We're fucked, aren't we?

We're fucked, aren't we?

Attached: 2019-08-16.png (1000x750, 1.12M)

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Liberals and non-whites are ugly.

The dog looks embarrassed to be photographed with these people.

Poor dog, surrounded by all those aberrations.

Attached: file.png (484x363, 204K)

I think what you mean to ask is:
did #5 really chop his own dick off, or is he just "tucking"

>Why yes we do punch nazis, how could you tell?

Are these standard issue Oregonians?

Pretty much, yep

is that moot on the left?

Imagine throwing haymakers and 1v6'ing them and that dog. Feel like a fucking super human Spartan elite

is far right a girl or a guy?

>Only the dog shows shame

>quick get in the chatroom, we’re raiding the alt-right, incels with blacked porn again
>I’ll share my 2TB stash with you comrades. MAINTAIN ROLCON

I-5 corridor scum, they could be located pretty much anywhere between Eugene and Portland.

What happened to normal people?

He’s seen some shit

This is the future of America, and it's beautiful!

Attached: 40Q27SEI.jpg (810x1528, 435K)

I fucking despair I do. It used to be that dressing kinda cooky and being different was cool and original. But if everyone is weird and cooky then it's not weird or cooky anymore it's normal. These sheep all deserve to be nailed on a cross.

If Only You Knew How Bad Things Really Are

Attached: 0NnEzl98.webm (848x464, 970K)


This should be a "name my band" thread.

i feel sorry for the poor dog having to stick around these faggots

Attached: 44a36c3f.jpg (880x1270, 77K)

Too white.

none of the people in this image are getting laid

im not even a big dude, but every antifa ive seen i could easily smash.

Hah, he fell on his keys.

The dog is a vegan BTW


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Not really. A few of them look ready for their first red pill.

that's actually a girl.look at the eyes

Zero life force in these people.

Jesus. What a hook, just goes fucking flying.

I feel bad for him

they’re all white.