Why do you still brush with fluoride toothpaste?

Attached: fluoride.jpg (1494x1257, 488K)

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Africans don't have fluoride

Is there any proof to this?

>sodium fluoride is a pesticide!!!!!!!!!!
You lack basic training in chemistry.

Based thread, friend. I'd like to think many here are (((fluoride)))pilled by now. If not, they need to be.


Attached: Fluoride-Poison-on-Tap.jpg (640x360, 58K)

Attached: fluoride banned tap water.jpg (450x450, 59K)

We didn't stop fuoridating water wholesale and many other countries on the list are incorrect too.

I don’t but fluoride free mouthrinse sucks. I find my breath to smell fresher and teeth whiter when I use the regular stuff.

Brushing is the only thing that matters to preventing tooth decay. Fluoride does absolutely nothing. Literally every "study" into it was by (((industry))) and used a correlation-causation fallacy. They might as well have said an increase of consuming craft beer reduces cavities since that correlates too. e.g. People with higher lifestyles are more likely to brush their teeth (even just with plain water) and that's what reduces cavities.

Fluoride is purely toxic. At every amount. Ingesting it is one of the worst things you can do. It only damages. Zero benefits. Only negatives. Contact with your mouth from toothpaste still causes ingestion. And actually putting it into the water supply? It is one of the biggest ongoing forced toxic pollution scams in the world because it's a billion dollar industry.

And the same brainwashed people who consume (((MSM))) as if it isn't a corrupt lying globalist industry are the people who will laugh at the sane people for rejecting consuming the poison of fluoride. Not surprisingly.

At least read some of the professionals who are speaking out against
it at the link:

Attached: fluoride 2.jpg (500x674, 55K)

The funny thing is if you go to your favorite hiking trail in an untouched piece of forest and find a natural spring, take a big swig and think to yourself
>now THIS is real water, not like that industrial waste laden tap water at home
That spring water likely has multiple times as much fluoride as your tap water, not to mention heavy elements like arsenic and co.