How do we give free money to China?

How about
>taking it from the taxpayers?
>redistributing it like... let's say $1000 to lazy fucks who buy cheap shit by default
>have cheap shit manufactured and outsourced to China because everyone is already safe and secure with their $1000 YANGBUX


And this kids... is how you syphon money out of your country after realizing printing money is ultimately gonna fuck up your entire economy.

Attached: 1232892377821.jpg (545x600, 196K)

Saving the pic. Haven't even cracked a smile since I woke up at 5 AM much less laugh my tits off.

Me so hooony

Attached: full metal yang.jpg (521x433, 62K)

If you wanna give free money to China, shop at Walmart


Attached: Screen_Shot_2019-01-17_at_4.22.43_PM.jpg (800x450, 37K)

I don’t see any problem with doing what you said

>How do we give free money to Israel?
You just do.

The Yang Gang spam on this board was one of the most inorganic memes I've ever seen pushed here.

>Look at the retrowave logos goys
>$1000 a month wagecucks btfo
>Let's elect a Chinese operative what could go wong?

The Chinese are taking over the west coast and your solution is to elect one as president.

I want my Yangbux.

Attached: yang neet.jpg (574x421, 66K)