These ads perpetuate the idea that all gay men are promiscuous shitbags and their lives are an endless round of casual orgies with strangers. These ads kindle hatred towards the gay community and depict gays as AIDS ridden nymphomaniacs. These ads do not represent me.
These ads perpetuate the idea that all gay men are promiscuous shitbags and their lives are an endless round of casual...
Other urls found in this thread:
Very few homosexual men are in monogamous relationships.
Glory holes, Bath houses, sex in train station restrooms, etc is a very real thing in the gay community.
Not all, but most.
>Glory holes, Bath houses, sex in train station restrooms, etc is a very real thing in the gay community.
These few outlings need to be regrouped to make a new community. The current state of gay community is repulsive.
Glad it doesn't represent YOU but most of the gay people I know (barring nice gay couple who run a florist and ones an army/police veteran) talk like they have a plumb up their ass and demand constant approval and sex. One or them didn't believe in bi people and tried to rape them to "show theyre just gay"
To quote a comedian " I don't care if my son is gay. I care if he's a MASSIVE FAGGOT"
i look at gays as diseased nonetheless
Either a slide thread or troll shielding. Sage
It's similar to the kike culture brainwash for nig nogs. Good for you for standing against faggotry
And not all blacks are stereotypical niggers but stereotypes are in place for a reason
yes they do
Perchè questo è quello che sono i ricchioni
>imagine being so insecure about your oun sexuality that you need to constantly attack other to feel justified
Have sex inceliano
Don`t worry, evryone already knows that all gays are pedophiles as well
Those lispy perverts shouldn't be at the head of the community. They overshadow respectable gays and play into homophobic stereotypes.
That ad is a blatant lie what the fuck
>Respectable gays
>Implying that jamming stuff into your asshole is ever respectable
Fuck off faggot. Don't you have some STDs to spread or children to molest? Kys.
If you’re clean and safe and use protection as well as your partner (gay or straight) what is the problem?
Most new gen homos and millennial fags are all locking down with one itis and getting married. You see it all over social media its kind of annoying but it’s real.
Gays being promiscuous is an old adage from the 70/80s during the AIDS crisis that was painted against gays & straight alike.
Also it’s a flimsy argument to say gays aren’t monogamous when straight males trawl tinder and other hook up apps, brag about it on social media etc etc I have friends who regularly cheat on their wives and girlfriends. And we joke about it when the boys are out.
Going to a bar and pulling a hot bitch is different than a gay dude at a gay bar trying to score another gay dude?
The hypocrisy is too funny. But it’s /pol so beep boop blorp niggers
>admits to bumping spam
>announcing sage
why are so many newfags posting instead of lurking like their opinions matter?
If i jam it into a man i like it's my fucking business. I could care less about kids let alone fucking them, keep relying on biased stats and no one will ever take seriously your sorry ass, golem.
>The current state of gay community
It has been always like that. AIDS would have never spread that explosively in 80s if fags weren't so unwilling to cut down constant sex with strangers.
>these ads do not represent me
but they DO represent majority of faggots, deal with it, sage
You wanna know why that is? They lack the actual love that comes from a hetero relationship. That love is formed through a need to reproduce and raise a child in a stable home. Gay men merely seek pleasure, and nothing else. That does not represent all gay men, though it is the majority. Lesbians are less likely to do this for some reason, however it doesnt exclude them.
>he's still delusional about the reality of homos
Oh no no no...
Lesbians are the worst child abusers
this one will
Mandatory reading.
I've only been in monogamous relationships. None of my gay friends have been in anything but monogamous relationships. I have yet to meet a person in real life openly in a non monogamous relationship.
>i've only been in monogamous relationships
>all 150 of them!
Cherry picking the bottom of the barrel
Actually only one, but I appreciate you implying I have game.
This does.
Repent, sodomite.
>being a whore
>I gotz game
I appreciate you confirming that most fags are delusional.
>actually only one
In the next installment of "anecdotal blogposts on Jow Forums.
>gay men are promiscuous shitbags and their lives are an endless round of casual orgies with strangers.
But that's the truth?
that can be the case but doesn't have to. Thik of expats who go to Asia and fuck hundreds of women because they can because they're white or because they have money to throw in Pattaya.
Gay men are men and men tend to be more willing to engage in random sex when they have the opportunity, not all but many.
With two men who are into men it's even easier.
If I don't define all faggots then why does that one faggot you heard of online once that sucks truckers off in the rest stop bathroom?
>implying it takes game to snort a line of meth and go to the gay bar at 2 in the morning
Hell is forever
"If I don't do something why do you."
First of all, stop being stupid.
All gay men are promiscuous shitbags though. The volume of partners they have per fag is astounding.
Lesbians are women and only women are capable of emotional love, not just physical kind. It's intense and pure.
>lesbians have the highest rate of domestic abuse both violent and psychological
That's a bullshit claim. Women aren't capable of love.
>all gay men are promiscuous shitbags and their lives are an endless round of casual orgies with strangers
Any proof THIS is not 100% true ?
Cmon now we all know you fags will hump/fuck /suck anything at any time. You all suffer from.
You really think I'm going to read all that? Yes, a number of fags are extremely promiscuous and take part in dangerous sex practices. Those, I imagine, are also the same ones raping kids and pushing their shitty agenda in the media. Those people are degenerate and shouldn't be taken seriously, normal acting faggots don't like them either.
lesbians are fucking violent to each other. All of the lesbians I've known will screech and throw things when one pisses of the other.
>you really think I'm gonna read statistics and articles that prove fags are overwhelmingly promiscuous and spreaders of sexually transmitted diseases
No, not a number of fags. The majority. There's a difference.
Yeah, that's what I was saying to That lesbians are the most unhinged of them all.
It's called confirmation bias. They find the parades and social engineering distasteful (understandably) and overgeneralize. Literally every single gay man on earth, ever, is exactly like the most despicable rainbow brandishing manwhore they see on internet clickbait articles. The idea that maybe, just maybe, there exist not a few, but a great many gay people that just want to live a normal life without rainbows or lisps or assless chaps never occurs to them. If you say otherwise, you are clearly an LGBT-IDF shill.
There are others here with a more realistic worldview, if you read between the shitposts.
It also says that being gay is a choice, which is laughable.
Another limp-wristed pseud who has read 0 data but harps in while sniffing his own fart. you think trying to be centrist is a sign of intelligence, rather than weak-willed grand-standing?
The #notAll way of arguing is as idiotic as it sounds. It appeals to the exception to validate that the majority isn't like that.
It's a self-defeating argument.
You can choose to read the arguments for that if you want, or dismiss them.
The parts I was referring to were the statistics, sourced in articles.
Of course, there are some of us who have met a gay person before and some of us who get our world view from Romania's version of CNN.
Bisexuality and lesbianism are not real though.
>there are some of us who are swayed by anecdotal evidence, and think our real life experience covers the entirety of a phenomena
>there are some of us for which statistics mean nothing coz my neighbour's not like that
I recon they're promiscuous because there isnt a woman in the relationship limiting sex. The old sterotype of a wife claiming "not tonight dear, ive got a headache" exists because women tend to (at least used to) not have as much sex. In homosexual relationships you notice how lesbians never have sex while gays have the polar opposite, womens libido x2 or mens libido x2. Couple these inherent factors with potential previous instances of child abuse and they have a very bad outcome.
Imagine being so hated by God that you spend an eternity burning your skin off. Only for it to rejuvenated and burnt off again the next day.
This mess they call gay culture needs to be rebuilt from scratch, whether it originated in the 80s or earlier. Conservative gays do not have a voice because they're osteacized by both left and right wing parties. We need to begin from history and separate the good examples of homosexuality from the degenerate ones.
>These ads do not represent me.
Can you at least acknowledge that there is a substantial number of gays in the world who are neither promiscuous nor child molesters?
Imagine just being a stinky, frankfurt school Jew and kicking your feet back as the goyim have started making their own self-destructive propaganda without you even asking them to. The work is done, the well is poisoned, soon you will be the one eyed king lording over the blind.
The attempt at a logical argument in the beginning of that image fails right out the gate on a number of false assumptions, followed by fallacious reasoning. It's so clear that whoever wrote it has a conclusion in mind and is trying to shoehorn whatever smart sounding assertions he can think of into his conclusion. They statistics are suspect, especially given that prior to the 90s, the majority of gays and lesbians being surveyed were the flaming Trotskyist types, as they were pretty much the only ones that would admit their sexuality to social scientists. Statistics that don't fall into the trap of selection bias do in fact reveal greater promiscuity and STD rates proportional to the greater population, but not by much.
I've read extensively on sexuality, and that's how I know how little you actually know about it, because you get your information from Jow Forums posts. I've run into a few of the citations of that image you posted before, as they were extremely suspect—some of the ones relating to STDs for example were sampled from men who had reported upwards of 100 partners, but are presented here as representative of the whole population, also known as selection bias (and a dishonest form of it). I'm not a centrist, I'm a nationalist.
The majority of white western society is promiscuous, you really aren't going to get us to believe that gays are somehow bad when guys come here and brag about shagging girls on the weekend for fun. Obviously those who are under 25 who are in a longterm monogamous relationship are abnormal—gay and straight—when the society as a whole promotes promiscuity.
Going to a bar and pulling a hot bitch is different than a gay dude at a gay bar trying to score another gay dude?
Poopy man on man butt sex isn’t the equal of male/female vaginal sex
This is like saying the furry community needs to stop fucking road-kill, problem is that both communities are degenerate by their nature to some extent. Both seem to be formed on some sort of escapism, wether it be pretending you're a completely different being or turning to sex addiction. Beacuse the foundation of each community is based on the above none of the members of each can tell the latest most degenerate guy to "fuckoff you're making us look worse".
They are.
No he can't because he's been led to believe that because all gays are like that because they've been molested, then by definition there is no such thing as a non promiscuous, non child predatory gay man. It's circular.
Stop trying to get us accepted. I get it, I was born like this, wasn't molested, raped, abused by a parent/sibling/family member/etc, throughout my teenage years prayed for God to take this sin away from me, tried being with women, etc etc. They're going to hate you, just deal with it. Don't be some faggy drag queen and don't be a lispy degenerate. Work out, be masculine, train yourself in self defense and weapon combat (knife work before gun work IMO) fight for an ethnostate and if you're gonna pork a guy just keep it in the bedroom.
Genuine question here, Do you ever think to yourself "man sticking my dick where someone shits from might be unnatural" ? And dont say animals do it. We are not animals.
Hate to say it, Giuseppe, but you need to go ask Il Papa to cure the gay because the statistics don't lie. AIDS is a gay disease, homosexuals are more promiscuous, the LGBT community has a higher rate of STD infection, the LGBT community is more sexually deviant, and you're at a higher risk of being sexually assaulted by another homosexual.
>w-why do Italians hate us poor gays? W-what did we do???
I am a mother fucking Dr. of infectious disease and that poster is blatantly untrue.
Sure under perfect situations, the person has 100% compliance to their cocktail of medication, the virus has not developed resistances to any drugs in their cocktail, and they use condoms, then the risk of transmission is extremely tiny.
But what are the odds that all 3 are true?
Perfect compliance to HIV drugs is like 5%, and those that due (Magic Johnson) can live a long time assuming. However, all this resistance is popping up because no one takes the pills everyday because the pills make you feel like shit, so any new infection will likely already have multiple resistances, thus invalidating their mother fucking poster again.
>Can you at least acknowledge that there is a substantial number of gays in the world who are neither promiscuous nor child molesters?
So you've backed in the corner of "but a few of us are good, I swear". How does that help your case? And more importantly, if 7-10 of you are degenerate, disease infested whores, why should I care about the rest 3 of you?
The statement is - homosexuality is degenerate, but it has a few exceptions, which don't redeem the majority.
The first part of your post is you screeching "It's wrong!" with no counter-argument or sources.
Second part, mainly the same. So except empty statements, you offered nothing to invalidate said articles, or the points made in that pic.
The statistics still stand for number of partners, STI's and occurrences of pedophilia.
Well the statistics don't bare that out. Instead they point to the opposite conclusion. That's why gays need to be purged from the human race.
>Because the foundation of each community is based on the above
There is no 'gay community' that most gays are a part of. The LGBT mess you see in the cities is a direct outgrowth of Trotskyist movements in the 60s. Feminism and its bastard child queer theory feed back into the original Trotskyist loop and thus all the parades and social engineering is the result. Many gays were born outside the cities and, especially if they don't go to college, are not a part of this 'community'. Unlike being a furry, which requires exposure to the furry community, gays will exist outside the so called 'gay community'. And hopefully the Rainbow Coalition of the Oppressed will fade away along with all the rest of the leftist cancer that's in vogue these days.
>Let the aids penis fuck you, you bigot!!!
>gay men are promiscuous shitbags and their lives are an endless round of casual orgies with strangers
Spoiler: Gay men are just that.
If you happen to be a monogamous faggot, you're an exception to the rule and your partner is more likely than not to fuck around behind your back.
>use protection
>knife work before gun work IMO
Dumbest post of the day award!
This is sincerely low-tier material and probably written by a latent homosexual.
Sorry to break it to you, but as a gay man from Colombia, I can assure you that monogamy is rather quite wird within the gay community.
It's painful, because rather reserved, traditional-minded guys like me end up alone, no matter how emotionally and economically stable we are.
Ah yes, ye olde:
>he's such a homophobe he must wanna suck cocks!
Was wondering when it'd crop up.
Wow. So the fags can't even take their meds which help them continue their degenerate lifestyle? It's like the LGBT community just gets worse and worse the more I learn about it.
>it has a few exceptions, which don't redeem the majority
No, they are not a few exceptions. If you oppose liberal ideology, degenerate behavior, sexual promiscuity, then you are against the vast majority of all whites in the west. You are already a minority in your ideology, of course the gays that share a nationalist ideology are going to also be the minority within the gay demographic.
>no counter-argument or sources
There is no need to argue against fallacious reasoning, which I pointed out. That poster was making some assertions, they were based on false premises (unwarranted assumptions, namely) and thus they fall through. And no, I'm on Jow Forums arguing with a gypsy, I'm not going to go searching for a list of resources to feed you. I have a number of books relating to the biology and sociology of sexual orientation, but I can't post them on this stupid board and infinitychan is down, where I did post them in the book thread. You wouldn't read them anyways, because as I said, you already have your mind made up because 'statistics say so'.
It's tautological logic: gays were all molested as children, and are promiscuous, ergo no gay hasn't been molested and no gay is not promiscuous, by definition. Any cases otherwise are disregarded as anecdotes. I will say that many gays are promiscuous, even though your statistics are based on selection bias (that means, to make it easy for you, that they didn't include gays that didn't identify as such before the 90s/2000s) which is par for the course in a promiscuous society. The majority of gays were never abused as children and are not child molesters, and do not sexually desire children.
As a group we should all rise up against the kike puppet media whores that give regular fags a bad name. Public executions.
They are.
>No, they are not a few exception
Sources on that? No? Color me surprised.
Second part of your post is:
>No I won't back my claims up with figures actually, because I don't have to!
You sure showed me. Your entire post is thusly just you sucking your own cock which I'm sure is enjoyable for you, but disgusting for most others.
You realize, your whole argument hangs on "you're wrong because I said so" right? And beyond your word salad, there is nothing to substantiate your claims, right? At least be self-aware enough for that, after you come down from that high you're on from your own farts.
Straightening bonds is natural and if anal sex is what it takes to reach intimacy between two men so be it. We do not harm anyone and do not care about your kids unless they're struggling with social stigmas and being lumped with sexual degenerates of the mainstream gay community.
>be faggot
>get first bf
>lasts 8 years
>found out he cheats on me
>end relationship
Been single and celibate since, 6 years...