Reminder that this is what is leeching on the American Medicare system every day

Reminder that this is what is leeching on the American Medicare system every day

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shieeeeeeeeeeeet how do i leech off the system too

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Boogie's still alive while zyzz is worm food lmao

Does anyone have more Boogie stuff where he's actually being a massive prick to everyone and his fans?
Love reading that shit because it'll bite him on the fat arse one day.


Piana, Etika, and Totalbiscuit died first too. There really is no god.

Don't fucking say that. Take it back.
I miss him

The ultimate soi boi fat fuck cuck, someone post his nasty bruised ass and his ex's live in mandingo

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>Career is almost dead

Feels good, a shame he will be a bigger government leech because of it though.

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Reminder that the rest of the YouTube community is now catching on to his antics

DSP is still somehow around too.

Dude where the fuck does this fat lard live? I swear on my mother I saw this guy driving and couldn't put my finger in how i knew him.

what's the deal with him watching quart now, but.. I do not pay attention to this lard ass


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Boogie is 44 years old.

God damn how is he still alive?

was the front seats ripped out, so he could fit inside the car?

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What can realistically be done? Even if we went beyond Medicare for All and had an NHS type of system it wouldn't make much of a difference for health outcomes as can be seen in the UK. According to the CDC prevention would help, but what kind of policy would actually work?

He lost like 300 pounds

Wasn't a lot of it through surgery though

>lost like 300 pounds
He had surgery. The lazy fucker couldn't lose any pounds by himself.

Other countries have fat people too, and they manage.

one of my ex roomates was this 300 pound 5'0 lardbucket who had cancer like 7 years ago and still collected social security disability from that original case.

he never left the house unless it was to grab a bunch of cheese and mountain dew when the food stamp card came in every month.

absolutely disgusting creature. many, many such cases.

>this is what is leeching on the American Medicare system every day
he doesnt look spic or even nigger user

I miss watching that nigger during a Nintendo Direct.

Is boogie fat again?

good, we should all be proud of fat white men for exercising their right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness. freedom is free, dont let the kikes fool you otherwise

Other countries do not have nearly as high rates of obesity. Mexico and Saudi Arabia are the only other countries at a comparable level to America.

Reminder. He’s already said he makes too much money to be on Obamacare. He pays for his shit because he has to.

Total Biscuit flipped his shit when he was asked IRL if traps were gay

He died as an SJW.

Except he isn't because he's paying into it as well dumb fag

You have to be 18 or older to post on this board

So wait, how is this faggot any different then e-thots and pewdiepie? They're all the same faggots doing nothing and getting faggot orbiters to buy them shit

His Nintendo videos was just pure shilling and were blatant advertisement the other none nintendo videos were better

You need to make an argument to post an objection, Timmy.

Those are pretty good with vodka and hash oil.

Haven't seen a doctor other than a physical 10 years ago required for college. Only 28, workout 5 days a week, and eat a pristine diet. Obamacare cost me 20k in fines and useless health insurance that didn't cover shit. I drive a vehicle worth $1k and could have used that $20k to have almost as nice a car as Shaniqua. Contractors really get fucking screwed in this country.

This guy is a internet legend that deserves EVERY PENNY

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Actually its old white women.... Look it up.

Capitalism was a mistake.

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Should be a pic of Congress dude

Ayy i leech off of america and get sway with it because im smart unlike dumbass here that work all day i have enough freetime to make you all jealous and still have a roof over my head which i only pay $300 a month for while living in a nice suburb, and whites wanna say theyre the smartest lol

guy was a complete faggot

That's a 10/10 in Muttland.

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Totalbiscuit kinda had it coming though. Pretty much proves god since it’s divine-intervention-tier karma.

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fat people are subhumans and wont be allowed in the ethnostate

The guy is a sexual deviant. Why does he have a soft girl voice as his twitch text reader while his donation soundbite is gotta get paid to get laid. This guy has serious issues. I'm not surprised about his wife's claims calling him rapey.

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I personally am happy that I was paying $310 a month for ObamaCare as a healthy 28 year least it helped pay for Boogie's stomach stapling and new teeth!

So a roid monkey, literal monkey, and a onions died.

every time I see this I get disgusted all over again....there is something so incredibly gross about watching Boogie gather up speed with his fat fucking humping motions....Imagine the hooker that had to fuck him, probably OD'd and ended it all afterwards.

Fat people are so gpd damn fucking disgusting. If you are fat you should just fucking end yourself. Think we've got enough fucking resources for 9 billion plus people AND your fat, ugly ass? Think again.

on a 20 minute binge watching his stuff now. thanks
zyzz( not boogie)

Fat folk exist everywhere in every country except when communism is applied. OP is clueless.

> again


No, the entire climate is being fucked because fatass lardasses the world over need more food, electronics and other bullshit. Nothing short of a second Holocaust will save us.