All msm YouTube videos reporting about Epstein's suicide are heavily disliked.

They have lost the narrative, nobody believes this bullshit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Well, good.

>watching YouTube stream of philly shooting a few days ago
>dozens and dozens of comments talking about how it’s a distraction from Epstein

>turns out to be a nigger
They didn't even bother busting out the gun grabbing narrative this time.

k keep me posted
let me know when something actually happens

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Doesn't matter. It's legal for the rich to kill, legal for them to fuck children. The legal autopsy result says suicide, it's suicide.

How the fuck did we get here

>When it’s so obvious the normies catch on
Desperate billionaires I guess


So what? You don't believe it and then? Nothing will happen.

>surely this will be the catalyst that spurs the American public into rising against the (((media))) and holding their (((masters))) accountable

the fun thing about this moment is that everybody is a conspiracy theorist right now. Remember that the next time somebody tries to shame you for wrongthink.

Remember lads, the pean bearers drive the narrative, while the blade runners screw the optics. The keyboard is mightier than the rifle.

We are the zeitgeist. Our views get spread everywhere.

Everyone and I mean everyone is suspicious of it. I have some very skeptical friends in real life who have brought it up.

They already made up their minds, they had enough time to see all the evidence and make up their minds. Then when this coroner's report came out it merely cemented their decision and their distrust of government and law enforcement and justice.

Those aren’t the people they’re trying to disarm. They want inner city blacks to do stupid cocky “muh gun/dick” shit to the police so they can make ghetto saints out of dead niggers and use their corpses as soapboxes and then burn those soapboxes ever since the BLM movement got the pilot light going. Even those “community organizers” (loudmouth nigger puppets) are all irrelevant now. The next phase probably starts up in spring 2020 but we’ll see

>everyone knows it was murder
>Barr's investigation chastises prison officials for irregularities but clears all foul play
>everyone knows the investigation is BS
>No Epstein connections to other rich and powerful people are pursued
>nobody does anything

Kek please bless this thread and let somebody do something for once.

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Remember to check 4plebs for the info dumps filled with connections, you can actually link Crucius to Epstein and MKultra.

If you guys haven't seen it yet, Stefan had an emergency room doctor come in and explain how the entire suicide narrative is 100% bullshit if he had multiple broken bones in his neck.

Unironically boomers.
Gen X is almost as bad too.
Millennials are mostly faggots and drug addicts now.
Zoomers are incredibly blackpilled, they don't have the luxury of sweet little lies.

The world is going to burn soon. Everything and everyone is fucked and all power is held with a death grip.
Only divine intervention will prevent the incoming crash.

Epstein is alive. If he were dead his insurance blackmail files would have leaked.

Unless he had something to protect. Wasn't he married? Maybe he actually gave a shit and needs the blackmail stuff to keep her safe. I doubt it though. Maybe he didn't have anything on anyone and was just bluffing the whole time. Maybe they did leak and were stopped easily. We just don't know.

Dead or alive; it's irrelevant as something very odd happened in that cell, and people want to know the answer, and also know who the responsibles are.

The fact that they still exist to even push a narrative proves none of it fucking matters.

Guys we need to start a petition on and get it to go viral.

I know it sounds cringey but think about it... they got 1.7 million signatures for the petition to remake Game of Thrones season 8, and that received a TON OF PRESS and HBO even officially acknowledged it.

Theres a very narrow window for this to go viral and it's right FUCKING NOW. We need millions of Americans to sign that damn thing and show that we wont accept this corruption and lies.

MSM will absolutely have to report on it when it gets big enough

>they got 1.7 million signatures for the petition to remake Game of Thrones season 8
>muh dragon kween
Best ending ever, and I thought that show had gone to the shitter.

yo what if he actually killed himself and their whole plan is to make us believe he didn't so they can distract us from the real issue out there.... our imminent death!?!?

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My normie co-worker asked me if I ever heard of Epstein.
I said sure
He said that Nigga was murdered.

>(((they))) absolutely have to

Fuck yourself normie

>tmw not even the normies are buying the narrative
Is this what finally redpills the masses to the lamestream propaganda?

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Call me a faggot, kike, whatever..
I don't give a shit.

You guys are fucking Jow Forums.
You guys are anonymous.

You are everyone and no one.
When you united, you all but toppled a certified, fraudulent (((religion))) that that was a top player in hollywood.

Everyone knows this (((suicide))) is bullshit.
Unite again.
Don't let this die.
Let this be a burning reminder that never heals in the mind of the common public of just how corrupt our government is and how the elites control them and the law.

Do not let this die.
Keep the public awake.
Keep them angry.
They will keep asking questions.

You can do this.
We ALL can do this.

And so Trump’s conspiracy was successful and the Clintons will be thrown in Jail?

>>They have lost the narrative, nobody believes this bullshit.
well yeah, stupid goyim are arguing whether it was muh clintons or muh trump, but never the jews.

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For fucks sake get out of your hurr durr normiefag simpleton bullshit. 99.9% of America are fucking normies. And guess what? They're all pissed right now and everyone wants an outlet to vent and have their voice heard.

What do you suggest we do? Keep shitposting amongst ourselves on the asshole of the internet?

Fuckin pol sometimes cant get out of their own way to see the bigger picture

All of the connections have been drawn, the problem is that 99% of people (normies) do not care.

Facts are facts, until the fuckery done by those in power causes people not to be able to feed their young children for days at a time, not a god damn thing will happen...everyone is too busy getting their dopamine rush from their phone

We need more doctors to debunk this.
Doctors with credentials.
We need to demand a recreated, scientific breakdown of how this was a suicide.

Quit crying, faggot.

We need to start the petition on

We need lots of signatures on a petition calling this bullshit out.

They cant just memory hole this and dismiss everyone who questions their bullshit narrative if theres MILLIONS of people that sign it

Very constructive ideas you've presented there, thank you for your post

Quit your fucking whining. gets sorosbux
Get off your high horse and get back out to where you came from

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you glow fren

Mistargeted comment.
Was for the guy under you.
My bad

I like these new lyric poets suddenly popping out of nowehere in recent days, prose is for normies. PEN BEARERS ARE MIGHTIER THAN BLADE RUNNERS.

Which means a happenin is a happenin tohappeninmorrow ;)


K so let's do nothing then and resign ourselves to the fact that we're worthless cattle. Yah I like your plan. At least we have each other, right polfags??

Your glow far outshines my own.
If you wanna piss yourself and hide in a corner until you die, go afuckinghead, but quit your damn crying in an attempt to make everyone as emo as you.

I'm gonna stay angry.

Death of God. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

I don't think they're trying to make anyone believe this. They did in the most obvious way just to fuck with everyone. So we all have to go one knowing what they do and that we can't stop them. It's just one big fuck you to the world.

Expect a massive false flag at Portland. Let’s hope the public remembers their skepticism from Philly.

Wew that was good thanks

Why don’t you go do something useful by yourself instead of relying on others to sign your petition that might maybe get corporate media attention
Billionaires who can have people suicided don’t mind a petition or two anyways
Do nothing? If it’s between this and nothing then sure, go with nothing reductionist

question: if a ultra rich, ultra well connected dude like Epstein can get "suicided" in his "security" cell?
Exactly what protections are ni place for the average user in jail for a week or two for simple non-payment of fines?
ANSWER: *none*
there, but for the grace of God, go any user.

Do you think it hasn't always been like this? That the rich and powerful haven't always been doing this exact shit with varying levels of secrecy for centuries?

Look at this kike, why always the dismissive tone?
Is it really that hard being an absolute faggot?
Imagine, being so vile and disgusting that special laws had to be made against people criticizing you.
Truly pathetic.

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Yes. That's correct.
We are the news now.
Do try and keep up, son.

Even the MSM are questioning the official narrative, something they dont dare do when it comes to 9/11 or racial crime statistics. Why this story? Maybe Epstein did actually kill himself- or this is a new advanced form of shilling?

He's not a kike you dummy, he's VPN bro.

I've seen comments on mainstream news sites change dramatically over the past five years, especially when ti comes to the JQ. Now I wonder about television rat66ings - I honestly do not know a single person who watches Colbert or Daily Show. I think they lie through their teeth about viewership. Nobody loses - the ad agencies make money based on ratings, and the shows make money based on ads, so if they are lying about viewership they both profit.

Kikes might control the narrative and the lobby gatekeepers, but even them can't control truth. You see, truth is like a force of nature, a constant. They can have an ocean of lies, but the tiniest bubble of truth will always find a way to the surface.

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Whose death is imminent & why?


independent autopsy coming next week lads

we're just getting started

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>Msm videos being targeted by Russian bots

Lmao does it ever end for you fucking idiots?


>muh Russia

>t. delusional zoomer

oh no, people on the internet are mass voting something?!

well, i guess then those are the facts...

>independent autopsy coming next week lads
There's going to be a second opinion from a different corpse molester?

Wait I though Russians murdered Epstein?

Same thing happened to me
Couldnt believe it

It's pretty pathetic that people are turning to an online mongolian basket weaving forum to save the west.
There is no "we". There is a "you". Go fucking do something.

That antifa rally is happening tomorrow. Wouldn't be surprised to see it become a shooting.

I brought it up to my dad and he immediately went into a rant about the Clinton's and said "follow the money"
Two years ago he was trying to pass off the Russia BS as fact.

>NEETs and retired boomers opinions on youtube mean everyone thinks the same way

Do you guys think the normies back in the 60s were like this about JFK? Did people know right away or did that shit bubble up after years and years because of lack of internet?

Hell yeah I'm doing something.
I'm keeping everyone around me informed when new info and rumors pop up.
I encourage them to look into it, reserch, and think for themselves.
I tell them to keep asking questions.

I'm also reminding folks that fucking crying won't fix anything.

I may not have much influence, I may be a pebble in a pond- but I refuse to be a defeatistfag.

According to my parents, a lot of people were happy he was shot. The South hated Kennedy.

Nope. I miss the days when Jow Forums wasn't so popular and it wasn't a target for low-quality shills.

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They don’t even have to be believed. They can put out obvious bullshit and no one will do a damn thing about it

>They have lost the narrative, nobody believes this bullshit.

So what?

No one is willing to do what really needs to be done with Washington, Hollywood and the media.

70 years ago men would have rounded these people up and lynched them, now we post about how annoyed we are on the internet....faggotry!

many MSM sources are actively questioning this, you should ask why Barr isn't, Kushner

>According to my parents, a lot of people were happy he was shot. The South hated Kennedy.

Whatever kennedy was he was the last legit president you had.

His murder was the last nail in the coffin that let the (((cabal))) take over

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Nah, he is a kike.
But what is strange is that he had typed three lines of text.
Now it is two lines of text when I come back to the thread.
If what he said wasn't so substantially unimportant and retarded perhaps I would have cared to remember.

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Seems like since Parkland and Vegas they became so sloppy it’s like they may truly be retarded when their big OP falls apart in less time than it takes to heat up some tendies.

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The only difference now is the internet exposing it. Not sure where we go from here. Only war is possible

I remember it was a huge deal he was Catholic, as it was looked down upon at the time. Also, rich kid from an East coast family with ties to all sorts of questionable people...kind of like Trump in a lot of ways.

I don't think they care about losing the narrative. Epstein was a globe trotting blackmailing pedo who had his attorneys hang out eight hour a day at the prison so he didn't have to be in his cell and he had a young female visitor in the lawyer/client room at that ghetto prison. He's magically suicided and Trump retweets some black guy rambling about the Clintons. AG Barr is about as swampy as it gets if cant secure a child sex trafficker. That's some mighty fine leadership right there

>I remember it was a huge deal he was Catholic

Yeah...most southerners were Scots/Irish or English protestants like here in new Zealand and looked down on Catholic Irish

It reminds me of the shooting of Randy Weaver's wife and baby, and the assault on Waco, women and children killed, burned to death.
The average guy knew it was BS and people were angry.

epstein's lawyers hired a private physician who observed the state autopsy

100% he's going to come out and say homicide

>epstein's lawyers hired a private physician who observed the state autopsy 100% he's going to come out and say homicide

Unless he ends up hanging himself too.

And a a lot of people thought Kennedy in Chicago and Johnson in Texas, precinct 13, stole the election. Nixon should have demanded a recount.
The Dallas newspapers 11/22/1963 were accusing Kennedy of treason and calling him a communist.
He felt about the same way, upon landing in AF1 saying, "We're in nut country now."

"Well, Mr. President, you can't say Dallas doesn't love you."

This was mentioned on this board about 3 years ago. We are so polarized with the right and the left fighting each other that the country is splitting right down the middle.

The only thing that would unite America is the uncovering and executions of the pedo elite