The ((( elites))) are living in a gore hentai anime

Attached: biljana_djurdjevic_serbia_pain.jpg (1060x1000, 295K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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wtf is this shit
one day, the elites would pay

All of this is art of the most important consellier of hillary clinton

Attached: MpVkPJ5.jpg (960x934, 118K)


Podestas art that was rumoured to be in pedo satanistic rituals with childrens

could i get v& for this shit

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Maybe they should've hired better artist. These aren't cute at all.

No this is just how serbians express themselves artistically, there's plenty of fucked up dark comedy movies from there.

Usa is literally leaded by pedo satanistic kikes

Attached: 4dummies.jpg (520x663, 154K)


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Global goverment for you. I wonder if poutine do the same?

USA you have a guns, why are your satanic govt is still alive?

Everything is public and well referenced
Google it

Attached: Marina Abramovic & John Podesta & Hillary Clinton 3.jpg (658x1301, 118K)

They aren't trying to be. A lot of art is just trying to see if it can provoke a complex reaction

People are comfortably stupid/numb to the evils and those that aren't have no leadership. At least that's what I thought off the top of my head.

Did he cut her open in real life too?

Reverse search just takes me to some Serbian artist's website

And of course im not trying to make this a partidist muuu hillary muuu trump

The elite is the same

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That is satanic goverment for you too.

Of course.

And people still say Hitler did anything wrong

nuke america

Your govt and local villagers do the same.

OMG not true at all, we live in a DEMOCRACY, TINFOIL HAT, how dare you post this, bigot??

Stop trying to reopen pizzagate

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Bruh even if it was true you'd have no way in hell of uncovering it. Even if you did you can't spread the info news stations would never pick this up and you'd just be labeled as a crazy conspiracy theorist.

I dunno, this is the country that produced a Serbian Film so I'm unlikely to take this art seriously

If only he allied with slavs ....

Mote podesta retrates

Attached: f0bcdf6b1229dac62d9e3a9a4fbe8c71.jpg (283x400, 14K)

>1. who cares about labels
Everyone retard

>all that matters is that some people know the truth, then it'll spread from there
Then it would spread as a rumour like one of those many other creepy ghost stories, no one would take it as a fact

In this age good guys should be charge I suppose. So wrecking some evil bastards is possible because of their time.

Attached: 8SzwQc8j2KJb4ARrxQxCjX4jizub4U5CAK3WwB89poQNTTNbxBfbmWEF2a8ENkaiqEVmbPTwh2J2LpPjzBNrgY2XmcgSzTtXgEQt (983x687, 88K)

The reality is horrible.

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We also live in a world where photographic evidence can be forged. Hell even video evidence isn't safe anymore, deepfakes, cgi, etc.

>people want to ban loli pics
>fucking tumblr SJWs they are just drawings it's freedom of speech!
>rich guy likes some Serbian artist's western loli pics
>NOOOOOO this is satanic pedophilia oh god Hitler please come back!

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After what happened with epstein pedo island and how he was killed are you really surprise?

Or how jimmy savile and a lot of british politician raped more than 600 childrens in the bbc studios and nobody said anything until he died.

Attached: savile-analysis-011 (1).jpg (300x180, 12K)

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there is nothing wrong with pedophilia

>weird paintings on the internet
>this is proof that the elites are satanistic jewish pedos

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Nice argument, faggot.

Israel will be nuked out of existence and your filthy race exterminated from the face of the earth

Uh, what the fuck is this thread?

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Pretty shit art. The Japanese already do excellent loli stuff; why not hang an illustration by 犬星 on your office wall instead of this dreary shit?
Cunny is about beauty, not hideous western garbage.


You're not cute

Yes, you sound like a well adjusted person. Guess what you post is 100% credible.

Fucking kill yourself, normalfag cunt. Consensual sex is not rape, no matter how much it offends you. Young girls enjoy orgasms just like older ones.

I do not approve of lewding Bocchi.

ok what the fuck


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who even draws that shit

Not only that but israel have become the center of the organ trafic in the world

>De Wereld Morgen, however, stuck to the assertion that Israel “kidnapped” and “murdered” Palestinian children and used organs belonging to the Palestinians its forces killed.

The New York Times also said in an August 2014 report that transplant brokers in Israel had pocketed enormous sums of money. Based on the newspaper's analysis of major organ trafficking cases since 2000, Israelis had played a “disproportionate role” in organ trafficking.

They are literally killing palestinian children to obtain their organs

You shouldn't use echoing (the 3 brackets meme). It is an anti-Semitic meme. In fact, the actual Nazis back in the day used it. You really should be more mindful, user.

Israeli mastermind behind organ trafficking ring is arrested in Cyprus

WTF this isn't just some random shit from Deviantart?!?!!!

Attached: wtf.jpg (360x360, 57K)

Wait, why do you believe something that was written by the (((MSM)))?


Rather than from someone that's an (((ally))) of Israel?

Too fragmentated with the social media to bypass the control better make a little article that everyone would forget in a day.

why are their asses all red?

do you need to enjoy this kind of art to become part of the elite or will you get this taste once you became part of the elite?

>mfw this entire thread
Evil undeniably exists

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Every day my faith in god grows, because I can't bare the thought that there is some higher reason that this happens. There has to be some force that guides us. It would be nothing but an eternity of despair on earth without the end times.

user, the world point of earth is to let people do whatever and judge them for it. There's no point in calling a muzzled dog a good boy. You have to give it the choice to do bad if you want to call it truly good. Even if the outcome is completely known the value comes from the action itself.

If there is a God he/it sure as shit doesn't care about individuals. And I get it if you make something that has free will you cant dictate their life so its out of your hands so to speak but damn youd think he would make a revision or two by now

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88 and 666!!!??? Truth!

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Establishment intelligence agencies actively suppress the only portion of the population with the capability to rise up as a unified group to end their tyranny. That’s why nothing happens. Things need to get even more Weimar...

Good question, Vlad.

The publicly known Vanderbilt bloodline is not complete. Some namechanged scrubbed records and are still quite wealthy.

Every other pool likes like that, get a job.

they all look germanic like they have a fetish on germanic people


also jews with germanic dna is the most dangerous creature

It looks worse than a digital painting.

Marina Abrahamovic is a disgusting Jew that needs to be killed

Me to man this shit pisses me off but also makes me feel really bad for these kids

Nobody's starving yet.

>it's just weird art user ;)

Anyone who doesn't think these creeps aren't pedos are in denial.

Attached: 1564794870383.png (979x1079, 1.17M)

Pedo networks are being systematically brought down, world wide. There's barely a week goes by now without a bust of pedo ring or smuggling operation somewhere. Each one expands the scope of the investigations, points in new directions, and adds to the mounting piles of evidence.
This pedo shit and child grooming will be eliminated, at least at the scale which it had been at for the past few decades.

Attached: download.jpg (259x194, 7K)

these pedo elites get off on hiding in plain site, smirking as they fool the NPCs


I find it very unlikely Epstein was involved in any super conspiracy considering how sloppy he was. He just hired random teen sluts of the street and then just let them live to testify against him one day. If he had some mega advanced kidnapping/breeding scheme it would be retarded to do the out in the open blatant shit he ended up getting caught for. He probably does have blackmail though.

You'd think white liberals would notice their Jew masters want their kids insanely tortured one day.

It sickening.

isnt this that art made by a woman who claims to have multiple personalities?

>He probably does have blackmail though
From what, if he wasn't "involved in any super conspiracy"? @3:49
this is just some woman's art who claims to have DID and childhood trauma

Here's what I think happened.
Epstein was protected for years.
But Jow Forums and the internet in general got a hold of his name on a wide scale, using the internet more and more people know who this guy is and the """rumours""" surrounding him.
So they killed him to basically say to the internet and the people "Look it's all finished now, no more pedo's go home stop looking into this".

there's only a few of them left alive, most were killed

Maybe. But now the feds have the co-conspirators. They'll rat to save themselves from prison.