The whole world used to treat us as Gods because of our light complexion and brightly colored eyes...

The whole world used to treat us as Gods because of our light complexion and brightly colored eyes. They submitted to us freely as servants. We never had any slaves. The 'slave' is a foul conception created by dark races, who enslave each other. Now, the whole world hates us because of jealousy and lies. Imagine a person of the dark races looking upon the closest thing to God on this Earth, and then succumbing to the lie and hating that beautiful creation. Make no mistake, 99% of all content is meant to subvert and destroy the blessed White.

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Where did this perversion stem from. Is it innerwoven into the fabric of human jealousy?

When jews get caught doing bad things, they're white.

Attached: Jewish slave ship owners.jpg (539x385, 59K)

>white people own slaves
Wait... wut?

Attached: World Slavery Index.jpg (1484x855, 178K)

They use to treat us as Gotts
Because that’s what we call ourselves
Juten (not to be confused with the circumcised variety with the “d”)

Don’t forget who you are

Pale skin light eyes and lightly coloured hair are markers of those who are the proprietors of civilization through almost all races across all continents on this world.


I had a buddy who went to India on business. he walked down the wrong street and they had children in cages for sale. In the street. In the open street.
It haunted him.

Bro I wanna cum in her

He should have killed them and freed the children.

Jesus Christ.

god status - squandered

White features are god-tier.

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Keep crying faggot, lol. It's making me laugh and i might just cum.

>the whole world used to treat us as gods
up until about 150 years ago, 99.9999% of the world's population lived and died in their hometown. If they weren't white already, the average person probably didn't even know that whites existed. I wish we could go back to that. Just leave us the fuck alone, shitskins.

Destroying the white race is the Jew's main objective. Israel needs to be nuked and every Jew hunted down.

Schizoposter, you are aware that the swarthy roman manlets enslaved your people for hundreds of years, right? You are aware that your countries are now Christian, worshipping a swarthy brown manlet who died 1988 years ago, right? You just posted cringe.

>closest thing to god

I literally spat water everywhere.

cry harder you pale fucks, ill continues to creampie tourists and eradicate you fucks one cucked white husband at a time

>blonde hair/black roots
>LARPing as Aryan master race.

Please. How many meters of black dick has this whore taken?

Leave you alone?

Why the fuck did “you” go ((((colonize)))) every corner of the world speeding up the inevitable mixing of everything?

How about you leave US the fuck alone, cutlet limp dick faggots

Dyed blondes are gas chamber material

>tfw I'll never be a Mauritanian
>I'll never be an Arab or Berber roaming in the desert with a bunch of niggers as slaves to do all my work for me