Ooga booga


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>Donald Trump’s administration to invest more federal funds to “get into the lives” and “minds” of young white males who are “drawn to white militia, white supremacy, white nationalism because they have nothing else to do.”
How about you stop the white genocide?

OK, give me a huge sum of money and I promise I won't be racist

"she" is not helping people love blacks.
>whites are security threats
please don't follow whites wherever they flee to next time.

>because they have nothing else to do.
We have plenty to do, like going to mars. We just can't, because niggers.

>death to whitey!
>whites are gonna become a minority in twenty years!! xD
>fuck white people, like srsly
>yo, racism is a national security threat, dem white people need summa dat money spent to win dem ova

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I will stop hating niggers for $10 million dollars. Gibzmedat money bitch!

>Need mo money fo dem re-education camps


They're realizing that those young white men are needed to pay for their lives.

Literally all white men should just cash out of society where their government wants to bring in immigrants that will never hold the same values as those that made the country.

They're going to literally start arguing that we need to be rounded up and put into reeducation camps, and be deadpan serious about it.

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>racism only applies to white people
From a position of power you are considered racist due to prejudice.

But I guess you can just redefine words to fit your narrative.

Give me money and I'll stop wishing for the extinction of spics, believe me, I'm not lying.

>demonize white people 24/7 for 60 years
>why dey rayciss doe

>That wide-assed nose.

And all we have to do is remind them they're a nigger and they fall apart.

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Why not just provide some evidence that blacks are equal to whites? Isn't that a first step of trying to persuade people? Has anyone ever even tried?

>Needs money to win over white minds
>Hacker ends up stealing the money and uses it for other stuff

Your move bitch!

No, you can't control my mind you dumb nigger.

Your little social engineering project will fail, spectacularly.

> who have nothing else to do

Gee how fucking come?

QUICK these people are not behaving enough like mindkess consumers call the psych, doctor and talmudvision channels.

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Racism means "doesnt obey blacks" to niggers.

I often wonder how the niggers who understand the dichotomy view the situation. It must seem bizarre that a perceived group “white people (men)” had everything with no reason to give it up manufactured and enforced their own demise.

Lack of racism is a national security threat. It enables turd worlders to take over and destroy the country.

>brian stelter is a pedophile

wow imagine my shock to learn that the horrifying queer who owns this face likes to fuck kids

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Lol. The reason your taxes are so high is because you're racist.

It’s literally an evolutionary defense mechanism

This. Apart from calling them niggers, do not engage jewed-up niggers.

fuck off nigger

The Jews know they are losing control over the momentum of consciousness. We are tilting the scale. This sheboon is just getting her orders from Massa Schlomo. Niggas shouting raycism is getting played out. Too many of them are fucking white girls and not getting hung for it. Getting to fuck a white woman is the end of racism. Every failure after that is YOUR fault nigger. The Jews know they are losing the blacks as a weapon.

she looks like a monkey

Fuck niggers

i swear black "politicians" are unable mentally to take part in any issues so they scurry like hungry roaches to any "racism" issues to look like hard workers. this bitch has done that for 20 years. so pathetic. black people are so pathetic.

from pic I assume you are saying use more whale oi?

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They know the power of guilt. They feel entitled to your "privilege."

You know what would win over white minds? If blacks stopped committing crime and living off welfare. THAT would win over white minds.

This. Were my reparations black boi?

does this mean they want to give us gibs?

>>Dumber than whites
>>Think they're going to 'win' /us/ over

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I would need 30 million to build a nigger-free enclave and I will never be racist again.

Basically asking for funding to wage race war.

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>Racism a national security threat
It's becoming real

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White men are becoming nazis because they have no parks or libraries. You heard it here first!


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Do black politicians have any actual leadership ideas? What policies has this monkey but forward to increase jobs, foster research, enhance the nation through cultural endownments that weren't nigger-tier post modern dreck? Niggers get into office on white man bad. And that is all they have. It is kind of sad reall.

Does this black politician have any other policies other than White Man Bad?

Everything all niggers advocate can always be summed up thus.

imagine her trying to read cursive

>whitey godda pay fo us to brainwash whitey kids wif lies

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Sheila Jackson Lee is braindead in the safest of nig districts, and she has been getting made fun of in the local Houston news for decades.
t. Houstonian

Obesity is a FAR greater threat to National Security than racism or nationalism or... fuck, even social media. We're in goddamned crisis mode here, and eventually the choice is going to come down to either autonomous killing robots as the core of our military - or re-instituting a draft (or at the very least a Selective Service type program), and then having to amend the current training with 8 months to a year of goddamned fat camp to get these chubbos into at least BASELINE physical condition to even undergo bootcamp. And frankly - building a fleet of high-tech autonomous killing machines would still end up being cheap and most likely more reliable than trying to hammer the current generation of shitheels into soldiers.


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Its kind of hard to "win over white minds" with dumb niggers like Sheila Jackson Lee running around.

Give me a huge sum of money and I promise to not be racist. Not racist against based black folk, anyway; you couldn't pay me enough to suppress my opinion that the Synagogue of Satan is utterly wicked, malicious and delight in doing evil because they are damned by compacts signed with demons.

Imagine her trying to read

Check em

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ok Pjotor Dmitriovich

thank fuck. im so glad to know that. thank you sir.


>because they have nothing else to do.

shouldn't have gone after star wars. the bread circuses kept us distracted.

you mean to pay me 5k a month for not saying nigger?

Sounds fair.


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imagine being forced to suck this weirdo off

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No, all they care about is leeching from whitey while their fellow dindus starve to death.

So black people need money to convince white people they are the same as them.

Or put in other language, tax-receivers need money to show tax-payers that they are just like them.


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> be racist
> Government pays me ""Not to be racist""
> be racist anyways over a pornographic anime board owned by a legit Yakuza-leutenent and hosted on a Filipino government server.

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oh shit checkem

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> white minds
> white
Oh she's not going to win over anybody. She's still doing what Democrats do. Race division.
White minds? Just minds would do.
But no it's got to be white minds.
And we're racist?

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lmmfao, we must tax the working white man more to cure his racism. Maybe we are racist cause we already sick of paying fro dem programs.

>As the sun rises and sets, a nigger nigs.

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Nedz munnies 4 dem progamz n' shit

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Why do elites always think money solves their problems? You can't win over a demographic of people by threatening them and calling them all pieces of shit that need their kids round up molested tortured, thrown in wood chippers and murdered.

Throw large sums of money at white people and hope they sell their lives?

>hey you white racist piece of shit ill give you 500k to let me kill you

>invest money
If you want white people to stop being racist you need to transport then to an alternate reality where niggers don't destroy everything

>win over white minds


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>all the niggers in her voting district riot in the street in approval and vote her in again

that's her formula.

>huge sums of money needed for use against white people
She must be a democrat.



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Yet she keeps winning.

What is she even trying to say. "White minds"? What is a white mind.

>he doesn't know what gerrymandering is


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Jews have already spent trillions you dumb nigger

Pic related

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>What is a white mind

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nikkas jis nee mo dem funzz from wypipo fukin raysis azz crakkka muh fuckrs bix nood muh dick beetch

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She can't be replaced by another Democrat because of gerrymandering?

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I doubt she's had a primary challenger in quite a long while

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Imagine being so dumb you think screeching with that face will make people think "truly, this man is my equal "

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fuck dude, this woman is, "our government", fuck dude.... man.

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Did we just get more money'd for dem programs?

That one never gets old.

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