There is no baggage associated with being Irish. The Irish were mistreated by Anglos and therefore cannot be oppressive in the SJW theory. They also have struggled against imperialism.
Why don't we just appropriate Irish Nationalism?
Other urls found in this thread:
going for irish nationalism would be a powerplay
But for some reason Jow Forums falls for the old jew D&C of pale skinned red haired blue eyes people are not white.
already a thing, the Aryan Brotherhood has always used a shamrock in their symbol for a reason. This Countries mostly German and Irish anyways
Because the Irish don't want to conquer or kill, they just want to drink, farm, and be left alone on their green lil island.
Fuck you
Fuck off, mutt.
t. niggers
This, Irish Americans are just as Irish as we are they need to mobilise and make an Irish ethnostate in New England with Boston as it's capital then we'll make invade the UK and make London a Gaza strip
fuck off with your ethnostate shit.
Granted, I'm all for invading england and showing those bastards how it feels to be cromwelled
We could always wear these hats too
Nice VPN, mutt.