Leaving America

Any burgers here ever think of going back to your ancestral home?
>Both sets of grandparents emigrated from Greece to New England
>Grew up in a big Greek-American community
>Have family on on of the islands; visit regularly
>Have undeveloped plot of land that could be used for agriculture left for me
>Now live in commiefornia and hate the degeneracy

Is it worth it?

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Which island?

Samos, tourism has increased since I first remember as a kid visiting, but still has that simple Mediterranean island living that is comfy.

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My ancestors home is New York City.
Fuck that place. Its a shithole nowadays.
My grandfather actually had a dog named "Nigger".

I’d love to move back to Germany

Based, What kind of dog?

Greece is comfy if you can get work, the cities look like shit tho

Pic related am vacationing there rn

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Homo sapien probably

>4 toes
Ayyy lmao

Cool how the horizon looks different because you're closer to the equator.