what agency is this guy working for or does he actually believe what he says he does I dont buy it
he's just another gullible faggot capitalizing on other gullible faggots
who is that?
don't know what crew he is with but I am sure he part of Bushwick's crew
I can really read people man this guy comes off as fake as hell . I dont think he believes anything he says
destroying the illusion Qanon and trump shill
why do all you polcels warship these e celebrities? they arent dropping red pills and they arent based theyre just trying to make money off of disillusioned right wing kids with no direction in life. stop giving hipsters on youtube money just because they like memes and pretend to hate jews your doing more harm than good
I don't even know who the fuck this guy is
you are a spam cunt
He tells the truth most of the time.
But he's not the independent journalist he portrays himself as. He gets intel and talking points from David Wilcock, who is also tell the truth most the time, but also makes wild predictions and has been known to promote disinfo.
There was also a old picture of Sather in his room with a Ramtha school poster, and he now denies any involvment with the org. Cant find the pic, but you can find it if you really want to.
Basically, he's not disinfo, but he is arrogant and naive
I am calling this e celeb out you retard
he is a spam turd, see my post...nothing to do with the post
wow try reacting logically instead of emotionally for once
Almost everything he tries to do is done better by YT channel In Pursuit Of Truth.
This guy, I forget his name, seems too dopey to be a real shill of any kind. He’s generally right about the way of things but is constantly mispronouncing words and people’s names, and always sounds like he just smoked weed, it’s a fucking cringefest listening to him.
Keep it up Moshe. Keep pressing my fucking buttons.
fuck you bot
no more comments let this shit die goys
you guys can't even get your story straight. Am I a jew or a bot? figure it out idiots, bots are golems and therefore not jews.
glow nigger
you are a fucking bot
guy legit looked like he smoked crack the other day jumping around acting figity as fuck guys sketchy
there is an entire network of you tube promoted fake conspiracy channels . its like that handsome truth guy who if he were any other person he would of been taken down .
who, george washington?
Even if I was a bot I'd still be more human than you hue
beep boop bop bop beep boop beep bop
you wish asshole as your flag is literally the original TP between two menstrual periods
Theres holigraphic glitch video of him... Gatekeeper
who is this?
does he sell bath water?
absorb that menstrual blood OG TP nigga
at least peru has a sense to let go of the menstrual flow you so highly want to suck up
your negroid is showing
absorb the crimson tide, little bitch
You're statistically likely to star in a liveleak video
you will end up being my victim as you are the biggest bitch in the americas, especially that you are the least likely to be armed
ya mother fucker, we have guns now, see you in a bit little canadian bitch
fuck raking the leaf, I will wipe my ass with your weak faggot ass
I will fuck your sister for good measure, bitch ass country
no bleach not even joking
>especially that you are the least likely to be armed
lmao no u
I look forward to fucking your bitch mouth, despite being brit inmate cunts, I dream about your socialist health care cause I know I can count on removing your dentures that insure a smooth gum job
gobble down my big brown Brazilian cock, lord knows your women are waxing their pussies for the incoming invasion
imma fuck your mama and sista to this..probably your tranny dad as well
Trudeau Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>[incomprehensible monkey blabberings]
I fucked you so bad you have no reply
my reply, in song
cum my leaf lady
and a thank you miss
see you soon
how much glue have you sniffed today? get ceroled monkey
I know I fucked your mind so beyond a possible retort that your legs are still shaking from the epic sister kin fucking I delivered.
nothing personal kid
>nothing personal kid
lurk moar hue
spread your flag more cause I owned not only your ass but your entire gene pool
WTF did I just watch?
not only did I rake your ass but I mowed your fucking lawn
pretty typical for a spic to instinctively landscape, but I'm not paying you for your work so you're going to have to stick to shooting pardos for their iphones and stealing ebikes
you witnessed a canuck get fucked
worst porno ever
fuck...you went full uneducated american insults as a retort?
come on man, you can do better, we are pork&cheese, not spics
I will tap every female in your family as if they were a maple tree
Wrong. Us Q fags know Sather is a shill. Disinfo that uses Q shit for legitimacy. At least understand us before you attack us.
13 posts off topic sperging after getting btfo
just how triggered are you
I will wait until a late cold autumn so I can go full Epstein on your youngest sisters....I will tap that sweet ass maple
Your mom's ass I will let Bernie and his crew ravage as they prefer that sour harvest
let me plow into his grove
>defending hues
>y-you got BTFO dude j0just stop making fun of brasil!!!1
lmao cope-a de macaco
>hue is a practicing homosexual that fetishizes white men
no news here
plz continue fren
I know you are under age guess how
fetish my balls as you drag said nuts in snow and enjoy my syrup
I will go full fucking homo if I am assured that I can cuck a canuck
I currently would enjoy seeing you eat what I nut as a treat as long as we hold hands whilst I nut on your sister's syrup upon the snow
because I'm arousing you and you're attracted to young boys? jokes on you sicko I'm just really immature
I will keep going as long as this cunt thinks he can own me, I can assure you I still have a full tank
you lost bitch
don't fuck with people you don't know
you all are just jealous of Jordan
Am I supposed to know who this faggot is or something?
I knew one of his retards would crawl out eventually , so what have you learned from him kid
>calling out a fellow dog fucker
low, even for canadian standards
>declaring yourself the winner on an internet argument
It's the small victories that count in the favela I suppose
you may have cummed in his mouth at some point, or not
who knows what glory holes you may have visited
love is love bigot
change the lyrics to Canadian standards
I fucking love Canada, no joke
lets see....
he is a youtube "star"
youtube, the liberal brainwashing site
he is a homosexual liberal controlled op
He believes in that new age alien shit because he is a loser like those Qanon fags.
accurate breakdown