Jews = Christianity

Jew DNA is 80% mutt-Italian because the Talmud came out of Christian Rome. The Vatican was first tp publish. Judah-ism is younger than Paul's Christianity
Christian Rome invented:
>Utopian globalism

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Shut up rabbi

Jews. Italians. Greeks. We all swim in the same gene pool.

>The Vatican was first tp publish.
to publish Talmud

Attached: jesus.jpg (1000x1500, 136K)

>Talmud came out of Christian Rome
Are you high right now?




>Talmud came out of Christian Rome
didn't exist in Jesus time

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How are Jews meek?

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it was written in Babylon first.

>it was written in Babylon first.
prove it

The Talmud was a concurrent oral tradition to the Tanakh, this is all very well understood. And the tradition holds that it was first developed during the Babylonian exile. It was only much later put to paper because it's an ever-increasing body of work that just couldn't be passed down by oral means and because it became necessary to reform Judaism to the rabbinical form we know today. Your insinuation that it was written by Christians has no factual, historical or even theological basis, it just doesn't make any sense unless you're high out of your mind and you have stupid elves dictating nonsense directly to your suggestible, drug-impaired mind. It's bullshit, conspiratorial reasoning based solely on geography and ignores the bigger picture.

>prove it
How stupid are you? Can the rabbis prove that they were given the Talmud by angels when Moses was up on Mount Sinai receiving the Commandments and that their law supersedes that of Moses?

You probably have more productive ways to spend your time, OP.

World to come refers to millenium, not the current shitshow we live in

>oral tradition

meaning rumors

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2000 years later

Star of David and it's links to ancient Babylon should be proof enough for a topic on something as old as Talmudism

2000 years after the last Adam (a.k.a. Jesus' death). Isn't likely to take place until 2023 or 2026 depending on which year Jesus actually died.

Is this really your rebuttal? Alright, can you prove that it was written by Christians? And can you please explain to me what their motives were? Also, what exactly is the reason for the Jews to maintain the Talmud? Are they crypto-Christians? Explain your conspiracy in great detail.

she’s perf

>Star of David and it's links to ancient Babylon
two merging triangles are everywhere bro. Stop selling Jewish lore

Attached: media jews feminism marvel.jpg (3248x3001, 1.39M)

>Alright, can you prove that it was written by Christians? And can you please explain to me what their motives were? Also, what exactly is the reason for the Jews to maintain the Talmud? Are they crypto-Christians? Explain your conspiracy in great detail.
They are essentially an anti-thesis with chosen blood status.

Judah-ism was the only non-christian to survive Roman-Christianity's purges of all other "pagan" or heritical beliefs. ...Really makes you think

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>They are essentially an anti-thesis with chosen blood status.
>Judah-ism was the only non-christian to survive Roman-Christianity's purges of all other "pagan" or heritical beliefs. ...Really makes you think

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>she’s perf

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Yeah, this is too big think for me. You're a waste of time, OP.

>Yeah, this is too big think for me. You're a waste of time, OP.
wow... Go bump a tweet thread you low IQ reddit scum.

cult members folks.

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Christians are just the Alt-Lite version of Jews. Same shit, just got no fucking balls.

>Christians are just the Alt-Lite version of Jews. Same shit, just got no fucking balls.
alt-right were commie gnostics

Attached: dugin alt-right gnostic commie.jpg (192x270, 19K)

The Talmud did not come out of "Christian Rome" - how did you ever arrive at that?
What is "Judah-ism" vs. modern Judaism?

>What is "Judah-ism" vs. modern Judaism?
same thing

> Talmud did not come out of "Christian Rome" - how did you ever arrive at that?
that's when it first appears

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>the Talmud came out if Christian Rome
No, the Talmud existed thousands of years before the coming of Jesus, in Yahwehism;
and therefore existed in
>Jesus time

Obviously portions of the Talmud was written post-Christ. So how does "Jews=Christianity".

OP your posts are completely incoherent.

>No, the Talmud existed thousands of years
prove it kike

Attached: mickey merchant.png (412x438, 127K)

>Obviously portions of the Talmud was written post-Chris
prove it kike


This thread

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You are spouting nonsense and (seemingly) contradicting yourself. First you say the Talmud came out of Christian Rome, now you're asking me to prove that it wasn't entirely written prior to Christian Rome. What am I missing?

The failure of globalism is the failure of the Christian project. Christianity's stated goal is to evangelize the entire world under Christ. What has happened as a result? More than a billion people have been separated from their cultural roots, the empires of Christianity have fallen and left us exposed to the dreadful consequences. We are confused, scattered, easy to control, and unable to rally under anything meaningful.

At least the poos over in India have a real culture. It's theirs, they have thousands of years of history to claim as their own. We are beneath street shitters.

Attached: bdxsh9q.jpg (1080x1080, 86K)

You fucking idiot. Read each of your posts, slowly. Then try to understand how fucking stupid you are.
Fyi, most of the content of the Talmud was given to Moses by God over 3,000 years ago. The Talmud is simply a compilation of all these texts, and a few others written by the rabbis and priests of the time (after the death of Christ). In response to proving this to be true - how could anyone prove something that occured thousands of years ago to be 100% true?

>The failure of globalism is the failure of the Christian project. Christianity's stated goal is to evangelize the entire world under Christ. What has happened as a result? More than a billion people have been separated from their cultural roots, the empires of Christianity have fallen and left us exposed to the dreadful consequences. We are confused, scattered, easy to control, and unable to rally under anything meaningful.
>At least the poos over in India have a real culture. It's theirs, they have thousands of years of history to claim as their own. We are beneath street shitters.

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>Fyi, most of the content of the Talmud was given to Moses by God over 3,000 years ago. The Talmud is simply a compilation of all these texts
It's an oral collection = rumor.

Look, I don't hate you Jew. You're in a cult. I feel bad for you. You have no independence

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>and a few others written by the rabbis and priests
prove it


Just fought with my youngest (stupidest) brother over this. OP is right.

Don't be a dipshit millenial. Actually READ a book.

>Just fought with my youngest (stupidest) brother over this. OP is right.
haha what?

tell story

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