Hola Chicanos, let's make the kiss-less beta wh*Te male cry and hate himself..
>Viva La Raza
Mexican Supremacy Thread (Wh*Te Incel Demoralisation Thread)
Kill all ingles speaking pinche gringos
Saged beaner faggot
Jew DNA is 80% mutt-Italian because the Talmud came out of Christian Rome. The Vatican was first to publish it. Judah-ism is younger than Paul's Christianity
Christian Rome invented:
>Utopian globalism
Fuck off back to europe cabron. Before I trace you and rape your wife in front of you and then kill you. You weak ass pendejo
Get off my land cabron
Excellent propaganda. Hey, r/td fags: they want to replace you, they aren’t based
your kid is ugly as shit.
Gross looking monkey in that picture.
I wanna kill me a pinche gringo and rape his grandma
We rightfully stole it from you.
Worthless subhuman spic retard. Go back to your shithole in central america if you love it so much
We gonna kill all your white children cabron
Seething Murican that can’t stop the great replacement.
Mexican is not even a race. La Raza is nigger.
im just pointing out that the kid is never getting laid.
You are such a dirty spic....
Gringo ally checking in
to bad nobody is gonna fuck your little beans. at least the niggers fuck white women. People would rather fuck a turd then you weird ass looking shit skins.
Fuck off back to europe all you wh*Te gringos
All pinche gringos must be killed
you lost the first time faggot, we let you go. we MOAB your entire country this time. you look more like a dumb nigger cross than a fucking spic.