Never forget what (((they))) took from us

Never forget what (((they))) took from us

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This young man could be you

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Back when women were women and men were men

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White families? Oy vey can't have that goy

Go further back.

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Just buy Mexican Coke, ironically it's better than the US version

The guy in that ad looks like a young Ronald Reagan

That's because they use real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup

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Anything following the Protestant Reformation was a mistake.

I want to forget the culture of degeneracy they replaced it with. But I can't.

>supports coke


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Canadian coke is the same, made with sugar.

>nooooo!!!! it's the jews' fault that i'm a limp dick incel that women avoid like the plague!!! it's their fucking fault that all women are whores!!! i'm not the problem at all, it's the fucking jews!!! it's not fucking fair!!!!

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holy fucking shit you guys are literally retarded. have you ever been to a nice suburb? how about a any top tier frat/sorority at a good school?
these families/values are stock standard. wmwf pairings galore.

I Shlomo


Do you guys think this is clever to say or something? I see it all the time on here. It's fucking retarded.

You're fucking retarded... with your topic that you replied to a million times because no one else would.

You cocksucker.

It makes me sad this is gone
Can we go back?

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Fuck off trannie
I dream of the day we will gas your kind