Tomorrow (or today) will be a repeat of Charlottesville

A stupid right winger is going to kill a non violent leftist and the left will get all the sympathy again.

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Tomorrow (or today) will be a repeat of every other day.

A stupid normie is going to do nothing to some other normie and nothing will happen as usual.

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maybe in your shitposting chair yeah

At that Portland event?


Fuck Jews

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Screenshot for dexterity

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Maybe they will, but who cares. They have to make the confrontation genuine or an air tight fake, because the entire country is on high alert or "schizo" mode as the shills would say. Aggression may get put on organized structures like the Portland PD and not the right. The extreme left and right will always point fingers so their reaction is partially irrelevant.

the kike is not even using a meme flag.

>Tomorrow (or today) will be a repeat of Charlottesville

Unless it's a repeat of Harper's Ferry, then it's just going to be a huge waste of time.

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Even worse has already occurred: The city government, directly involved with a terrorist org., not only refuses to “serve and protect”, they went into Gestapo mode to persecute the event organizers. Really this overt act should be the surround city hall moment.

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beautiful memerino sir

Make it real. Or do not bother. I don't know if you're using s VPN, or if you're actually a kike involved in it, but let me say it again: Give us a real war, or Do. Not. Bother. Time for talking is done. Make your move.

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Non-violent? Those people were bashing that dudes car trying to lynch him.

That's nonviolence, for them. But God fucking help you if you raise your voice in response. That's assault, you fucking cis scum biggot.

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Jewish psychic


Tell me, Zoltar, is it too late to infiltrate the Antifa group? I plan on convincing them to unironically shout "Freiheit durch arbeit" during the march.



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a muslim will kill 6 cops and no globalist media organization will care. boo hoo hoo.

I really hope so


it will be a staged event

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joey gibson being arrested is bullllshit. he was attacked by antifa. portland mayor is openly supporting the anti american communists known as antifa.

Remember how the media reacted to the Charlottesville events? They only focused on that woman that was run over by a car, never mentioned any of the Antifa violence and attacks on /ourguys/.

>nonviolent LEFTIST

I enjoy getting my ass completely blown out by black men. The girth and heft of a black mans cock tears up my insides nice and good. Hopefully I die from infection.

There's an episode of V (2009) about this.

At least you're honest about it

it would be a shame if someone put Trump 2020 bumper stickers on the leftists car and Antifa destroyed them when no rightwing showed up.

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The Jewish media will portray an intelligent individual as mentally incompetent after he misses a fat lady with health problems that are her own fault in his car narrowly, causing said hambeast sweatsmell in the supermarket line to have a heart attack and die because she is weak which the jewish media portrays as "murder" go suck her udder you utter faggot, I'm glad that huff and puff didnt blow my house down

Why... Why haven't I thought of this? Holy shit... Van we make trump bumper stickers that seem legit but are more outwardly racist as to provoke a negative response?

This is a fucking amazing idea.


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So we have the adopting Jewish reason to beat jews, can we adopt this and fucking destroy them as well?

OP is a jew faggot in a dead land


Niggers with hairspray flame throwers and antifa with Spikes AR 15's again?

>is going to kill a non violent leftist
>will be a repeat of Charlottesville
The fat bitch was NOT killed by anyone. Her cholesterol burdened heart just happened to go out at that time. she was as fat as a whale. She was going to drop dead any time. Its a miracle she even lived long enough to make it to that day.

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Where? Maybe we can cockblock them if we find out in time.

I do not endorse this hilarious crime

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