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Meanwhile in real life ...

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Cope more. the pic on twitter shows the truth.

Remember when he was campaigning last time and he had so many people coming to his rallies he had get a bigger venue when he was in some blue state so he got a stadium and then CNN was like "he could only fill 2/3's of a stadium on 2 days notice lmao what a loser"? You remember? Ya this is basically the same thing

That was true then though.
What are you saying anyway, that the twitter pic is 'fake news'? There's a video of it right there.

>gets btfo
>tells the other guy to cope


>Ignores the video right there from the rally itself
>If I just ignore that I'm wrong then I can call you btfo!!

>t. im an idiot please fuck my face

go be fast somewhere else


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Behold the magapedes, you can show them a video from Trump's rally and they will call it fake news.

What's the name for this delusion?

What the fuck are you even trying to say, you illiterate nigger? Hes selling out stadiums are you're suggesting that is a failure.

>Literal video from his rally showing empty seats
>SEETHING damage control breaks out uncontrollably!

There are a bunch of empty seats in that video.
Maybe they all just left halfway through the rally?

Why are there people outside tho ?

Didn't some lefties bought tickets with the intention of emptying the seats? Also, SAGE.

>large overflow crowd exists and was watching him on a big screen
>people get up during a portion of an hours long speech
>"no one went"

If you're trying to prove leftists are not human beings don't bother, we already know.

>there are a few empty seats in a huge stadium lmao what a loser
>my man Bernie is selling out halls where people have their bar mitzvahs
>trump btfo!
Imagine these levels of cope. Just imagine it!

Perhaps it was a ticketed event and the owners of those seats weren't present. This is usually the case for sportsball games

that's the hardcam side ya simp

Security checks take a while and someone screwed up on starting the checks, once started the Secret Service does not want any more people to enter

This is a huge problem he might have trouble carrying Vermont or Massachusetts

I heard a rumor he is polling poorly in Quebec


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not surprise, Trump poll in NH like 10%, everyone i meet are anti-trump, i wonder why they even campaign here.

As a former trump supporter, this doesn't surprise me

Here is picture of crowd outside venue who had to watch the thing on Jumbo-tron...

Attached: outside.jpg (634x380, 91K)

Jesus, and shills need to get a life. Trump has the largest rallies and they are all well attended...

this pic was Biden rally Trumptard, stop spread fake news.

>all those ""americans""


In fucking nowheresville New Hampshire the state literally nobody gives a fuck about.

Nobody believes you, no collusion, no racism, put hillary and bill into a fed prision.

Too many adults to be a biden rally.

>all the ppl in this thread mental gymnasticking their way out of admitting that there were lots of empty seats at the rally

Fire dept doesn't let Trump pack the stadium to capacity for safety reasons. Many anons have posted the pictures of thousands of proud deplorables watching on the jumbotron, but you wouldn't know since your beloved democrats can't fill a mom and pop restaurant

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>Trump is 10% in NH
Bullshit, even the MSM polls show a close race there. There's a reason he went there and not Vermont

>you wouldn't know since your beloved democrats can't fill a mom and pop restaurant
meanwhile, in reality

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kek this is exactly what you will get

>when all they have against trump is statements on rally attendance
This is kinda sad.

.. then how did he break an official attendance record for that venue?


Obama arguably had some charisma, and the country was exhausted with Bush and neocons. That was 11 years ago, and a lot has changed since

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You're also referencing speeches made a year before primaries even started, maybe you should wait until the democrats have a nominee before judging rally sizes?

Elton John probably didn't have 10s of thousands of people outside as well as inside

cry more shareblue

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Trump was getting giant, stadium-packing crowds by this point in 2015

>Obama arguably had some charisma
I thought he was creepy.

Some people found him charismatic, which is more than Biden or Warren

you're wrong

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That's it I'm off the blumpf train.
Time to vote for anti-white-male dems.

I wonder why they didn't let some of those people fill the unfilled seats?

>buying a ticket to sit behind the speaker

Biggest Democrat crowd I've seen so far. Can you find a similar picture from a state that actually matters, like Iowa or New Hampshire?

just because they support womens rights doesnt make them anti white male, stop jumping to conclusions

so you mean mattering in the primaries?

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>My screencap from Twitter is more legit than your screencap from Twitter

lol too white m8

Obama was the best neocon and nobody knew it.

Haha, no one wants to see or hear from this Insane Clown President anymore. He's done for. Biden, Warren or Sanders will pulverize him in historic numbers come 2020, and rightly so. He's been a fraud and a con artist his whole life and now that he's the Prez it's there for all to see.

this but unironically

>Becomes a leftist on everything he stood for during the election
>Why aren’t people going to my rallies?
You know we might’ve actually elected Hillary after all since Trump is doing everything she would’ve.

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drumpfs america economy is awful,noneone has the money to go see a orange baboon talk

wtf i hate blumpf now

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Literally nobody in that photo is white lmao

>assuming everyone opposed to you in any capacity is a democrat


>just because they support womens rights doesnt make them anti white male
No, their desire for equality of outcome does.
The only way you're gonna make 50% of CEOs female is if you make things unfair for white men - because on an even playing field that will never happen.

Iowa and NH are big in both the primaries and the general. CA (where the pic is from) is less irrelevant in the primaries than 2016, but it's still not the same as Iowa, NH, and SC

Lol shareblue is running out of material

Well there's a 70-80% chance that he is a Democrat, and regardless it was a sick burn

isn't it more sad if the seats are still fully filled by people who got duped by trump yet still double down because

Imagine unironically buying a trump hat and going to a rally in 2019

Why can't americans think for themselves?

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Domt even bother m8

The options are:
>not vote
>vote for Trump
>vote for someone else
Which option would you take, and why?

its just football in the offseason for them, each party is a team and candidates players, both sides enact the same policies and when you win an election you win a super bowl

why do you think voting brings positive change and why?

>Ivan the terrible
>Alexander III
Why do Russians keep electing tyrants?

I wanted Americans to vote for Rand because I like constitutionality, but that could never happen because

My option would be for Americans to re-evaluate their government or raise higher iq

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Look at all the red hats with white text you faggot.

They get shit done

Ironically Ivan the terrible was actually one of Russia's greatest leaders in history he did a lot of reforms and generally modernized Russia and than went out and conquered almost of all the modern russia land

What you would call manifest destiny

Alexander III was actually called "The Peacemaker" because he fought no major wars in his time

>Lenin and stalin
I mean that's simply revolutionaries.
Also none of these people were elected, the monarchs are cast from families and lenin and stalin seized power using military might to seize the state duma

The only person who was elected on your list is Putin and he's literally one of the most passive in the middle leaders that we've ever had because he's elected to essentially modernize Russia and deals more with economic reform than international change

This is a very low iq post, you should read up on Russian history if you want to name some actual bad leaders

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Hasn't that nigger spent more time doing rallies than his actual job by now?
Rallies outside an election cycle, fucking embarrassing.

>I would be ok with Trump starving half the country if it meant getting the wall built faster
Whatever you say faggot

You said it not me.

Whether or not you vote, someone is going to be elected.

>I wanted Americans to vote for Rand because I like constitutionality
At the time he revealed he was pro-open-borders, which is what turned off a lot of people I think.
Still, he might have turned out better than Trump, who knows?
>My option would be for Americans to re-evaluate their government or raise higher iq
Well how exactly is this going to happen?
Meme response:
>hurr my option would be for everyone to just figure everything out and make it all okay

that doesn't answer my question at all, are you replying to the wrong person?

I don't have time to read up on Russian czars while trying to participate in a fast-moving thread. My point is that Americans at least get to elect their president in (relatively) free and fair elections. Even now, opposition leaders in Russia get arrested from what I hear and never has an American leader killed millions of his own people

The democrats started to announce their campaigns in December of last year. Blame them for the early campaign season, not Trump

>never has an American leader killed millions of his own people

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He's been doing the shit non-stop since he assumed office.

First of all, you didn't answer my original question.
Second, it does answer your question in a sense. Fact is that whether you vote or not, someone is going to be elected. By voting for the one you like more (or, more often, hate the least) you are contributing to them being elected.
I have never voted, personally, because I don't think it's ever come down to a difference of one vote changing anything, so I guess I don't think it's that important on the individual level.

>never has an American leader killed millions of his own people

Is this a fucking joke?

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Every Trump rally has free tickets you can get in advance.
White people are polite, orderly, and respect seating arrangements when attending a ticketed event.
The seats are empty because the people with the tickets for them haven't shown up yet, went to bathroom, or to get drinks.

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I just want to inform people about biden shenanigans.

He doesn't let regular people into his rallies, he fills the seats with people, who aren't allowed to meet the press. They're kept entirely seperate. Check out status coup if you don't believe. His campaign is also running on NOT running, not showing up anywhere, not talking. It's because every time he speaks, he says something retarded and his polls drop.

I also want to inform you of the state of the DNC. The most prolific fund raiser in the party raised 1.4m this period, AOC almost matched that with 1.2m from small dollar donations. That's grass roots support for the most popular congressman in the country. AOC ran in a permanently D+20 district, against the fourth most powerful democrat in the party, a man who was in line to become speaker.

Bernie sanders has dominating grass roots support over the entire country. Even in states where the support is for the local candidate, bernie is the second choice. The new york times has a crazy map showing it. They had to make a second map without bernie to even show other candidates.

So basipally what I am saying is, the establishment is fucking panicking. We might actually get an anti-war, anti-establishment, anti-corruption president in our lifetime.

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>and never has an American leader killed millions of his own people

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>Well how exactly is this going to happen?
If it was maybe 30 or 40 years ago I would say something along the lines of "create a new system party that can essentially allow people into the senate that could influence the decisions of current policy makers" but due to years of keynsian economic flow of short term gains and rash presidential decisions that would get undone by the next president leading to no change in actual betterment of government or country the only thing that the American people can do at the time to better themselves and their future is fascistic revolution on par with french revolution.

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Where the magic negro at?

Yeah, like once a month on average. You underestimate the media's war on Trump and his supporters, and the rallies is a morale boost for all of us. If your country had a leader who was under nonstop attack for simply talking about saving it from Muslim takeover, you'd feel the same way

Nigger please. I'm well aware of what a rough deal he's had compared to the average politician in media.
But this is some cult of personality tier shit he's doing. This isn't how you run a country.


these threads are started by Trump campaign staff btw

Oh please. The South refused a "compromise" that would've made everything south of the Maryland-California line slave territory, and they didn't give up after they were defeated at Vicksburg and Gettysburg. They seceded and fired the first shots, and they reaped what they sowed. Even then, less than a million Americans died, and remember that it was all because wealthy plantation owners insisted on forcibly importing millions of Africans to be used as farm equipment