All msm YouTube videos reporting about Epstein's suicide are heavily disliked.
They have lost the narrative, nobody believes this bullshit.
All msm YouTube videos reporting about Epstein's suicide are heavily disliked.
They have lost the narrative, nobody believes this bullshit.
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Well, good.
>watching YouTube stream of philly shooting a few days ago
>dozens and dozens of comments talking about how it’s a distraction from Epstein
>turns out to be a nigger
They didn't even bother busting out the gun grabbing narrative this time.
k keep me posted
let me know when something actually happens
Doesn't matter. It's legal for the rich to kill, legal for them to fuck children. The legal autopsy result says suicide, it's suicide.
How the fuck did we get here
>When it’s so obvious the normies catch on
Desperate billionaires I guess
So what? You don't believe it and then? Nothing will happen.
>surely this will be the catalyst that spurs the American public into rising against the (((media))) and holding their (((masters))) accountable