Why are racists so stupid?

Why are racists so stupid?

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Probably because they're niggers.

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Better question, why can't niggers handle bants?

Arent niggers racist and dumb as shit?

Because you're a fag who touches himself at night.

um I thought we were a society of laws, not straw grabbers.

>college kid is stupid
wow, stop the presses

That's a comment that can be said to literally anybody, nobody owns it.

How is truth racist??

Based preppy white

>"At least I know my dad"


And what was said to him to get that response ?

>This totally happened

>because he's named after his dad means his dad is around

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Just a little sledging, handle it pussy.

Whats racists about what he said?

How would being called IV mean he knows his dad? Henry VI was not the father of HENRY VII

I don't like this making the news. When I was in school I saw a black guy lose a wrestling match and say racial shit when he did. Nobody ruined his life over it, even if it was a bad thing to do. Its like if someone said some heated shit during a fight. This is coward media.

I knew a nigger named John Cox Vth and he didn't fucking know his dad, he got arrested at 13 for stealing his moms car, but at least John wasn't a massive pussy and wouldn't try and get me suspended over fucking bantz.

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>John Cox Vth

I knew a Randall V in PS, but he called himself "Randy the Vith". Are we talking the same grade of trash here?

Yeah probably and actually I think he was 14 when he got arrested, forgot he failed a grade.

In this one case, they were not kangz.

Malcom X's baby daddy was Maclom IX. Dont think he knew him either.

White privilege and also being a fag

They leave them after they're born and named too, you dumb shit.

Truth Hurts!

Had a cousin named Anons Cousin III.
We called him 'the turd'.

as user IV planning to have user V, holy shit

> At least I know my dad.
So the nigger was talking shit in the middle of a tennis match. I see. Because that's a comeback not an opener.

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blacks are weak af

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Niggers are the softest fucking thing on the planet. I swear I rather have slave Niggers around. They have thick skin.

Lol why doAmericans but niggers in particular keep appropriating white royalty naming conventions, and do it so cringey, not even royals here put in their name how many of their name came in their lineage. And I highly doubt he's the fourth of his name.

Jesus dude. Just a few years ago people would just shrug this kind of shit off and now you can be ruined just looking at minorities wrong. Sad!

White boy is based and red pilled. Niggers have no fathers.

Nigger lover

Why are all blacks people so poopy pants thin skinned?

Why, yes!
Yes they are!

So his dad left him after his birth and not before. What difference does it make?

white was right. He couldn't outplay or out measure the niggy, but he did still hit em with a truth too close to home.

The bigger question is, why are people so weak that they can't handle even a little name calling and bants? Many people become totally neurotic because of that and it shows how weak, frail and pathetic society we live in!

they can get away with it since most people treat them like oversized toddlers

Treating people like oversized toddlers is one justification to assert ones dominance over people... Maybe that's why elites like that, subjects that are easy to manipulate and rule over...