This nigger of a bank will lose all rights to make those "we create money by giving loans to each other" contracts with other banks if its cash reserve falls below 50 billion € They currently have like 54 billion €
The german goverment knows this and tried to merge them with the state owned commerzbank in 2018/early 2019 to have a way to pump tax money into them but it fell apart.
Now if the goverment institutes negative interest there will be a bank run which will finish them off and start the crisis. If they dont countrys in southern europe will default on their debt, making their state bonds invalid which will also finish the DB and start the crisis (because state bonds count as cash reserves because fuck ECB and FED)
Its literally only a matter of time the question is what will happen then Bundeswehr and Police are right wing in germany but there are countless violent leftitst activists and arabs clans have like 200k members in germany. I have already aquired as much gold as i can.
What will happen in your country when this bad boy hits the wall?
sorry, youve been scammed by fearmongering. deutsche bank has been the subject of recession talk for over 2 years now. its old.
>if the goverment institutes negative interest there will be a bank run which will finish them off and start the crisis.
there already are negative interest rates in europe. there cannot be a bank run because its basically impossible to receive or use cash in europe.
Cooper James
Fuck you Hans Once again you fucked up everything We are tired of you
Nathaniel Robinson
Yeah i do, thx for url
Thomas Lee
Mama Merkel will fix this boys.
Asher Collins
Can't these cocaine addicted retards negotiate a clean solution out of this via renegotiating or forgiving contracts instead of exploding the planet with them? Why is the government so useless?
Wait, what? Things are well on their way to complete fuck aren't they? How long till folk are stealing wheelbarrows and leaving the cash that was in them on the ground?
Angel Stewart
6 to 18 months according to economists Never and climate change is the real danger according to MSM
Gavin Anderson
This is true. Deutsche is old news. It's systemic as well. Way beyond TBTF. It will always be bailed out.
Austin Brown
After Deutsche will collapse the emergency action will be leaving euro, printing money to save common people savings and fucking in the ass euromanagers.
Easton Hernandez
wtf I love carbon taxes for white people, and demographic replacement now
Nicholas Gomez
What with all the worldwide instability and shit going on right now the future really isn't looking happy
Owen Davis
enjoy your fucking nigger immigrants fucking leftist faggot cucks, you did this and you found it to be fun, now die. Die with the jews that you so much love you pieces of shits
>opens window >sun is shining, birds are chirping outside
Thomas Powell
That's because all the foreign chickens know if they mess with the mountain birds they'll be slaughtered
Owen Hill
I can't wait for the cuck BRD to finally end
Eli Sanchez
Think about the fact that all of this is EU fault. Better, eurozone fault. Germany need higher interests rate, southern europe lower ones. Now we are totally fucked. Good job dear EUcucks.
The south could have high interest as well but not if they have to compete with germany in one currency union
Michael Long
Swiss shill trying to slide the thread please fuck off
Gavin Nguyen
The EU was designed to fall/fail, so that the kosher and halal Fourth Reich could start. Congrats, Europe and EUphiles.. Britain was right, and you all got KRAUTED.
Justin James
Make me, Hans. You did not dare touch us in WWII, and nothing has changed. We laugh at your tiny brains. And tiny wallets.
Ryan Gray
With President* KKKuck involved, I'm sure the entire world will turn on the US and wipe us off the face of the planet, and we completely deserve it for making president someone who has the intellect of a box of rocks.
You literal retard Swiss are germans and we are in this together. Stop pretending everything is fine and brace for impact.
Dylan Stewart
Nothing. The central bankers will print more money the save them and debt-slavery continues.
Aiden Bennett
>You did not dare touch us in WWII, and nothing has changed Bro... we were allies.
Jason Cook
We're definitely not Germans. Those Schwarzwald niggers I can accept, but Freiburg is the limit. We'll give you Schaffhausen though. We don't want it anymore.
Carter Wright
part of the housing bubble in spain will pop if that happens, and thar's a good thing
Evan Lewis
This. Your goverment shot down allied Planes and was watching our gold
Dominic Evans
I know. I'm just fucking with you. Buy silver. Not gold. Pro-tip from me. Shhh. Don't tell anyone, but it's undervalued and makes for a good currency after the crash.
Mason Kelly
More inflation aka workers get less money. The same thing that has been going on for decades.
>Now if the goverment institutes negative interest there will be a bank run which will finish them off and start the crisis. Nobody has his money at DB. It's an investment bank. Their consumer niche is tiny.
Brayden Ward
I have a lot of Dogecoin. Thanks to this board shilling it years ago. Will I make it? Or have I been deceived?
Blake Edwards
>Says who? Basel banking rules >Nobody has his money at DB. It's an investment bank. Their consumer niche is tiny. That is precisely the reason they are even close to having less than 50 bio reserve
Tyler Gonzalez
Eternal shitposter
Jason Gonzalez
You're nothing hanz. The greatness of your country died in WW2. You're just a pathetic larping faggot more worthy of pity than fear.
Levi Price
They're probably afraid they get stormed by a horse of niggers like they did with Parthenon in France
David Harris
The next great depression - caused by g*rmans again
Brody Martinez
No. I really do. I will send you some if you give me your address to prove it.
Ian Davis
>You're just a pathetic larping faggot Everybody on this board is larping and posting satire. Only fools believe anything said here.
In german here Just google "bundestag trench" pretty sure someone covered it in english
Blake Campbell
Ian Jackson
>Deutsche Bänker once again high on their money greed, with blood on their hands and coke in their noses.
The german tax payer will pay the bill just like the last time.
Nice, please more of this shit. Some boomers still think everything is fine.
shut up, you guys brought us this immigration mess by bombing Libya and voting your gay ass president. fuck you the guilt trip wont work no more
Asher Campbell
it won't pop unless somebody wants it to, shit for brains. they can keep bailing it out or printing new money FOREVER. how do you think this works???
the last thing your rulers want is a catastrophe relinquishing their control over your life. everything is under control, world government is already in place. calm down, take it easy
Julian Wood
Gold has been valued as jewelry for millenia, and is therefore consumable. Unlike fiat money, crypto is not backed by any powerful entity.
Jaxon Hernandez
Germany is fucked in the head.
They can't take care of the entire 3rd world. No country can.
Levi Brooks Once they cut the jobs and ensure a payout for the top brass this thing kicks off. The day you see angry people exiting is the day you should grab your favorite perishables from the store to have some variety before you need to dig into your food stores. Hopefully they don't slow walk this one and we get a major event instead of a slow disclosure of how bad things are.
>I'm going to ignore the invention of scarcity on the internet because it doesn't fit the narrow definition of money CNN gave me >t. 2014 argument
Liam Hughes
We should ask the Federal Reserve how their toilet paper currency is doing? After all they can give it value by wiping their ass on it, the only problem is that shit doesn't stick very easily and therefore doesn't hold it's value for very long. And when it finally loses it's value they can roll the paper with their dried shit inside and smoke it like a cigar, and blow it out their ass when they are finished!
>Basel banking rules So you mean Eigenkapital? Well, they'll have to sell some shit then.
We'll be one of the dominating forces of the 21st century.
>falling for all this impractical nonsense
>exposed to like $40+ trillion in derivative liabilities That's not how derivatives work.
Samuel Baker
Evan Phillips
I fail to see how. When the euro implodes, germany is over run with invaders already, itll implode and become fudal states. German unity is based on wealth. What happens when you run out of money?
Tyler Green
Reminder that any financial instruments more complex than simple stocks and fixed rate loans are totally unneccessary to the functioning of an economy and are entirely parasitical. Our most brilliant minds are employed in devising new complications to get money in a way that does not result in tangible goods or services. Imagine if all the quants on Wall Street were instead scientists or engineers.
Colton Ward
>German unity is based on wealth. What happens when you run out of money?
>Well, they'll have to sell some shit then. They cant, everything they posses already counts as eigenkapital >That's not how derivatives work. So explain it then if you Think you know more than we do. For all i know the derivates will collapse once they fail the 50bio mark
Juan Russell
Are you trying to make a point? Why does it even matter if there's an upper limit to the possibly mineable bitcoin?
Adam Smith
Crypto is backed by Math, that shit is way more powerful than jewelry.
You can‘t create more Bitcoins, you can‘t mine more. It will always be 21 million BTC, its hardcoded into it.
Gold however, they could find more deposits, they could mine it in space and dump it on the market making it almost worthless.
BTC is also easier to transact, its easier to receive. Its easier to keep secure than a vault filled with shiny boomer rocks.
>mine asteroid in space >bring back 10 million tons of gold >price of gold dumps because supply/demand
>mine BTC >can‘t mine more >can‘t discover BTC on a asteroid >its always 21 million BTC
Charles Thomas
>10 years later Any day now >20 years later Any day now >30 years later Any day now
Juan Wright
And what exactly prevents a competing cryptocurrency from appearing?
Anthony Clark
>Are you trying to make a point? yes >Why does it even matter if there's an upper limit to the possibly mineable bitcoin? literally the first graph in economics 101 is demand/supply user
Logan Cruz
Its against EU law to pump €€€ to private company. They did not allow to save our companies and we will not allow Germans to break the Single Market laws.
Germans you do not want to be bad goys, are you?
Benjamin Moore
Shalom, Moshe.
Grayson Wright
first mover advantage and current infrastructure $185,000,000,000 of wealth stored in it the same as nothing preventing a competing protocol for tcp/ip
Landon Sanchez
Explain that to the vegetable merchant during your flight out of his shop.
Tyler Barnes
>Swiss are germans HAHAhahaha this is what germans tell themselves to feel better hahah
Jack Clark
same bullshit that happened in 2008. they get government bailouts, all the higher ups get bonuses and the common folk suffers. the system is fucked.
Ian Hall
we turned off all the lights, always, and we shot down your planes too. im not sure where this historic revisionism is coming from but its oddly german
Leo Bennett
BTC is the longest blockchain, for 10 + years it is running now. Its working, never been hacked and people trust it.
And from all crypto it has the „fairest“ distribution, because nobody knew back then what it would eventually be.
If someone else creates a new shitcoin now you can be sure the developers or someone else holds the majority of it and will 100% dump on you.
also what this guy said
Cameron King
Can someone please tell me why we would all be fucked if Deutsche Bank falls?
BTC is too far volatile to become the foundational unit of trade
BTC isn't a currency BTC isn't an asset
BTC is a tulip
Cameron Evans
>So explain it then if you Think you know more than we do. For all i know the derivates will collapse once they fail the 50bio mark Derivatives are called derivates because they are derived from other financial products. These 40 trillion or whatever number you take aren't something that DB possesses or owes anyone. They are so to say contracts between third parties where the fluctuations in the market of that contract are the financial product. So if there is some contract for, say, a contract with some amount of iron ore then the buyer/seller can set up a derivative at a bank that handles the fluctuation in iron ore price. But the bank itself doesn't buy or sell the iron ore anything like that. These 40 trillion are still payed/owed between the contract partners.
>itll implode and become feudal states. >German unity is based on wealth. What makes you think that?
Hudson Rivera
Its not, do more research on the topic you brainlet fuck.
Its Digital Gold, you can kvetch as much as you want but it wont change anything about this.
Jackson Kelly
Yea exactly i dont get how you dont see the implications that follow when the bank fails, especially if you take into consideration that most of the money here doesnt even exist phisically and the currency is basically backed by nothing but market prices.
Jose Ramirez
money are just worthless papers money on credit cards are just numbers
You're not "energy rich", the reason why you are what you are is because of the petrodollar, and guess which region is closer to the Middle East and even owned it some time ago. So if it ever came to that, you're the one who'll starve for energy while we will occupy everything that produces it because its literally right on our border. Furthermore, Russia will export it to us and it loves doing so because it makes them rich and also guarantees that the EU doesn't act hostile against them. Coupled with all of that, Germany is the leading nation in fusion R&D
Sit down, be humble. And enjoy your collapsing shithole.
Adam Myers
so kraut what happens to your digital gold in a situation where either large sections of the world are without power thus you can't make transactions or the net is entirely or partially taken down causing different nodes to believe they are the only one in the network?
BTC is novel but it is not a good store of value in the case of a civil collapse.
Jack Lee
only a failure in BTC will push the next crypro that will replace it, and so it will happen to the next one