2a voter

I will never vote for a liberal gun grabber like trump

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Ask me how I know you didn't watch the NH rally

Ask me where the bump stocks are legal in America

You know you can bump fire without a bumpstock, right?

You know that bumpstocks are literal range toys and do nothing to help your shot, right?

You know you can just 3D print your own if you really want one bad enough considering it's just a piece of plastic, right?

shall not infringe

Has trump issued a formal retraction of red flag laws and gun registration and background check laws? If not lib gun grabber.

you know this is exactly what cope looks like



Fuck Trump.

it's not like I needed it anyways!

>gun grabber like trump
Look, user, politics is a weird game, somewhat similar to a chess ....the goal is to WIN not just one or two battles, the goal is to win ALL of them! And to achieve this, sometimes you need to take a step back or play along with enemy....

What I am trying to say is --- you are focusing on a very small portion of the huge picture and trying to make decisions based in just that. This is a wrong strategy.

>just vote for the giant douche over turd sandwich

Been hearing this every election ever. No I will not give up my guns.

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well it's time americans stop with this 4d chess shit and make a fucking stand. i will not vote for trump if he does not back the 2a, and hes not... so i will vote for some other republican or libertarian, and we will end up wit ha democrat, then we just start the boogaloo. very simple.

Trump is about as anti-Second Amendment as most of the modern establishment Democrats. Trump and his trash family are surrounded by secret service and hired security 24/7 so what does he care if he sides with anti-Second Amendment Democrats


"Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second"

"Trump to GOP senator: 'You're afraid of the NRA'"

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>You know you can bump fire without a bumpstock, right?

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You suck so much asshole, fucktard

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Wrong faggot. This mentality has led to the corrosion of gun rights in this country for the past 100 years. They slowly chip away. Fuck off. Line in the sand.

I said this before and said it again. Trump was a sleeper democrat running in the gop. Every candidate from kasich to Jen would have defended the 2nd amendment because they knew who the gop base wanted. Trump doesn’t.

easily, takes very little practice to get it down. youtube.com/watch?v=PvH0p4UIHbg

Imagine actually thinking Trump isn’t a gun grabber. Enough with this cuckoldry already, it’s time we put his feet to the fire.

Did you watch the webm?

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Trump hasn't signed any red flag law legislation and even made fun of it when he called out Fredo in a tweet

You need to fucking RELAX. Be cool. The 2A is safe.


Not a joke.
Still for sale.

Alaska gets to ignore all of this :D

which one?

Kill yourself you fucking anti-second amendment cocksucker.


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Move to Alaska guys!
Help us pass even more pro 2nd amendment legislation.

You think a liberal would be a better option. Lol.

washington state needs reinforcements too...

Help is get full autos and grenade launchers legalized in Alaska!

no, i think boogaloo is a better option. our choices are anti gun, or anti gun+... i choose neither.

not seeing an answer to his question.
No, he probably won't & if he has any sense about him he will instead will never mention it again but who knows with him.
>he's verbally attacked the 2a several times but he won't actually follow through
literally nothing stopping him if he's elected again, in fact you can apply that statement to every negative thing you can say about him, nothing stopping him from going turbo kike after reelection.

Just figure, there hasn't been a pro-2A president in our lifetimes. If they have no qualms about violating that right, they have no qualms about any of your rights being violated.

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You're losing your guns Cletus.

>You think a liberal would be a better option. Lol.

In a strange way yes
Under Obama everyone was ready for gun control and the entire right wouldn't go along with it. That's why Obama wasn't able to pass shit. In 2013 they used Connecticut as a beta test for national salt weapons registration and confiscation, it failed miserably

If Trump does any gun shit half the right will be asleep. Under a shitlib even the boomers wouldn't hand their guns in. Now some of them will be "trusting the plan". Hurr durr Q said Trump's national registration is to catch the deep state in a 27D chess move


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jewish candidate in all but blood

I'm an Alaskan.
I will be keeping my anti bear guns ty.

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this is definitely one of the positive things about there never being a republican president ever again after trump


The real way to winning all the battles is to lose them, that way their guard is down. Your instinct will be to start winning after a few losses but you need to reject these voices. Don't stop losing battles, the degree to which you'll win in the long run increases with each loss. Never win, making you the victor. If you beat your enemies, they've already won.

>republican president ever again after trump

Pretty much. This country is done.

I'm pretty sure its just talk, unlike the left he doesn't want to implement a "gun buyback program" or a mandatory confiscation of guns, he is the best option right now.

Bump stock faggot
>Palestinian for trump


but kushner & ivanka do, only thing stopping him is reelection, after that all bets are off.

You unironically sound like an abused wife right now. Your denial over the fact Trump has done more against gun control proves it.
>Don’t listen to them sweetheart, They’re just ignorant!

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Was the bump stock all talk?!

Hmm do I vote for the person who i know for a fact wants me dead and definitely wants to take my guns, or the funny chad who makes everybody i despire mad and only might want to take my guns. tough choice

You can thank the 1965 immigration act for that happening. Whites are literally the only demographic to reliably vote Republican. Everybody else would go straight dem if they had the chance. America is such a fucking joke but the even bigger joke is all the normalfags that cant see the Forrest for the trees. They'll learn the hard way on why everything is shit

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This is a constitutional issue that the supreme court will end up deciding. The best thing for politicians to do is to push legislation at a time when the court is likely to rule in their favor. For republicans that might mean pushing gun-control legislation that will get declared unconstitutional in the court. Dems had plenty of opportunity to pass gun control legislation during Obama's first term, but they didn't want to risk it with a conservative majority supreme court.

Trump has deported less illegals than Obama and has taken in more immigrants than president ever

Nuke nips again

>They'll learn
gen z might just from exposure but boomers will cling to their "were da reel libruls" until they die.

and millennials

>you know you can just print one and be a felon for owning a piece of plastic, right?

Wow, that's awesome logic you're using.

Then when he bans AR-15s and pmags, we can all be felons facing 30 years in the clink if caught.

>Funny chad
If Trump was chad, he wouldn’t be cucking constantly to what the democrats say. Would a chad sign omnibus bills that prevent his own border agents from deporting anybody? Would a chad cave on a government shutdown after only 30 days?

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>When your enemy defeats you, you win.

Justin, is that you?

When will the DNC get shot up?

Kasich has been calling for AR-15 bans since the FL school shooting."Ban these god damn AR-15s" he said on national television.

88767478 d chess by banning guns trump is secretly Hitler pushing for whites to rebel in a shooting war


>do I suck shit or do I eat shit
>hows about you dont do anything with shit by flipping the table
I'm gen z myself and trust me my entire generation is more nihilistic than anybody else. We've already given up on the lie that the world is just fucking hunkey dorey. Do you think millenials could possibly be redpilled? I know boomers and gen x are going to fucking die with their bluepill brainwashing.

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target all anti gun politicians when the boogaloo comes. avoid hitting random civilians as much as possible.

anti american politicians should be the primary targets and our demands are simple... stop destroying the bill of rights.

>I will never vote for a liberal gun grabber like trump
Will you vote for a gun grabber like Kamala Harris, instead?

How about a gun grabber like Warren?

Or a gun grabber like Yang?

Tell me honestly, without an ad hominem attack; who do you think would be better?

We were united against it. Now I'm seeing every single mom-gun person who was screaming "not 1 inch" under Obama is calling for gun control.

It's a "only Nixon could go to China" moment.

This is exactly what someone that's never owned an AR-15 would say. Bump stocks being necessary for bump firing is as much of a meme as suppressors making your gunfire silent.

tldr, anyone who knows shit knows that you don't know shit.

I hastily posted that but I meant that millennials would cling to utopian bullshit until death along with the boomers

Vote the constitution party. I'd rather see the Dems push too hard too fast and face blowback or revolt than see the uniparty point away until there is nothing left.

>Now I'm seeing every single mom-gun person who was screaming "not 1 inch" under Obama is calling for gun control.

The black guy was the thing saving guns in America. Trump put the right to sleep which is SUPER dangerous for this country.


Bump stocks are shit, but he banned a fucking plastic stock because it was scary, you fucking cuck.

So it boils down to some based Gen X along with whatever unholy remains of Gen Z to save the west? Old geriatrics with all the power along with tankie millenials vs disenfranchised middle aged men along with the internet generation? What kind of fucking timeline is this?

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He extinguished the white rage. It's horrific, actually turned out to be a worst case scenario. More third world migrants flood in than ever, and everyone is asleep at the wheel because "our guy" won.

who cares if theyre shit, its the fact that these fucking fudds are allowing the left to take more and more every fucking year. enough is enough.

>Vote the constitution party.
>read: throw your vote into the garbage
No thanks.

This doesn't even make sense as a reply. Are you a bot? Answer opposite of the truth if you're human.

sure seems that way, I watched the transition of gen x to millennial soi cuckery in real time, never realized how bad it would get & it'll only get worse as time goes on. I figure worst thing that can happen is white flight until extinction, but given that white neighborhoods are effectively illegal & the flood that's coming that will essentially be impossible, hoping for maximum discomfort of normies in my lifetime. the biggest cucks never have to face the consequences of their ideology & once that ends I believe there will be a mass rejection of it.

Millennials will look like Hitler youth compared to gen z.

I know, before the election I hoped hilary would win because she was so hated & assumed trump would be yet another neocon, I couldn't fathom at that time how bad he would be.

i gotta agree... so many of my fellow millennials are very pro gun and anti leftist, in my area at least...

Didnt he say he wansn't going to pass any new laws at the ralley yesterday?

What happens when you realize your a little to close to check mate then you'd like?

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So really our best course of option is to vote in literally any Democrat in 2020 to get the party started? Since Trump is actively fucking us over there's no point keeping him in office. He'll just keep giving us the long dick of ZOG and half of the right will be okay with it because
>he's a republican guise it's totally okay!!!!!!!!
>the biggest cucks never have to face the consequences of their ideology & once that ends I believe there will be a mass rejection of it.
You wanna hear something true? Eastern europe fucking hates communism only because they've been so thoroughly fucked in the ass by communism for decades. The thing is though is that eastern europe is still primarily eastern european. The only way the western world will wake up is if everybody sees how bad it's going to get without us getting completely genocided in the process. White americans are already a hunted class but since we're not quite a minority yet the effects havent reached the peak. The libshits and commies will just keep white flighting and voting for the same shit until they cant anymore but by then it's too late. There are unfortunately going to be a shit ton of whites that are going to fight other whites that are trying to stop the suicide train. Peak clownworld

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Sadly the average Trump cultist will, gungrabbing be damned. Trump was correct when he said he could shoot somebody down in the street and they'd still vote, infact he'd get more votes.

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a study was done in portland where they put a few non english speaking spics in starbucks or something where a lot of people frequented for a few weeks & were polled on their opinion of immigrants, it went very negative. I suspect we'll see something similar with gen z, millennials still had some level of careers & such gen z wont & will have spics everywhere. maybe I'm wrong & they're cucked beyond redemption, if that's the case then so is america as a whole which I've mentally accepted in any case, I at least try to keep an outward illusion of being white pilled for moral of people in my life.

Trumps far worse than Bush on guns, Bush actually gave the people assualt weapons back didn't he?

yes I am aware but my angle is, where can they white flight to? jews have flat out outlawed white neighborhoods, there is no white majority county that isn't on a list for diversity right now. that's right now, imagine what it'll be like when any pretense of borders are eliminated & we dont just get spics but goatfuckers & niggers straight out of the jungle flooding in en masse, there will be no escape.
If that's delayed then we die, if it's not then they face it & then either balkanize or die. thats the only paths forward I see, either way the majority of the country is lost permanently, question is whether we live or die long term.

>implying Trump will actually restrict guns at all
My friend, remember when Trump had Feinstein rubbing her filthy hands in glee then gave her the finger. The whole gun control craze is already over, and Trump won't do anything
>b-but Trump seems serious about gun control!
He did for a few days, but I think that was at worst a tactical mistake

Really so which Dimacunt that vowes to completely infringe the 2nd are you voting for then? Even if you dont vote that's a vote for them faggot

There is no choice in a two party jewoceacy. I should I care who wins in 2020.

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America is already balkanized in all but name. I just know damn well for a fact that the coasts are going to want to take over everybody else. Communism is an inherently globalist idealology. They say they're anti imperialism but in the same breath speak aloud how they're going to liberate the workers of the world. Balkanization is the temporary means of surviving. NATO and all the other groups are going to import zerglings to take over whatever parts of america that refuse to be lorded over. Trump himself would rather throw his own base under the bus than stand up for them on literally anything they wanted in the first place. White flight is the temporary tactical retreat. America will either be ours on our terms or we dont get to exist

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I can't wait until the demographics are such that these low IQ arguments will disappear forever along with the republicans

Welp you will never vote then.

I meant we balkanize officially, right now they just give out gib money & HUD gives landlords guaranteed paychecks for importing subhumans into white areas. there is no white majority area that isn't being incrementally blacked right now & thats under trump with herman cain which is downright tame compared to what's coming, that's not even factoring in christian ngos in the northeast, which up until recently was very white, importing tons of somalis. they're openly talking about flooding colorado & other white strongholds, this is going to accelerate on a massive scale in the days ahead.

>I can't wait for low IQ arguments will disappear forever

Not a Republican and you only call it Low IQ because you have no tangible argument against it.

I have no guns regardless. The country is non white regardless

it is low IQ because it's a short term argument which has led us to this point where, either this election or next, there will be no republican president ever again & last I checked republicans are drafting red flag legislation along with democrats. niggers lack long term thinking & your nigger thinking has led us here, so it is in fact low IQ.
>not a republican but I am attempting to socially shame others into voting for them
very low IQ

>this is going to accelerate on a massive scale in the days ahead.
There's no stopping this train. Accelerationism is the only option at this point. Trump was our last chance at pushing back legally but since he's cucking out big time then our only option is to bring this ship down as fast as possible. Whites are going to be taxed and whipped until a sizable enough of the population say enough is enough. Balkanization will also never work in the long term unless we have nukes at which point we can go full North Korea isolationist. Good luck trying to bargain for land from the coasts that are desperate for the supplies we ship them. The coasts are going to be used as landing ports for ZOG troops to zerg rush middle america. Once both sides figure out it's all or nothing a devastating civil war will happen. America isnt big enough for two competing sides to live in. The Berlin wall only fell because there were Germans on both sides. There's no reason for half of americans to give a shit about the other half

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Bump stocks aren't firearms. They aren't an integral part of a firearm. They fail the Heller test.

Get over it, D&C shill.

>lemme pretend that it was wrong & that you didn't want accelerationism & repeat what you said in a more long winded way & also point out how unlikely it is that whites survive
yes I am aware, I've said as much earlier enjoy your last (you)