Thanks a lot, Jow Forums.
Thanks a lot, Jow Forums
That's a weird way of saying there's a 66% chance Trump saved us from a recession thanks to 'trade wars'.
Recessions tend to hurt leftists the most.
Some of us "can't wait" for a recession/crash to happen.
It won't be a recession, it will be China devaluing the Yuan to crash our markets and hurt Trump's chance of reelection.
You mean an overbought stock market is overdue for a correction? Okay poorfag who's never traded before.
Rookie numbers, Chang
>by 2020
Quite the cohencidence this is when they say climate change will kill us all.
Income minus consumer spending is not negative.
Fake news.
It's the morning now beaner. What time is it California?
>believing anything the media says
>We only have 12 years
>Sorry, make that 18 months
>Just kidding, it's already here
>Oops, it was 5 years ago
>My bad, you've already died and passed over into purgatory
Jeez, thanks a lot Trump
You're either young or don't have much money in the market. Resions only matter to retards who don't understand how banking and investment works... I guess that's mostly everyone which is why we still have them.
Unironically curious, where are they getting this 1 in 3 figure? Like how do you estimate this?
I'll be honest with you user. I'm broke as fuck and I don't understand the economy.
>posting porno
I never knew you
Democrats rigged the economy to fuck with trumps election chances... to bad for them it's only temporary and essentially just hurting themselves
>not signing TTIP to enlsave the EU and btfo russia / china for decades
you had your chance
We asked the greatest jewish minds
What would a Recession be like in today's age?
You mean, 100%
>don't have much money in the market
I don't, I'm waiting for a bust
>crash economy
>beaners leave
>chink paper economy crashes and they have a massive insectoid civil war because there's no other large country to buy their shit
I'm okay with this.