*blocks your path*

And where do you think you're going, Nazi scum?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Where does science say human beings stopped evolving 50,000 years ago and all differences are merely cosmetic?

ever look at a man and just know he's got a concave penis?

Hes right

Yes it's round

Depends on the vaccine

No we haven't

Not sure about chemtrails

Climate change is a hoax

Climate changes with seasons. Just be brave and say you believe automobiles are destroying our earth.

Fetuses are genetically unique human beings
Every doomsday prediction coming out of climate science has been proven wrong
There are genetic differences in strength and intelligence between the races and sexes
All species are sexually dimorphic, that is, nature recognizes only 2 genders: male (XY) and female (XX)
Homosexuals are mentally unstable, are disproportionately represented among child molesters, and spread terrible, incurable diseases
Stand up for science

Thought it was the American dream from the thumb nail lol

He's correct.

>H..heil Hitler

Nazi here
He’s not wrong

>stand up for science
Okay good, when will you apologize to James Watson?

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Can someone please explain why the "vaccine" has really become the "in thing" to debate online? It seems like just the past months people on other websites have really taken hold of "get your kids vaccinated NOW!!" and made it a religion, like climate change.
>You didn't vaccinate?
>omg honey believe in science vaccine doesn't into autism
It's so bizarre. It seems like now news stories of "UNVACCINATED KID AT A DISNEYLAND" are being more reported.
What is happening?

Gay shirt, wanna fuck?

The Earth is round though. I mean only retards believe it isn't. Shame he is a fag though.

I agree
Yes but forcing people to take them is unethical
Yes but the manmade part isn't significant

I then redpill him on immigration, the jews and crime statistics. He then would apologise for his behaviour and everyone shopping nearby would clap and the cashier would hand me $100 dollars for being so fucking based.

Attached: Pikachu.png (537x441, 216K)

Ok. Let's just address them one at a time.

Attached: Altitude - Going Up.webm (948x402, 2.37M)

The anti-vaxx and flat Earth crowds are not serious political coalitions. They are low hanging fruit that leftist secularists like to snipe at to satisfy their need to feel superior to others

Fucken loser Australian needs to learn about climate change.

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yeah, (((science))), that same (((science))) that declared that transgenderism is no longer a mental illness?

He stands up in a few moments,bleeding from the nose and dusts himself off as I continue to shop .

He's right but putting it on a shirt and wearing it in public is peak onions.


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Not enough evidence to prove man is at fault and if so too late.

Nice try schlomo but you will need to zoom out a bit more.
Next you'll be telling me that the great barrier reef can't survive climate change

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If climate change was just a natural cycle it would follow the blue line. In reality, it's following the red line because of human activity.

sexy lookin pooch though

He gets up after a minute or so,bleeding from the nose and dusts himself off. I am several aisles away and still shopping.

>muh science
It’s become such a cult that they won’t accept any evidence that is contrary to what they believe to be true. I’m certainly not saying the earth is flat, but these starry-eyed lunatics will stand up and fearlessly defend science, just because a man in glasses wrote a study about something. It sounds a lot like zealotry.

>Stand up for Science
Is a fat walking heart attack.

Fuck that boomer. He must be 5'9 and 210 easily. That's ridiculous.

I'd laugh at this pathetic wretch. He's so deep in sleep only the boot to his neck will wake him up.

Point into a direction and proclaim loudly:


And walk past his bitch ass

Op's cum drunk again. Sad.

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Interesting how we know a lot about autism in regards to treating it and how to teach kids that are on the spectrum. But somehow after years and years of studying it and millions and millions of grant research dollars we just don't know the cause of it. It's also interesting to note that this is a new disorder. Where did it come from? It'd also be curious to know if people in the Amish communities have autism.

Attached: CDC - Autism Vaccine Correlation.jpg (1267x1920, 745K)

wherever the fuck i want honestly, he has no legal right to stop me and if he wants to waste his breath following me and yelling thats his day wasted not mine. not that hard a question.

I doubt even nazis disagree with any of that

Earth is flat. Anyone who believes otherwuse has sub 80 IQ


keep walking...

"Your shirt could have been simplified to 'I believe whatever the government tells me to'"

I'm not a nazi and to prove I'm going to grab you by those ridiculous ears and give you an old school lung fucking. When I've had my way with your tonsils, I'm going to take that cool T-shirt home with me.

>Earth is not flat
No it is not
>Vaccines work
>That's questionable. The efficacy of many vaccines that have been around for ages now is now I'm question as far as I'm concerned.
>We've been to the moon
No argument here. I actually do believe we went to the moon. My only qualm or objection to this is the van Allen belt. I'm sure I could just Google it and figure out how they overcame this but off the top of my head I recall hearing that the van Allen belt would deal any astronaut in current largely unshielded craft a nearly deadly dose of radiation.

>Chemtrails aren't a thing
Yes they are. This is actually the most retarded one of all of these. Geo-Engineering is very real and DOES involve spraying reflective chemicals into the atmosphere for the purpose of sending some of the sun's light back into space in a vain effort to cool the planet.
>*Surely nothing could possibly go wrong here*

>Climate change is real
Yes but it's not as much an anthropogenic cause as it's touted as. Climate is always changing and into the cosmic scheme of things we contribute far less than the (((consensus science))) would suggest. The sheer hubris of mankind of fucking astounding.

>Stand up for science
This faggot would probably also try to rationalize to himself and others if asked how there are any number of flexible and fluid genders.

>Fuck boomers and their faggy politics.

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>back in the 800s we had the same level of industry as we do today

fpbp not joking. If humans evolved from monkeys it's logical to ask which ones are evolved for brains and large scale cooperation. The answer of course is europeans and asians.

Fuck off JIDF. You guys aren't even making money off global warming anyways.

Truly the irony of “stand up for science” is pretty rich coming from someone who probably hasn’t done a minute of his own learning vs. memorize dogma.

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picks up tubbo and carries him outside, dumps in cart corral
*standing up for science saving fatass' life getting him away from the food and liquor*

except weather and climate patterns have only been recorded for about 100 years
there is no data before that
you're implying that science is infallible, but denying the scientific method
there is simply not enough data and too many variables

I told you niggers that shit like flat earth is a CIA tool to discredit actual conspiracy theories and facts, like the fact that ''chem trails'' are a real thing and the US government has already declassified documents explaining what ''chem trails'' are and what their purpose is, it's cloud seeding. Instead of acknowledging this and considering the implications, these sub-humans go ''lol ur a flat earther haha chemtrails? ARE YOU CRAAAAZY???''

>climate change is real
Just like it was real the thousand times it happened before fossil fuels existed.

I'm not a tough guy, but I could easily kick that old guy's ass.

I kick him in his junk, because he thinks life is fair and that all white men with shaved heads are nazis.

I love how he's obese and doesn't care about the obesity epidemic.

Earth is round
It depends what the vaccine is
Haven't really looked into it
See above
Climate change is real, but it's not man-made or a tangible issue

Yes, it isn't.
Not sure due to the amount of fags and autistic fucks here and everywhere.
I'm pretty split on this one due to NASA losing basically all credibility, and losing all of the proof that we went to the moon, including all of the original footage.
Again, pretty damn split on this one. Probably not real, but that's according to Wikipedia, a website that thinks that the 20th century ended 12/31/2000.
Bullshit. I'm not blue, and I hate every last mother fucking liberal on Earth, but we had the hottest July on record in both America and the world.

It's modern witch hunting.
It doesn't really matter if there's some faceberg groups with about 400 members talking about how they will not vaccinate their kids, their kids are going to be fine. The chance that one of their kid is going to catch a disease that would have been prevented by the vaccine is very small, it's such a small chance that it can be easily compared to the chance their kid could get infected from an improperly cleaned needle, a contaminated vaccine or have a bad reaction to the vaccine.
Leftists freaks are trying to find any reason why they are better than someone else, they will go out of their way to hunt people they think are wrong and they will try to destroy their lives.

The ''vaccines cause autism'' people aren't even 100% wrong, they're just working with outdated information. The thing is that vaccines did cause autism and the US government had to step in and outlaw the use of certain preservatives used in vaccines. Last time I checked only two vaccines still contain the preservatives that the US government itself has acknowledged cause autism. Anyone who says that vaccines never cause autism needs to go tell that to the US government.

Mirin that weight. I want to get to 180.

Science is a tool white men use to oppress everyone else.


Bizarre. I actually know this guy, well knew him. It's so strange just flipping through Jow Forums and seeing someone I knew like this.
That said, the shirt is dumb, not because anything it says is incorrect, but it's like wearing a shirt that says "water is wet." Also, this guy is an actual scientist, unlike the majority of armchair edgelords posting ITT about things they don't understand.

Its a ruse created by a few people who also happen to vaccinate their kids but really dont want to pay taxes to vaccinate the plebs. Needless to say they are at the top brackets.
If you were immensely wealthy you would do anything you could to destroy any last remnant of social security/policies.

Flag checks out

>but we had the hottest July on record in both America and the world.
Without adjustments, it was an exceedingly average July.

>see my last post

You don't even understand what temperature adjustments are I bet, you just see the word "adjustment" and fill in the rest with your cognitive bias and lack of understanding of the issue.

Educate yourself.

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I don't see what the problem is. The first three are correct (unless you have a phenomenally weak immune system, in which case, two is wrong, but still right in eliminating the weak). 4 is proven wrong. Silver iodide is sprayed over clouds with the intent of water vapor molecules collecting around the compound and becoming dense enough to start raining. Doesn't work 100% of the time, though. 5th is still up in the air. We have models oozing out of our assholes, but theory rarely holds up well against the brick wall called "reality".

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This is actually something I've never heard before.
Gonna remember this one, great post m8!

"oh but you can't see the curve!"

Attached: cant see the curve.png (863x548, 17K)

Chemtrails are literally a thing though. You see them everytime a jet flies.

Also, I'm going to buy butter, which is also real.


Flattards kys
You need to be higher up to see the curvature, the earth is big you know

You people are fucking insane. You keep denying things that you shouldn't even be denying. It's like if someone says Israel did 9/11 and you respond ''actually I am a scientist, 9/11 never happened, you're an armchair edgelord!!!''
It doesn't make any sense, you're a fucking idiot.

The US government says that they are putting ''chemtrails'' in the air to seed clouds.
The conspiracy theorists are saying that it's bullshit and those ''chemtrails'' are actually harmful chemicals.
And then we have idiots like you who aren't informed on anything, just flat out saying that they aren't real, they don't exist, and you are smug about it.

take your meds schizo

>the earth is not flat
>vaccines work
By "work" I assume they mean have a high success rate. They are not 100% and there are real documented negatives to them. Though anti vaxxing is idiotic and over blown
>we've been to the moon
Most probably. There is some legitimate points as to why it may be impossible though with the technology we have/had
>Chemtrails aren't a thing
What most people call chemtrails are not real. But sky seeding and spewing chemicals into the atmosphere very much is real.
>climate change is real
Yes, but not man made.
>stand up for science
Except for DNA and racial scientific facts on IQ differences, temperament, and crime.
>rainbow colors likely representing gay pride

Peak boomer.

>austist thinks he's the one making the punchline
get outside sometime kid

Better yet, why does his shirt not say race is real

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Take a bullet, you retarded boomer.
I am agreeing with the official story that the US government has put out. You people are so retarded that you are inventing conspiracy theories far more insane than what any conspiracy theorist is saying.
This is like if the conspiracy theorists said the moon landing never happened, and you respond by saying the moon doesn't exist.

>goes to /x/
>proudly flutters memeflag
>thinks he understands any scientific point he's trying to make
shit. i can't wait til summer is over.

Go kill yourself, zero arguments. Just moralizing and talking about your shitty life

He's right tho, you're a fucking retard that adds nothing to this entire thread besides "I know better cause my friend is a scientists have sex incel shizo"
People like you ruin this place.

NO! why tf would you even look at a guy and let alone imagine a penis?
goddamnit leafs kys

>And where do you think you're going, Nazi scum?
right thte fuck through and over YOU, you weak piece of worthless liberal shit.

>we've been to the moon
no you haven't fat boy, you're not them don't try and take pride in something you didn't do you loser,
stand up for science
why don't you lose weight for science, you're a loser, lose some weight.

>instinctively associates penises with his own sexuality rather than a symbol of masculinity
stop projecting faggot

*get in shape for science

I'd breed them. Every single one of them. Omfg

that's what fags do, so no

lel found another homo

>You need to be higher up to see the curvature, the earth is big you know
how high then? that's outside of Earth's atmosphere

To fuck your mother. She smells of sage.

Mmm sage.

It goes in



Love the FIELDS of SAGE

This is top level leaf pilpul

Imagine being so proud of never having a thought of your own that you wear a shirt to announce it to the world.

Attached: orgonite.gif (1024x1024, 61K)

Why do anti-ship missiles skim the absolute edge of the sea to prevent detection over the horizon if the world is flat? Why do airplanes direct their flights on paths that are based on a circular earth to minimize distance if the world is flat?

A: because it isn't

>If climate change was just a natural cycle it would follow the blue line. In reality, it's following the red line because of human activity.

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It sounds pretty retarded, but I'll try since clear resin is cool.

>no shit the earth isn't flat
>some diseases you can't vaccinate against so they don't always work
>you could probably see the moon landing site from earth with a good telescope.
>climate has changed on earth throughout history. Remember the ice age? You think it's carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causing the warming but during the Cambrian period we had 20 times the ammount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today and the world didn't end.

None of these things are incompatible with an ethnostate

Obligatory “Simpsons did it”.

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