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Other urls found in this thread:

red flag laws r working perfectly I see. Was there ever a doubt that arbitrary gun grabs were their true purpose?

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>we'll take your guns, goy
> like hell you will
> that's cause-busted

ok so this really is clown world after all.. I thought it was a meme

fuck these cunts I expect he'll be able to buy a zillion rounds with the money from using their fucking asses for violating his Constitutional right under the 2nd A... death to traitorous scum

**** the above is obviously pure satire**** for those too fucking dense to get it.

Oh no no no

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The wannabe-American is thicker than hot coffee grinds with this smerican poor

>interest in mass shootings
Holy Kek they're gonna kick in David Hogg's door next.

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rip 1st amendment

Pretty much what we've all been saying, all the gun fags are all bark and no bite. When the government comes to take your shit you'll just roll over like a dog lol

who needs a first without a second?

Dont get mad mate just cheer and clap.

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time to start organizing amerisharts or ur finished

“He looked like a creepy guy that ‘might’ do something.”


And it starts...

I can't handle all this winning!!

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That "meme" was basically a threat to the ATF and he posted in on normiebook, no shit wtf did he think would happen. Senior police are old they don't understand the internet, they had some young cadet 'decode' it for them and got scared

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when exactly were these laws enacted? seems like we first heard about them last week and today they're locking people away. something's fishy

CT has had these laws for a while


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Laws come later.

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I miss him so much.

>was basically a threat
So it wasn't a specific threat?


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I never put stock into guns because of this. Nobody is actually gonna go down in a blaze of glory last second in these scenarios. They won't even know it's about to happen until you're face to face with multiple agents.

So when does jimmy go for the record breaker at school using windex, bleach, and the air ventilation system? Guns not required.

he bought guns out of state because here in Connecticunt you're not allowed to have fun. That is what he was arrested for and also making loose threats/being swatted by a concerned jew neighbor. Has nothing to do with red flag law so much as Connecticut being an awful state full of pussies.

I can't wait to vote that faggot out of office.

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Fuck you agents, unamerican nigger faggots

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i didn't know that. no constitutional challenges yet?

Did you miss the part he is interested in mass shootings?

nah man the military will be on your side.
cops will never turn against their population.
mass defections, sabotage, moles, you will see... do nothing until then though.
just trust the plan.

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He needs to sue all those faggots and their neighbors for allowing such faggots to live among them.

Unless he directly made a terroristic threat or expressed a desire to commit terrorism, the case will be thrown out.

As if we needed any more proof that red flag laws are authoritarian garbage that trample all over the Constitution. Come and take them, motherfuckers

you realize that there are people who own property that you cannot sneak up on effectively? limited access, security features, think every gun owner is jethro in a shack in appalachia?

Proof of reality, please. I literally assume all social media posts are fake. Why is someone DMing the police department? This doesn't make sense.


Watch yourself user.


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>Red flag laws
More like noahide laws, this is the beginning goys, shit that was done since the 90s to the early 00s are starting to kick in now

It's going to be the new form of "SWATTING" in the US.

Thrown in jail over literal memes/words and you have to prove that's what they are.

I just reported this entire thread enjoy prison

Even with the basic security features of the most 2a loving american it'll barely buy them any time. At best it'll put feds at the end of the driveway and then what? Somebody that can afford that 90% has a wife and kids and wouldn't sacrifice muh huwhite race for the guns they have on the property. Gun grabs have historically worked. We didn't allow it once because it was across the pond that the tyrants were trying to control us from but it's exactly like every time that it has worked now.

Then the feds use fire like they did with Dorner. Show me the gun owner who successfully got away from the feds coming for them, got multiple kills, and is still alive today.

As long as Hartford and Bridgeport exist, Connecticut will be driven into the dirt by democrat rule.

Jesus christ burgers
I thought the EU were cunts about memes
Wtf is this shit explain yourselves immediately

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Those laws in Connecticut were under obama. And read the whole story. This dude was a legit Red flag.

>legit Red flag
there is no such thing

>using twitter
>using facebook
Not only are they banning right wing opinions they are trying to get them in trouble with the law. Thank God never made an account either of those places.

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This just shows how weak and fragile the FBI really is, they are afraid of literal memes


You’re forgetting niggerbury

Fucking based.

somebody willing to get into a shoot out with law enforcement over 2A rights isn't looking to survive it. there are people in this country who will not go down without a fight. they will use their weapons in defense of their rights and they're willing to be killed for it. just saying.


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He didn't just "share a meme" He made multiple threats to the FBI on Twitter while stockpiling guns and body armor. What the fuck did he think was gonna happen? He was also clearly mentally ill/paranoid

Put down the memes or we'll shoot!

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>meme that basically says "when law enforcement shows up and you brandish a powerful firearm"

idk it seems a bit provocative to me

Show me what specific threats he made. I'll wait.

I know I am, please let me keep forgetting about it. Maybe it will just go away.
This is what happens in states run by democrats.

Is this an arrest under a CT state red flag law or have they already passed the federal law?

>One post by this id
I'm shocked, absolutely shocked.
This one is probably a Russian. Their preferred vector to attack is through the right wing, as opposed to the Israelis who move in through the left mostly. Except for those Bible thumping Jim baker types, those are Israeli too.

>Come and take them, motherfuckers
Reported to Zion Don's ATF

Have you never heard of Ruby Ridge?


starting to be afraid for burgers

please dont hold your breath while waiting....we all know nothing more will be posted

Spoken like a true house nigger lmao
Don't @ the FBI on Twitter when you sperg post

>being put in prison, because the Feds can't handle the bants.

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That's a link to an article. I asked you which specific threats he made.

You literally just said it. He's the only one who got away.

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CT state. They were passed back when Obama was president

They're in the article

well if he didnt have a reason to commit a mass shooting he does now kek

>jew neighbor
Shitat matzliach, goyim.

Safe for now... I ‘spose.

This shit is unironically gonna start the big igloo

For now. If they do get passed then I'm gonna red flag cops, politicians and niggers like crazy

State them specifically to me. I want to know what you think qualifies as a specific threat.

Memes were a mistake.

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What happens if someone crank calls on someone that is a crazy prick but doesn't have any guns? Will they get swatted to.

The world is going back to swatting, isn't it?

Come back when your country isn't collapsing harder than Canada, and maybe then you can have a seat at the big boy table again.

Will it?

I was reported to the local police just for wanting to purchase $10,000+ in firearms after I inherited my grandpa's pretty sizable fortune, told the cops that I'm not breaking a single law and every collectible rifle or handgun I wanted to purchase would be purchased legally, and to tell the liberal mommy whore who reported me to go choke on a dick.

After they left, I went back to the facebook group and told them what happened, then posted a picture of my bank account balance just to piss the whore who reported me off more, said, what are you mad because you can't afford nice things? Get a life you loser.
I am also pretty fucking ugly as well, so I am sure that had a part of it

It could all be staged to scare anons. Bad goyim! Don't say spicey memes or we'll arrest you and call you a mass shooter or a terrorist in the news.

Inb4 declining to turn your guns in is used as a reason to red flag people and confiscate their guns.

>Showing your power level publicly
>Following Jow Forums meme lanes
>Using Facebook at all
>Buying guns in any way except in cash from third parties that you’re maybe second or third cousins with

So many mistakes

Oregon has had these for a while.
>woman gets in charge
>surprisingly is worse than some random dude who did a ton of coke
>state goes to shit overnight

It is imperative that democrats do not win 2020.

sounds like you need to get off the FB my friend

it doesnt matter who wins

It was a gun group that operated in my area before facebook banned it. I rarely use kikebook anymore

You want to redpill normies, you need to be there, on the edge of being banned.

>surprisingly is worse than some random dude who did a ton of coke

Is it really all that surprising, though?

That's not a credible specific threat.

This is still a fucking mistake.
>share dank memes
Off to gulag with you
>shoot up an antifa rally
Off to gulag with you
If the consequences are the same, then the consequences don't exist. Do they not fucking understand that?

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It's surprising because our last retard was as bad as what I would've expected a woman to be. Kate Brown is shit by even female standards.

Trump and that one-eyed fuckhead Crenshaw said this is what they wanted, now look... you're losing your country

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