It takes 3000yrs for Greenland to melt

So much for Skipper Greta Thunafish’s “we are all gonna die by February” claim. Trump’s right, buy Greenland and play the long game,

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I just want to live far away from normies and not need a passport.

Can someone tell what the fuck happened with Greenland recently? I keep hearing about it, and how Americans need to interfere with it in some way, like what's going on?

We've decided it's american clay

>Convince world that global warming doesn't exist
>Buy Greenland

Stop larping, America will never own Greenland, end of story. The whole board is cringing at this larping.

Okay. No more Mr. nice guy
when we own Greenland you won't be allowed in anymore

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America wants to buy it from Denmark or otherwise take it by force due to all the gold and oil there.

BREAKING NEWS: You can drill through ice according to recent studies.

Imagine still believing in global warming.

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Uh huh. Ok

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I wasn't talking about his "campaign"

By the way the Folketing said there won't even be a discussion about it during Trumps visit. Get fucked

When you say things like that, it makes us want to go from LARPing to buying it just to piss you off even if it does nothing for us.

It's hilarious how they think 83% of ice will be gone by 3805
how do these hacks get to that number?

>3000 years
how little can you even understand about global climate cycles

I know what you were talking about dipshit and we're taking Greenland you pussy, you're not using it for shit you're a bunch of losers and you'll take our money whether you like it or not because you're country is a crack whore on the corner and we're the big dick John looking to get our rocks off

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We've decided we want Greenland. Its ours now.

You can't buy it tho, And you continue to LARP

Wow you're an actual imbecile

Do they even have land rights or is it owned by the royal family?

Why, why cant we buy it? It belongs to the Queen not the people who inhabit it, if she chooses to sell it off who are you to question what she does with her property?

Unless there is a magnetic poleshift that is coming and some people now more about it than theyre letting the plebs know.

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but does it have OIL?

Greenland belongs to the state which is controlled by the Folketing. Greenland is part of our constitution and it will never be sold

implying it isn’t america’s rightful clay. we will take it, whether you accept money for it or not. we have done the same to all other european countries who think they can control our land.


>If you don't take off your clothes and get on the plantation field right now goy then the globe will overheat and turn into Waterworld

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You owe us. Give us what we're owed or we will take it from you by force.

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we are trying to block in canada

Greenland belongs to whoever we say it does. Its ours now and we wrote the check to the Queen. You dont want to get mocked like Argintina over the Falklands, its ours now, take the money and go pay for some social services.

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>believing trump follows scripts

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Careful they'll send the Danish army after you.
3 guys named jorgen and a windmill. Scary stuff..

would be a shame if denmark was listed in the Epstein pedo case

Are we supposed to wait for your educational comment, or do we have to ask?

I hope they do so the royalty is removed and we become a republic

There's gonna be another "x country is attacking it's own citizens and america has to send troops."

Does anyone even like the Inuit people, they seem kind of stupid. Better to put them on reservations I think


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>Yanks all of a sudden now want all of that Greenland
Someone gimme the quick rundown. The quick gestalt. The hells going on now?

They're alright, the ones that live in Greenland, but when they come to Denmark they are loud loiterers.

This study is asinine! We're in the longest inter-glacial period in hundreds of thousands of years, at least! It's going to get colder, likely soon i.e. in our lifetime. If humans are making the planet warmer, it's a good thing! But our impact is negligible and alarmists should be burned to keep niggers warm at night.

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Global warming is a pile of crap.
Stick an electric heater next to a bucket of water and see how long it takes to heat that water...

Ah, a man of science.

I stopped believing in it a long time ago, after all its a fact that it's real and believes don't go with facts.

Depends on the amount of water in the bucket and the wattage of the heater.

Hey I liked waterworld and I can paddleboard like a motherfucker so I'm all for global warming.

Imagine a bath full of cold water and fifty electric heaters around it.
How long will it take to heat the water?
A day.? A month? Ever?

Yeah, perhaps an island or country full of 4channers...

You're not even doing anything with it!

>likely soon
You can't make such a prediction from that time scale

What the size of the bath? How many liters of water is it? How cold we talking here, 5 Celsius? What's the wattage on the heathers?

Extra land, that probably has shit ton of resources under its soils. Plus it fortifies their eventual claims of natural resources found in the waters close to it. Putting them in a better position with Russia Iceland, Norway and Canada. Also if the ice clears out and the great Northern passage opens up it could be used for transport terminals for cargo from Asia. Plus just genral strategic positioning. So enough reasons to make an offer to Denmark, but Denmark knows all these things too and will keep it for long term benefits.

Usual sized bath, usual size heaters.
No cheating.

Don't bother with the English retard. It's not worth it

Alright because they act better or alright because you don't have to deal with them?

>t. has had to deal with listerine niggers far too much

If the tub has 20 liters of water in it ( kg) and you want to heat it from 5 degrees to 100 degrees it takes 7942 Joules to do so.

If the heaters are each gives off 500 watts and you have 50 of them then they give off 25000 Watts. So it should take about 3 seconds. However I doubt my
calculation is 100% correct.

greenland could melt tomorrow I could give CRAP

I never said that was the only basis for my statement, try harder

winter is coming better, go south not north

it is a ruse so the middle east doesnt unite. That's why the eu has immigrant from Marocco and Turkey, they are the first countries we will conquer. They will move south to conquer the niggers, the niggers are fucked.

Lemme guess they found Oil in greenland?
The petrodollar is getting out of hand now.

The heat would rise into the air not into the water though.
This is where a doubt creeps in my mind about global warming?

How does a simulation accuratly predict what happens in 3000years when they cant even say if its raining next week?

Yes but remember the second law of thermodynamics