How and why the kikes killed Kennedy in 13 minutes or less

The video wont be up for long, watch it while you can

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Other urls found in this thread:

(((Jacob Leon Rubenstein)))

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Keeping it alive while anons watch

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for this

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Which is why its so important normies see this stuff. Say what you will about boomers but none of them believe the official JFK story, let us show them the way user.

It's always the jews, ain't it

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Good video m8. Have a bump

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Every single time

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Ill let it die when the view count stops rising

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They also got James Forrestal, who opposed the Zionists in 1948

enjoyed and backed up user

Doing Gods work user

Ive noticed a distinct lack of shills in this thread, I wonder why

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I uploaded this same video on BitChute a few weeks ago, just checked on it and what do ya know. Only 3 views and shoaed. Download this now anons.

Attached: (((bitchute))).png (1920x1080, 128K)

bump for great video with a sad ending

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i cant take it anymore ill go become a monk

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>The video wont be up for long, watch it while you can
Oh God, what did this place have become

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Great work

Something I've never really thought about: was the attack on the USS Liberty, symbolic? Was that literally the reason. A perverted celebration of the jew/israeli destruction of American "liberty".

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"Israel's story is that they thought USS Liberty was an Egyptian ship and therefore a legitimate target of war. Were that true, there would be no reason to attack a supposedly Egyptian ship with unmarked aircraft. The only possible reason to use unmarked aircraft to attack the ship is that Israel knew it was an American ship and intended to sink it, then to blame the attack on Egypt.

Moorer, who as top legal council to the official investigation is in a position to know, agrees that Israel intended to sink the USS Liberty and blame Egypt for it, thus dragging the United States into a war on Israel's behalf."

The removal of JFK permitted the Rothschilds/Rockefeller seizure of the US Silver Standard, and the printing up of two unbacked bills paying themselves one real one. They then, demanded silver and gold on demand.

The unbacked bills were laundered in the defense contracts of Lockheed, Bell, American General Dynamics, etc: forever vesting our currency to be backed by the military.

Because JFK refused to escalate Vietnam, it is clear he knew.

I see a lot of anons quote Executive Order 11110, which is significant, but as we know after watching the video it falls short as a motive. Personally I think keeping Americas currency a fiat illusion was just icing on the cake. The survival of the j*wish state comes first.

Cool, reported your propaganda video stalwart scum.


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>13 minutes
tl:dr fag. But the kikes kill JFK because he shut down the precursor to AIPAC by making them register as a foreign lobby. That jew org folded up and repackaged as the AIPAC we see today.

Keeping it alive with qts

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Archive it?

No it didn’t

>Nuh uh
yuh huh it did.


You have your facts mixed up, Robert was murdered for attempting to label what is now AIPAC as a foreign agent. JFK was murdered for attempting to cut of Israeli aide without inspections of Dimona.



Someone beat me to it on, your best bet is to download and reupload because its an absolute guarantee its going to be shoaed. Most likely with my whole account.

Based Johnny Gat.

nah cunt it was jackie you can literally see her pull it up to his chin on the lower left side of his face which exits the outer right side of the top of his skull. jackie was also jewish, and tried her best to keep it a secret.

Attached: jackie has the gun in her right hand, and pulls it away.gif (320x240, 2.7M)

I ain't clicking that shit

Fucking bump.

Took you long enough

Attached: dasjuden.webm (1920x1040, 1.31M)

Can you or someone please archive this video ASAP

Great Job on the video OP, anybody have a link where I can download this fine piece of work, or do I really need to jewgle "utube to mp4" or "how2 download jewtube video" or someshit like that

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Ive had a long day Jow Forums, its time for me to get some rest. Have one last qt, its up to you to keep this alive now. Remember to download.

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pure coincidence


>I ain't clicking youtube

based OP


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put it on Bitchute faggot

"The 1953 article 'We Called Him Uncle Georgie', originally published in The National Guardsman and reprinted in V.F.W. Magazine and Quartermaster Review XXXIII, about Patton by Red Cross worker Betty South, who had direct access to the general at the relavent time, says:

>When he went to Berlin to receive the kiss of death from the Russians he remarked shortly, "I think we've been fighting the wrong people all this time, but I've oiled my belly so I can stay with them on the Vodka.
>My front will be as good as theirs."

Another related exact quote is:

>"the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe.
>It's a choice between them and the Russians.
>I prefer the Germans."

See Your faith in bitchute is misplaced user

Patrick Little is an agent provocateur. LOL

Nice video.

Remember reading years ago about how they treated Mordechai Vanunu, honey trapping him and then kidnapping from London to Israel.
Israel having nukes was the most important thing for them.

btw, Vanunu was a Jew who converted to Catholicism, thats what made them hate him more than anything.

The jew fears the Little.

If any oldfags are lurking listen up. On my old hard drive I had a file saved of a kike run anti semite watch list, thousands of names, and what do ya know good ol Pat was right there with the rest of them. I cant find it anywhere on the web.

My question is this: why would kikes put one of their own on their watch list? Fuck off Ezra. Ok going to bed now, remember shills get the rope first.

Good shit user

Bump for actual information among the noise

this user gave it It's also noteworthy that after him being vocal about it, he (((died in a random car accident)))