Name Reveal of Satoshi: Imminent!

>>Bitcoin's inventor to fess up, and reveal himself.

Pic related.

Attached: 1566028571159.jpg (1024x512, 246K)

Wont this crash the price of bitcoin since he has such a huge amount? Or am I thinking of someone else?

Mr Bitcoin?1?1?1

Sergey Nazarov

>Spook McSpookerson, Esq.

I don't think so. His real identity may cause confidence to affect the price, but it may prevent a hard fork....

Forgot pic

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I believe it will be
>>A kike
>>A kike who bases the Counterfeit claim to white solely on wealth

>"It's who?"

Attached: bog_phone.jpg (500x500, 30K)

You obviously haven't been paying attention. We've had a homosexual kike larping as Satoshi for years now.


Attached: Dab.jpg (500x505, 45K)

Now why would he do that?

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>and why he has yet to move any of his 980,000 bitcoins.
If this is true, he's an absolute moron who is going to get whacked. Nobody, and I mean nobody with that much in cash is safe.

I don't think he needs to. The whole paradigm is legit, now. Establishing to any Investment firm, or any crediting financial institution, that he has billions of now legitimate dollars, means he can cash out, partially, and totally. But, I dont Think it's enough to crash. I do think it halts the hard fork.

Alan Greenspan

Attached: Alan_Greenspan.jpg (303x399, 28K)

In all seriousness he's already dead that wallet has been untouched for nearly a decade.

He is dead.

I will fly to wherever it is and give you slow head if that is true. That's how fucking funny the very idea is!!!! Damn man!

WTF does that have to do with someone putting a gun to his head and demanding his bitcoin wallet?!

he obviously just lost the wallet.db, come on now

Attached: mr-polhead.jpg (1120x800, 177K)

Indeed. It's going to be really hard for him to convince anyone with a brain he isn't a LARP

Maybe this is why he's doing it: "somebody" might already know....

>.02 Shekels have been deposited into your account

That's even more dumb. Now every 85 IQ nigger with a gat will be looking for him. Easier than winning the LOTTO

I thought it was the Japanese companies

sony Toshiba

Can 85 IQ niggers hack at that level, or is that yet further proof of the afro-Zionist connection/wall to keep them out, in Tel Aviv?