Probably not infiltrated yet, or they've always been a meme.

the anger is out.
but we hold it in.
we see our enemies.

step by step.
printing press took 60 years to power up.
internet is waking up the normies.
we are ready.

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I'm simply telling you what will happen. America died a long time ago and it was shown that the constitution was something that could be easily subverted. Pic related.

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