How based can a single whamen be?

> A Croatian diplomat from the embassy in Berlin, Elizabeta Mađarević, has been spreading racist, xenophobic and homophobic views on Facebook, and criticizes the German chancellor for having a "lack of her own culture"

> On August the 8th, she posted photos of the Adriatic and wrote the following in English: ''Pure and authentic Europe. Just white Europeans as it used to be 30 years ago in the while Europe. This should be a good advertisement for vacations. One would think that this is no longer possible but luckily it is.''

Attached: eliza.jpg (940x564, 85K)

This is why free speech is important.

Thanks for helping me find my future wife.

The Germs are so fucking cucked, it´s a travesty.

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she's been forced to either pull everything back or be thrown under the bus. she chose first, probably also with lots of recommendation from party officials. but overall very sad as lots of "croats" went into shitstorm mode because of what she said

Why the fuck do you fuckers want to be a made up race by amerimutts its so fucking cringe.


Oh no no no no no no no

I feel for your people. The state of cuckery is reaching peak levels in Germany.

Shut up, nigger

all of this culture bullshit is meaningless. i just dont want niggers to be near me

You've had 6000 members for 3 years glownigger. fuck off

side notes, but croats are just slavs that have nothing to do in the mediterranean coast

it's the same feeling of disgust that when i see blacks in scandinavia, you feel there is something wrong


It's nice to know not all women are retarded feminists. Good on her.

An example to us all.

Her Chiense boyfriende

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Where can I send my marriage proposal?

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oh fuck, it's the prequel to the Kalergi plan

I hope she is sent as a diplomat to Germany so she can make fun of Merkel's bulldog jowels and hopefully call her a coalburner. Merkel is a dumb cunt.

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Botschaft der Republik Kroatien
z.H. Elizabeta Mađarević
Ahornstraße 4
10787 Berlin

Good luck.

We need to stop this.

Yeah, she's so fucking based that she immediately lost her job when this came out, and she will never work for the government again.

Real fucking based.



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>meme flag
Show yourself you sandnigger

Unlike most places, it's really not the fault of the German people.

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would love to eat her based pussy for hours.

Didn't know that Croatia has also been cucked already

Elizabeta stop browsing Jow Forums

Beautiful. Glory to Croatia

People just use it synonymously with European, relax. I do think though that anyone who thinks all Europeans are the same is retarded

is she the new pol queen?
i vote yes

bazirana i crvenopilovana

Oh no

why do you think you will get her, filthy kraut?

lmao the mudslimes are seething over this

thx for acknowledging
it's rare to find even on Jow Forums because the golem gene runs deep

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she doesnt seem white to me

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