But WHY?

when this got tweeted everyone used the opportunity to take the piss on the CIA, and probably with good reasons...

...but you're all failing to pin the point here:

namely to ask the question why.

WHY is this happening? WHY now? WHY is it even publicized and discussed, considering the CIA's alleged covertness?

Attached: cia.jpg (624x520, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

usar.army.mil/Portals/98/Documents/ARCD/MILPER Messages/CY20 COL CMD MILPER Message Number 19-010.pdf?ver=2019-03-19-132131-763

I wish the glow niggers would just try to start a Civil War. Gotta divert the public from your pedophile friends in Washington huh? Every federal officer who isn't actively working against Washington's agenda deserves a bullet to the skull. All military personnel who support Washington's agenda likewise deserve a bullet to the skull. All of the kike loving, pedophile protecting, child raping, Congressman and Senators deserve a bullet to the skull. Fuck this gay country, fuck you retarded limpwristed faggots, fuck your dog and fuck your mom. It all needs to be burned dow

Attached: 1565507982267m.jpg (887x1024, 122K)

imagine trusting an unsourced post about the CIA written by some random broad on twitter in the current year

Anyone here verify that?

Tell me you fags just saw that post and im not hallucinating

Lots of the rank and file hate the pozzed leadership. The best thing Trump can do is purge the leadership at glow agencies so the agents that have been redpilled here can take charge

verify what?

wtf does “all hands stop loss” even mean in such a context? regardless of the fact that this is a larp is that even a thing?

Fuck the CIA and the rest of the US IC

let this be a thread for theorizing.

my 2 cents:
A huge psy-op / media storm / false flag is coming up that intends to implicate the US and/or ally/ies as victims of aggression, that is meant to incite a conflict / war.

Someone just posted a couple of messages that were like codes and IMPLEMENT STOP LOSS/ STOP MOVEMENT PROGRAM and then some more coded shit with august14 date said it was true, did a >t. Glower and said he wouldnt reply. Post was gone like right after it was posted. Faster than you can delete your own post

>but WHY?

>he doesn't follow Q

Rats fleeing a sinking ship.
Soviet spooks were flooding out of Russia noticibly staring about 3 years before their collapse.

probably because people report larping faggots instantly. larpers make me personally rage.

Got it on replay. It was up for like 6 seconds

Attached: Untitled.png (1040x456, 67K)

Q already said this would happen

What does this mean in non-schizo?

It's on the archives, it seems it was a larp

why do incels want the cia to fail?

I’d join CIA but I love dude weed and adderall too much. They probly have shit leadership or gay standards like not being white.

hmmm interesting

Yes. It can be issued by any critical government agency or institution. Prisons, military, you name it they can issue emergency stop loss and force current employees or members to stay despite contracts expiring or any other issues.

They'll arrest and prosecute you if you refuse to work.

you doing okay man?

id join but you need a kike college degree. ive been working a trade for 8 years and earn more than every friend i know with a fake college degree. so fuck the cia for being retards

All hands means err’body from the janitor to the roastie secretary.

here with context

Attached: Glow.png (1946x1796, 827K)

It just means they're not allowed to quit their job temporarily because they're hiring replacements too slowly.

CIA never stopped announcing the flight plan, Bane was just too autistic to get it. See for yourself, from Nolan's original screenplay:

Dr. Pavelheer
Button Lee
Juan Aviéu
"Fast Owen" Tattaq
Gitstus Taeion
Maier Kraft
Hugh Pediéu
Tughrab di Qatar
Paul Vil
Heidi Dinn
Flass O'Goode
Howance Tàuterai
Tillmie á Bouté
Veidoû Sïwere
Allah Dalai al-Teih
Frau Haìrdegon
Atlee Sioux
Hugh Aeiou
Irfah Boulte
Willy Uday
Yuri Bigaev
Voss Göeting
Partov Īplaan
Will Khäng
Roche U.
"Lesions" Yagat
Hieselv Kòutê
Nâvou Watts
Dan Echsteppe
Auvia Masze
"Tupple" Anne

when was the first ghislaine maxwell spotting?

College is sort of a joke really. I have a stem degree and I don’t even really use it in my job. They’d probly do better just recruiting fucking autists and letting them weapons free investigate. Only thing I can think a degree would be useful for is like chemistry/physics maybe comp sci in CIA. The rest of the shit is politics and probly being a yes man bitch.


Why does the CIA want us to raise other people's children for free???


When i google it i just get websites with similarly formatted messages for US Army stop loss/stop movement messages

Got a real source?

im literally a genius with a 145-165 IQ, i could easily do any job they have for me. their loss. ill continue to effortlessly fix air conditioners for random jews for loads of money until i die instead

set up 4chanX extension to see (Dead)/deleted posts

They are just pretending to be normal ppl now user working at the local convenient store targeting there next victims to mind jack

Attached: hahaheil.gif (460x266, 1022K)

the glownigger taunts are tanking morale
this will be terry's enduring legacy

If you were smart your great intellect could automatically precieve they like idiots they can use and throw away

>he's a Qoomer

Hes a citizen of clown world

>If you were smart your great intellect could automatically precieve they like idiots they can use and throw away
idiots who got a fake college degree only, according to their website

idk about that guy but i fucking love clown world i cant remember the last time i was bored

Looks like codes that q used to post

if this is real then maybe even the CIA's hires are realizing more and more that they aren't supporting their own country any more and bailing.

Or something big is going to happen and they're jumping ship while they still can.

That's Face level not reality

I’d agree if it weren’t for the fact it was deleted really fast

so you're saying i should apply?

random twitters are the most trusted name in news in current year. its racist and sexist if u dont believe them. #believeWOMEN

Glowniggers are mostly all pedophiles.
you have to be a literal faggot to join the CIA. This has been the rumor since at least the 80s.
I heard this way back from a buddy who went to law school and then the FBI, he was a straight shooter and he said that half jokingly but with a certain amount of seriousness.
Straight guys joined the FBI and faggots joined the CIA. Of course after 9/11 most of the FBI became corrupt as well, but there was a time when only the CIA waa corrupt and the FBI was 90 percent good guys..The idea was that gay spies were easier to control than staight men. And now its obviously true. They only used people who could be controlled via pedophila, now the ones in their are all shitting bricks or maybe they are being forced to early retirement.

A well easily programmed robot would have a degree and sit through mindless wall of text propaganda to be absorbed into his non Human brain incapable of critical thinking

Possible meanings for CI-CEE from acronymfinder.com/Military-and-Government/CEE.html

Consolidated Enforcement Environment (US DHS)
CEE Captured Enemy Equipment
CEE Center of Excellence & Expertise (US CBP)
CEE Collaborative Enterprise Environment (USAF)
CEE Commercial Equivalent Equipment (Army)
CEE Combat Enplacement Excavator
CEE Communication Electronics Element

and, of course, many CIA people can't abide by the glaring hypocrisy of what's coming, so they're quitting in advance.

Q is already dead (Epstein was Q)

You can delete your own post, the fact that's still on the archives means that there wasn't any state effort to suppress the information, just a butthurt mod or some shitposter larping

>maybe even the CIA's hires are realizing more and more that they aren't supporting their own country any more

This. CIA has been compromised.

Does this coincide with Page 2, section 2 and Page 3, section 6 of this Army PDF? usar.army.mil/Portals/98/Documents/ARCD/MILPER Messages/CY20 COL CMD MILPER Message Number 19-010.pdf?ver=2019-03-19-132131-763

What exactly does a stop loss message mean?

Like are they having a mass exodus of people just walking out from the job?

That's what it sounds like.
Maybe actual spooks don't want to work with incompetent bronies and rainbow-haired harpies?

i can critically think

"stop-loss is the involuntary extension of a service member's active duty service under the enlistment contract in order to retain them beyond their initial end of term of service"

Nah man, I’m pretty fucking far from ok

Attached: B05C6016-1A06-4151-AED3-066B0436CCE5.jpg (600x301, 31K)

they're fleeing, shit is about to come down from the epstein shitstorm.

You understand that this is just somatic delusion, right?

Quit being a bitch and get a bachelor's if you want in so bad. You have the money now and with your IQ it will be easy. It was for me--exceedingly easy--and my IQ is lower than yours--130-145

So basically, "You're stuck here until we say you can go."?

Wouldn't that be a sign that they might expect mass people to try and leave or that they expect a serious conflict on the horizon?

kys glow nigger fatass loser

Thank God, for a second there I thought the pedophile blackmail ring catering to our elites was real

Buckle up for mass glownigger leaks

Attached: UnfoldedWastefulFalcon-size_restricted.gif (500x300, 1.68M)

I remember reading the exact opposite--that the CIA hired tons of Mormons, because they had experience overseas and foreign language skills from their mission year, and because they don't drink and do drugs they were less likely to have personal life issues that would compromise them.

That's my understanding, which is contrary to what the tweet is stating

a bachelors in what? and why should i spend 2 years wasting my time getting some useless degree that wont teach me anything relevant to what id be doing just to appease some kike HR rep? i make more money doing what i do now than i would in the CIA. i wanted to join in the past because it seems like id enjoy it a lot and be good at it and for the "honor" but its pointless. i regret not trying to join but its too late now

Because they're corrupt and their people want nothing to do with it.

The CIA is not a military organization. There would be no MILPER (military personnel) messages associated with it.
It’s a really low effort shitpost but people just want to be spooked.

CIA has been compromised for decades.
It's like a mercenary intelligence group with unlimited power and whoever has the money gets to use it, doesn't make a difference if they are in the US or a foreign power trying to harm Americans.
Trump has been systematically fucking their shit up. From the 25% tariffs on all Latin American imports, cutting the heads off their underage sex blackmail bullshit, exposing the fake news, and the corruption following the commies everywhere like a shadow is being done in by the light.
I get it that sounds corny but it's real.
The CIA is absolutely a rouge operation that needs to be rebuilt from the bottom up and that's only to save face the way easier way would be to just disband that shit.


Plus the higher ranks are ideological vetted.
There’s no way you get into a position of power without proving to be onboard with whatever agenda they choose to push.
I can’t imagine anything more frustrating than being an honest man forced to be complicit in evil

Maybe they hate Trump & this is an effort to hurt him, just like at the beginning of his presidency the media pretended to be outraged at Trump's criticisms of "our intelligence community" as though only bad people would question the motives of the CIAm

>Trusting Trump
It’s like you’re not even paying attention

Yea what do you support 1. A Gay shoving it up dude's assholes and pissing in his mouth spreading HIV or 2. a girl who is a micro second underage with an older guy who takes care of but it's illegal

let me just get a bachelors in african american studies while working a shitload of overtime every day to get a pay cut. makes sense

CIA is just US branch of mossad

Epstein. the rats are leaving the sinking ship of child trafficking and political blackmail / extortion



Or you can just make up bullshit, glownigger shit won't be on wiki.

>Compulsory Exit or Extraction
>Complete Exercise Ending
whatever, it's probably something totally different or just some stupid departmental name like CI-CEE= Central Intelligence department Clearance Evacuation and Extraction, whatever just make something up.


thanks based frederico

then keep sucking that Freon and enjoy your boomer-tier life

I assume stop loss means the same thing for the cia as it does in active duty military. When I deployed to Afghanistan they stop losses a couple dudes who should have been getting out halfway through the deployment.
It sucks but it normally happens when there manning shortages and tends to be a short involuntarily contract extension (6-12months)

2 is objectively the correct answer. age of consent is arbitrary


i will, and we dont use freon anymore, grandpa

What happened is that in the last 6 years machine learning grew up really fucking fast. Deep learning, unsupervised learning, computer vision, it all got really fucking good, coupled with solutions for large datasets and nobody stands a chance. The boomer CIA clearly tried to keep their shit oldschool and their agents are obviously going to get killed. Imagine sending somebody to China who gets their face scanned like 10000 times per day and exhibits deeply irregular patterns of device usage amongst their entire dataset of American expatriates. No shit they are going to get whacked.

according to Jow Forums 75% of the posters here are glowniggers trying to start a civil war though?

I can see that being a possibility.
If that's the case though, it sounds like a good thing if the aforementioned bronies and harpies are jumping ship.
Maybe they'll get replaced with red blooded american zoomers or something.

NSA is the future and there are public articles stating as much

>WHY is this happening? WHY now? WHY is it even publicized and discussed, considering the CIA's alleged covertness?
that’s easy
>gosh we sure are too busy to pay attention to crime, I sure hope no one starts the civil war we’ve been trying to get started to distract from the Epstein case taking everyone down