How do we fix Christianity?

How do we fix Christianity?

Attached: EBjhJfAXUAITNGO.jpg (746x1024, 164K)

Other urls found in this thread:

remove evangelicals and the papacy

kill the pope and start an inquisition on evangelicals

Make it strong again. Actually enforce the rules. Stop being subjective and nihilistic. There's no room for that.

make them love guns again

Reclaim the holy land

>father of five

Attached: this is what peak performance looks like.jpg (677x1024, 58K)

Undo vatican 2 and give us a based pope

By rejecting it in toto

>In a Facebook status update announcing a celebration of life service for her late husband, his wife Kathy asked people to donate to Casa de Paz, an organization in Aurora that provides shelter, meals, access to phones and transportation to families separated by immigrant detention.