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>not knowing who controls the media
this guy is an absolute retard

He is trying to wake up the normies retard

Well if he's taking pitches the rest of you faggots need to throw some softballs to him. I would but I don't have a social cancer account.

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Molyneux puts on the thinnest veneer possible to avoid being banned. He knows the image is true. By responding to it he signal boosts the meme to his audience.


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He is getting stronger.....


The power level..........

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we already lost. trump is the last president of US. donald TRUMP as if trumpet. remember garbage leftist movie fahrenheit 11/9 (9/11)? look closely, maybe you'd see something interesting.

Schizo out.

Why is it that everyone who dares to critize jews must do pic related?

Why cant they just stand by their opinion, defend it and get another job? Sucking so much jewish dick over saying that alot of Jews work at CNN and that jews really arent an oppressed minority group.

What do they do to them pol?

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This is out of proportion

Why play fair when you don’t have to? It’s in their best interest, until something gets done about it.

But this way of forcing the man to literally lay down and take jewish cock all the way to his mouth just reaffirms the theory that jews are literally in total and complet control and fuck your life up if you dont get in line

God I forgot how much I hate those fucking jews

>throw some softballs to him
They are, at the moment. Some hard balls too. Not hard by our standards, but by normie standards.

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that thread gave me cancer
T_D was a mistake

What gets
Well, it’s a difficult realization to come to, but Hitler was right. It’s just that simple, the US and UK fought on the wrong side for their own short term greedy gains.

>why is the Jewish owned press anti-Israel
Imagine being so dedicated to the lie that you actually think the press is anti-Israel

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Always been on the ball. Hes just being open about it now.


>normies know who controls the media
>that type of post isn't the best way to introduce that concept to those who are not already in the know


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A septic who pretends to be a skeptic. Another circlejerker who can't see past his own nose.

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Suck him!!!

>I would but I don't have a social cancer account.

'Ssocial cancer accounts' are the center to the culture war (specifically twitter). Stop being a lazy faggot.

Where does one go from that? I am worried about him goys..

shitskin detected

glad waking up the normies worked for your state Mohammed

he retweeted Barbara Lerner Specter last night as well

the synagogue of Satan trust their brainwashing, they know that most people are too afraid to challenge the social programming of not criticizing the imposter jews
they very much want you (you) out in public making a display of yourself at the wrong time
trust your instincts, and continue to tell useful things to useful people

Based mutt.

Prolly cuz Israel is based and non-israeli jews are dedicated to immigration and the end of nation states.

Oy vey!

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Moly goes as close to the line as you can. Has nearly a half million followers on Twitter. His jewish friends stabbed him in the back and he's pissed.

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If this were true they wouldn't be attacking him 24/7. Trump is extremely pro Israel. What am I missing?

Bet he NEVER makes a youtube video on it where 90% of his no twitter using boomer millennial audience is. Bet he's just soaking up the twitter (you)s for his ego & just continues to allude to kikes to preach to the choir without ever making any serious efforts to redpill people.

It is true & trump ran against immigration which is number one issue for diaspora jews combined with all the money & effort pissed away on hillary this isn't surprising at all.

Yeah, I've also noticed the huge discrepancy between his twitter and youtube content. It's not like you can't mention the kikes on youtube, so that's not the reason.


Why would he immolate his channel? What purpose does that serve to anyone?

Stop browsing this place Stefan.
You'll lose!
The jews always win Stefan

Trump's election campaign main sponsor was Sheldon Adelson - a Jew.. He gave Trump 100 million dollars. I think the Jews are trying to confuse everyone. I'm starting to think that the whole anti-Trump media narrative is one big spin - to make people trust Trump..

The Jews know that most people despise the media and would do the opposite of what they're told - so what better than to tell them that Trump is bad?

He makes money from jewtube, not twitter

Im starting to love this guy more and more

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not the sharpest tool in the shed are you mate?

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This is actually... possible. I enjoyed Trump's campaign for the memes but if this is a strategy that's being used against retards on the internet then everyone got outplayed.

I dunno.

they're playing both sides. your position is quite strong if your chief opposition is sympathetic to your interests. another example of this would be the largest nationalist parties that have emerged in europe during the past 20 years, almost all of them are strongly supportive of israel and pursue a counter-jihadi brand of nationalism.

That irritates the fuck out of me

They will use these nationalist movements to cement a Greater Israel which will be supported by the nationalist movements. The greatest opponents of Jewish nationalism are the leftwing parties in Europe.

What is the most infuriating to me is how the entire nationalistic movements seem to think that a bunch of muslims with IQ in 70-80 range and 3 dollars to their name suddenly just went "Hey guys I know - Lets invade Europe" and then just made every politician in Europe go along with it.

Its like a fucking Leaf attacking the Rake instead of attacking the hands that swings the Rake.

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"sheldon adelson was the largest Trump donor.
25 million.
that's public info."
"I doubt someone in Las Vegas has connections to a cult, who was furthermore born in Boston Massachussets.

If he's outside of politics and banking for the most part and espouses a hatred of liberals, unlike th vast hordes of jews that support Shareblue, whom doesn't hold that much traditional donation.

Why would Sheldon pull out all the stops for an outsider candidate? What makes you certain he isn't a secular jew that's onto the whole shenanigans and just wants religion to be viewed as non-discretionary and non-suppressive. And at this point Trump's raising so much money he could sever ties if he wanted too, so the jew now has no leverage, a big no-no in the jew new world order promoters."
"he's a zionist jew.
good chance you are too."

Well, how else would they secure funding and not get (((suicided))) and get more people to believe in nationalism.

Might be an effective bait and switch if you can get a % of people to believe in nationalistic ideals, then swap them out with a party that is anti-Jewish nationalism.

He is just some guy trying to capitalise off recent events and also has an army of shills, such as yourself, posting on forums.

"I'm expressing skepticism here, Bluto, calm down. Just because I'm providing information that makes me skeptical of the claim he's a jew-pawn, especially in light of all that's happened, and am merely airing all my reasons for doubt, that doesn't mean you get to call me a jew.

The second most jewish town in the US would be Los Angeles, third Chicago, then finally Boston, but what major city haven't they inhabited?

In fact that's exactly what a jew would do. Not that you are one, just something a jew would do is all."
Miami's got quite a few Jews and so does Houston."
"if you read through my posts i think it's quite obvious i'm not a jew.

"Trump is 200% a jew puppet though.
the only time he can keep the word "Israel" out of his fat mouth is when there's a jewish cock in it.

Here's a pic of Sheldon Adelson, btw.
your "secular Jew"... Trump's largest donor."

Europeans, you are experts on this.

What is this man's ethnicity?
(based on his appearance)

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"What president hasn't talked fondly of Israel before? Do you want him to sperg out for you on national television and watch him get lynched. Most of his talking doesn't involve Israel, it's just he's the first republican candidate in a while to talk so much, which is actually good, considering conservatives placative silence, and non-activist streak had lead to the current situation we're in today, where we've only succeeded in enslaving ourselves to our desires without producing anything, envying what the rich possess, but adding no sense of self-worth via meaningful and gainful employment, which is why many people slip into depression so easily. The jews merely EXACERBATE the problems with their mercantile culture, offering to make the Banks the Feds henchmen, collecting taxes as an intermediary, thanks to socialist politicians pandering to a disinterested people that never hold them to account. Congress and Clinton even used them to attempt to make housing affordable, which only ended up backfiring as the politicians couldn't understand market incentives and had never earned their fortunes that way, and the bill's fine print caused banks to heavily speculate on property causing the 2008 financial crisis, as they'd been using property repackaged as triple-A bonds and liquid assets.

Watch the first 5 minutes of video to understand the financial collapse of 2008
youtube.com/watch?v=Do6wp9Vydys&t=226s "

Why are you people so useless?
>Because we think were chads even though we fall for jews propoganda all the time
Oh, yea.

He's of European descent

Spoonfeeding the plebs with babysteps you mean?

One can hope...


I might be too optimistic, how else to keep on living in this clownworld

I would say he has some Irish in him.

He finally transcended. He embraced the light.

Forget it. Push him too much and he'll be forced to disavow us or lose his audience and his way of living.
And no, that is not a coward move. We alredy have Jow Forums to deal with the hard cold truth. It's not entirely bad that we have a "public face" that's not connected to us but that rationalizes the fundamental issues. If he gets linked to the dark side of Jow Forums (people from the outside trying to make us look bad with false infographics and news) he'll lose his ability to change the few minds that are putting the "official" truth under scrutiny.

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>big if true
/our guy/

Hurr durr don’t discuss the JQ, think about the holohoax.

We are on the same page brother.

Hell Odin

has anybody verified this list with allegedly 1030 expulsions/pogroms?

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cool it with the antisemitism

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How do you know it's true?

I've been searching for random names and I don't find anything resembling jewish early life citations on wikipedia or other sites.

Looks like one of ours but... i don't know man. Some senses are tingling.

Hi Stefan


Heavily Irish

it's not about "if", it's "when".
not only will he have to disavow his own thoughts publicly while begging on his knees, but it won't save him. either that he'll be deplatformed even harder than the other alt-lite retards.

You’re not wrong. Without results politics is all theater.

*either that or

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they've created massively retarded, paranoid and bloodthirsty leftards in the process - a big percentage of the US population - was this intended too?

He's part you know what. But he's with the Logos. That's what counts. You'd be foolish to reject someone like him. Especially since by talent, nepotism or a combination of the two, pretty much every public figure save a few thots and PoC are. By some estimates a quarter of "Whites" in the old South were.

If he's Jewish at all it's gotta be a really small amount. He's pretty much /ourguy/

youre that type of extreme stupid where you are so stupid you actually think its everyone else thats stupid when in fact its you who is stupid, stupid.

molymeme is quebecois

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It’s gonna be a deal made, European nationalism for greater Israel.

Quebec is just french texas

he's going full Jow Forums

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He lurked for too long.

>Big if true
This boomer lurks around here.

he's roasting more jews than you. Do your part to protect the future of our white foals and fillies and Israel is moving their nukes out of Golan Heights

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They are all controlled by Jews.

It is not pragmatic to blow up your youtube channel to talk about the jews when you can just get people to question what's going on and find information on it organically

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>If you’re not banned from the internet you’re worthless

Why not.