When the time comes, will you fight?

Even if you don’t have a family, you have something to fight for. When the time comes, will you rise to the occasion? Are you capable of fighting for what you believe in or is this site just one big cope?

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Fight. You don't know how to fight.

Idgaf anymore. You all can cull yourselves as I laugh.

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You're asking a bunch of loser basement dwellers to actually get off their fat asses and do something instead of talk shit online... C'mon.


no, mosche

i wont

but you will still die

I stole that. It's beautiful.

Nah, I'll just wait it out innawoods until the smoke clears. Then I'll ride into town and pillage.

fbi go home

Yes, being a nihilist cuck is so comfy I bet.

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>fighting for what I believe in

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>Be me
>See OP's image
>Instantly want to kill English soldiers

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Will you please commit another mass shooting, fellow keksters?

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Thank God, someone who still has a soul.

Death be a doorway and time a window.

Fuck off. I’m just a dude drinking vodka and thinking about shit. Stop being a little pussy Brit who is scared to voice wrong speak. If FBI is here they can get fucked. Freedom of speech. Death to the seed of the serpent. Fuck the cucks. Jews will roast in hell.

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I'm using this occasionally from now on

Not to mention all mass shootings are false flags. No one is getting radicalized here. Just woken up. We aren’t sub 80 IQ desert shit skins, no matter how bad the education system is, we still have a divine spark within us that you will never comprehend.

Not British but I am European, Jow Forums is a board of peace

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I’m with this guy. Jow Forums is a board of cucks.

Yes until not a singlo pedokike remain alife

To be fair "When the time comes" is not a stupid senseless mass shooting against random soft targets. It's a "this is the beginning of the new revolutionary war" type event.

Exactly. I’m not calling for random shooting of innocents. In fact I’ve never seen anyone on here call for that. When the time comes you will know, and you will have to make a choice.

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Fuck the state, fuck the kikes, and fuxk jannies. They've taken everything of value from this life. I'll fight.

Good man

Like the turner diaries kind of thing?
Why wouldn’t I pick self defence?

That’s pretty based but I’m not advocating for violence (I don’t have a loicance)

You have to fight for the idea of families existing, even if they are not yours. The dark psychic forces in our government seek to split up the nuclear family.

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The only girl I would marry from any movie I've ever seen. Just perfect.

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You’re fucking right they do. The only thing better than a dead goy to them is a sad, lonely, addicted goy.

no chance in hell. I watch.

Right? No idea why we haven’t adopted her as our lady. That face is so evocative. I miss good movies.
