The Cuck List

"France, Germany, Romania, Portugal, Spain and Luxembourg have told that they are ready to welcome the migrants".
>more & src

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Other urls found in this thread:

Portugal is ruled by traitors these days, that's why we are being invaded by shitskins from africa and brazil. We are almost on Sweden tier these days, portuguese people, are taught in schools to "crimes" of the white men portuguese past, so now we must accept be invaded by mongs from brazil or africa.

The last generations of based portuguese in a white Portugal lived in the past century

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We only get 10 migrants who are likely to run to Germany for gibs. Luckly, rapefugees don't want to stay here

In a couple of months they will just disappear or move to germany.

Delusional gypsies. You have showed intention in the redistribution and that's given guarantee to take in more.

cucked and no escape

They will be dumped into abandoned areas/villages and when you realize they are in that'll already too late.

don't mind these two. they're delusional.
we're being swamped with arabs, blacks and brown asians. I even saw indians with turbans.
given the place and the time of the day you would think you're in mogadishu or islamabad.

sink it

they already left retard, enjoy your niggers

>"France, Germany, Romania, Portugal, Spain and Luxembourg have told that they are ready to welcome the migrants".

Those brown immigrants are all mine!

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Thank god we're not on the list guess the EU parliamentarians don't like them around after all.

opinion discarded, you gypsy turkish mutt.

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Blame the Germans!

>all the gyppo cope itt

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The memeflag mongrel delusional

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Damn, gypsies got so desperate they're virtue signalling to get some crumbs off the Master's table now? Kek.

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>even swedes btfoing kekmania now

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little somalia

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Does anyone rly think they will stay in Portugal or Romania?

enjoy your muslim niggers faggot :D

a nigger muslim BTFO-ing anyone

retard I..


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>nigger-muslim opinion seething at based bibi

go wash yourself in more white phosphorous seething mudshit discord tranny

shithole flag

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YOU are asian you retard.

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measure your skull, you turkic mutt.

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I'm still on the cucked list

Interesting. It actually depicts our ancient territories from Cimmeria to Pannonia and from Thrace to Gallicia.

needs moar torpedo!


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romanians aren't your latin brothers

they are influenced by mongoloid genes, you retard. see

like you're any better than muslims




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fuckin luxembourg??? how fucjing dare any nigger expect a country if 10 people with castles take in subhuman shithouse dwellers
like for real bro

Yeah, imagine being so much of a shithole country you migrate to a shithole country just to beg on their streets.
Guess the gypsies staying here got so addicted to BBC they want it tapped straight from the source now.

The thing that really makes me think they want to destroy Europe is that sometimes you see on the news they rescued boats at a few miles away from Lybia so why do they bring them in Europe ? Okey Lybia is a death trap for migrants but why not bring them in Tunisia it's closer and they will probably adapt better since its a muslim country?

It's a non-declared war against our people. a demographic war

And yet they refuse to take the "migrants" to Israel. The boats are in the Mediterranean yet they refuse to send the boat loads of diversity to Israel

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what did they mean by this?

>"Every second that passes, the bomb ticks a second closer. Either someone cuts the red cable and defuses this bomb now, or the Open Arms will explode," he told Spain's TVE television.
clearly people we need desperately
let them chimp out so everybody sees what they are

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2 parties already spoke against it
Also lol at all the bozgor memeflags in this thread
They will be in Germany by next week

I am okay with this, I say move them all here there is no need to share them with anyone.

>muh two parties
>muh legionnaires

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10 migrants bozgor
Don't fuck with us or we will send them to Covasna faggot

pic related but they expanded it to all white races
look at kashmir for example: liberal media talking about how replacement is bad, and that they should retain their ethnic culture because they're being replaced by poos

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Daily reminder in 10 years the invaders will outnumber our children and seize control of our state.

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Maybe but you know whats really raging : a country like Tunisia can literally say "fuck you we wont take filthy blacks" and neither the gvmts or the shepple people will bats an eye.
And Europe is supposed to accept them for heartwarming reasons like solidarity and humanity (whereas it's only for Machiavellian ecomonic reason) but on the same time governments literally shits on the heritage of the country and tells its citizens that they are bad for being white

Nice I hope this country gets ethnically replaced quicker.

To bad germans take them in to rape their women because german cucks cant do their own women themself

The only think i fear about a societal collapse/ global war / race war is that i will happen when I'm to old and my body will not be able to fight, run, escape hell

I also want to know about the chimpout onboard this niggerboat but I cant find the article on the afp website

The origin of the holy Romanians:

As the legend says, there were two brothers: Romulus and Remus. But through the history, people have forgotten the third brother Romanius.

Romulus and Remus got fed by the female wolf, but they didn't left space for Romanius. Romanius was hungry, so he found a male wolf and started to suck on it's cock. There comes the name dako-roman (dako means cue, which refers to penis). After Romulus killed Remus, to avoid death he went to Wallachia, where he met a wagon of gypsyes. He joined their family and became their leader.

Source: Gesta Romanium

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The Jews really want Europe destroyed.

Haven't they chimped out before? Italy refused to take an NGO ship and barred it from docking at its port, it ended up in Malta IIRC? But they ran out of water and started attacking the cucks on board.



Yeah I'm sure they want to go there. I mean Romania is known to hand out the most gibs.
Also Luxembourg should be nuked.

In this Clip you can see the Romanian BVLL with his Cute Russian Wife
And the Hungarian Fat Female "Guide" and Activist in Cluj with her Nigger BVLL

Bozgor women would rather fuck black refugees in Romania than Hungarians in Romania or Hungary.BTFO

Or should i Say Nogzgor


Bozgors are the kikes of Romania
Also Bozgor women are the biggest whores in Romania.

Just so you know

it means the niggers are threatening the lifes of the crew if they don't get what they want

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>Also Luxembourg should be nuked.
Something we finally agree on.

Your flag is the reason there is a cucked list.

We have a lot of refugees I see them house in my own city and have been here for 2 years and havent left, I hope more will come to be honest.

the ethernal baguette

I'd relax, they'll just hop on a train or walk to Germany/Sweden.

Is Romania in Schengen?

>I hope more will come to be honest.

I swear, in the name of Virgin Mary, that if I see one (1) (un) (ein) rapefugee askig for gibs I WILL fight back.

he's jewish

Go be a Nozgor someplace else
They gate special forward papers for Germoney.
The Lawyers will bring up some special rights non sense

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He's a Bozgor.
Bozgor women love to fuck refugees.See

European citizens need to start openly killing their leaders NOW. This is building to something much worse if you don't.


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Ethnic romanian people are weak,soft cucks that are far left wing zealots and pro EU, I hope to see them ethnically replaced and mixed again into nothingness this country has so much potential and natural resource that its a waste such people inhabit it.Hungarian,Polish,Czech and Bulgarian can ethnically cleanse the land after it becomes Africa.

They will just go to Germany.
Enjoy your HAHA's now Hungarian
Nogzgor lol

That happens because of the ethno-masochism and the white men's guilt feelling projected on schools and by the media. No one wnats to be called racist, it's the eternal "sine". It's important to win the cultural war.

you lost your civil war and we don't even have firearms. what can we do?

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nice fbi guy make sure to also tell them about how russians are to blame for it

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Besides using bozgor hahahaha look at me, do you have any kind of normal thought?

>They will just go to Germany.
no they wont

Show me your ID card and we will talk after..

Just the name with a timestamp

send them to us, we need them
to accelerate race war

I would ask the teacher if it wouldn't have been better if the natives would have defended themselves so it wouldn't have happened.

No I will not I have no reason to prove anything to you or anyone in this website, but keep spamming the thread and acting as if there is some kind of hungarian conspiracy, God forbid it can be something else.

>still no understand

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Than until further notice you are A Bozgor and A Kike.
A KikeZgor?

>romanians itt be like

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There is no point trying to communicate with most people here they are far left wing, even more than marxist with a complete devotion to the EU and USA.There is not an ounce of ethnic pride to be found in them, I hope more will be taken since they need to be punished for what they are.

>Taking in 10 migrants that will leave for Germany has made me a Nazi

While staying in the EU and robbing Germany blind is a bad thing...for some reason

Anyway if you gyppos ever get tired of your ZOG faggot meme Roman LARP and thousands of niggers and millions of Pakis you can come be Hungarian again if you deport them all first. Have a pleasant Saturday try not to sniff too much glue.

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They will not leave like they didnt leave with the other thousands we took, but what can I expect from NPCs that all repeat the same thing, we are too poor or bad for them to stay when the reality of things is different.

There is no far left in Romania you idiot...nothing like you see in Sweden,Germany,France,uk...etc.

You said that PSD were far left as well...and they literally funded a eugenics program
Same goes for USR...and Ciolos was literall National Socialist in his FUCKING YOUTH

So how do we all stop this? Europe as a whole is at risk.

>b-but Brexit
We still care about Europeans, it's not you we hate, it's the EU.

So what do we do? I personally would have greek fire covering the entire surface of the Med and light it up when they're on the boats. That would be pretty!

>Ciolos was literall National Socialist in his FUCKING YOUTH