Exactly how fucking pathetic is Trump?

He's like a child. All of his little maneuvers and plots are so obvious and ham-handed that a 5 year old could see through it. It really is sad to watch. In his own mind, he thinks of himself as some kind of smooth operator. Meanwhile, everyone is just laughing at him.

Now he thinks he can take some of the heat off himself by 'tricking' the squad into a feud with each other. So he's tweeting bullshit trying to stir up trouble. And they are reacting to it like the sad attempt that it is, by laughing at him. He honestly thinks he's being slick. He's like the retarded kid who thinks nobody noticed that he shit his pants.

So pathetic.

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>dear diary, this is how orange man made me upset today...

You think that "The Squad" newly representing the Democratic Party now will look attractive and appealing to Americans outside the few far-left wing city bubbles?
It's like they forgot what made Trump won.
>open borders
>healthcare and top priorities for illegals
These two sentiments from them, alone -- will render a loss.


You're confusing 'upset' with 'pity'. He's making me feel pity for him.

>It's like they forgot what made Trump won.

The Russians.....

not gonna lie, I live for posts like these.

(((The Squad))) have you distracted goy? Good!

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I know what you mean. I hate niggers too.

>Trump keeps the focus off of him and puts it back on DA SKWAD
>wins bigly

Trump's biggest mistake this summer was getting involved when the Democrats were shanking each other.

>it's ok for everyone else to throw shit at trump
>when he throws it back he's pathetic, and childish and "insert x here"

You're pathetic desu senpai