What the fuck is going on with Greenland?

what the fuck is going on with Greenland?
what is happening?

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who gives a shit

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Nothing. It's just one of Trump's spergouts. It's all forgotten in a couple of weeks.

I think you might be biased on this

Diversion. It is such a shit attempt that I'm surprised even pol bought it.

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get ready for the "empire" headlines

I would legitimately go to war for Greenland. I think we should offer to buy it, and if Denmark says no, we just go occupy it and ask the Danes what they're gonna do about it?

I love you Denmark. I do. But you can't put Greenland up for sale and then pull it off the table. I know you won't fight for it. Although you aren't entirely swedecucked just yet, you'll still have a hard time finding anyone willing to die for a big snowy plot of land. We're the only country that can actually extract its resources properly anyway.

I would also go to war for Greenland
I don't know what's going on
but I'd still go to war

I think you might be too.

But fact is that Denmark doesn't want to sell Greenland, and it's up to Denmark, since Greenland doesn't have territorial soverignty. And the US isn't going to invade Greenland, so don't even bother larping over it.

You must understand that Trump is like a little baby. He can't precisely tell the grown ups what he wants. So instead of saying "Can I have a cup of milk?", he says "Cup milk?" and then the grown ups have to interpret what he's actually trying to say. And what he's trying to say is that he'll give Denmark more money in order to expand the Thule base, and also give us a nice cut if we give the US a permit for harvesting natural ressources up there. And we'll probably be fine with such a deal - meaning that that's roughly what will happen.

A war for land would be a great change of pace.

It was never up for sale, you faggot.

You must understand that you either sell to the US or it will just be taken from you by us or someone else. Greenland is rightful American clay. Now go back to being irrelevant.

Bullshit. Your arrogance is pathetic.

Take the money, it'll be a lot easier that way.

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You will enjoy being an Israeli vassal state. Join us. Join us.

I can get on board with this

Not gonna happen.

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Just go there and if they try to deport us call them Nazis.

Why do these faggots think we're going to invade an ice cube because Legoland won't sell it to us?

one of us, one of us, one of us.

can you please buy the whole of denmark and rid us of these jew saving faggots

This is gonna happen, fren.

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West Denmark.

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You're extremely deluded if you think the US will invade Danish territory.

I wouldnt mind desu

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Calling it an invasion is pretty misleading.
We already have a base there, we'll just start building out from there, what are they gonna do about it? Annexation is more accurate.

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During the next global conflict the US will attempt to take it citing the Danish inability to mange their own land as the EU as a whole burns from all the sand niggers they let in. Meanwhile the US will give the go ahead to clear out the dregs of society to citizens that form de-facto police forces.

Rich in resources that will become more accessible as the world continues to warm up. Buying it is a good idea, imo.

You will fall to our greasy burgers and beautiful black woman.

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>God Emperor Trump will just take Greenland
Just after he
>Build a wall on the U.S.–Mexico border
>Make the Mexicans pay for it
>Label China a "currency manipulator"
>Renegotiate or withdraw from NAFTA, withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership
>Repeal and replace Obamacare
>Promote $1 trillion infrastructure investment
>Drain the swamp

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All kidding aside, Greenland should feel flattered, and either negotiate or just politely decline the offer. It's nothing more than an offer. In good faith.

Right? No more of this nation building nonsense. I'd rather build up my own nation.

In progress
In progress
Nice list mindless drone

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Imperialism is ok when a non-white country does it.

t. liberal.

>until they say no

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They might stop letting us buy their cookies

Nevermind. The offer has been withdrawn. Now we'll go the Texas/Hawaii route. We'll just send 300k 56%ers to take over the Greenland government, declare independence from Cuckmark and immediately apply for admission into the US.

Forcing future enemies to use the path of least resistance. Straight down through Canada. Dence bush, not alot of roads, can be bottle necked and evaporated with minimal civilian casualties.

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oh shit I didn't think of that
we need to set up peace accords I still want my cookies

You can't, cause Greenland doesn't have territorial soverignty. It's all up to Denmark.

since when have international laws stopped us from doing what we want?

i also would. euroshits have no idea about how much we protect them we literally are protecting them from russia with our missile defense system plus we guard their waters because they are to worthless and lazy to keep themselves safe. all we would have to do is dissolve nato and leave the UN allowing russia and china to dominate them, tell the world if china or russia attacks them not only will we not protect the cowards but we donate arms and food to the commies. let europe burn while we recover all the resources in greenland allowing us to gave another industrial revolution.

also lets just firebomb every canadian city and make them a territory.

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Because the pole shift is about to happen and Greenland will be at the equator

Honestly, I would too.
A war that isn't about overthrowing regimes in the middle east would be welcome. Greenland is pretty close to us and is a pretty large piece of land. It'd be hard to make full use of it, but god damn if we won't try.

We should start a petition to occupy greenland so our leaders know they have the go ahead.

nothing, just the political version of that canadian city saying they want tampa bay's baseball team. just posturing to get the think tanks rolling.

Do they desire sovereignty?

>he believes /ptg/

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>also lets just firebomb every canadian city and make them a territory.

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>Wants to invade an allied state for some frozen clay.
This would be a geopolitical disaster for the US and the end of US influence and presence in Europe, Idk user it doesn't seem worth for that clay.

>and either negotiate
So, you are saying an indigenous people, who'd be stone-age people were it not for gibs from Europe should negotiate a treaty with the government of the Unite States of America.
Sounds like a plan. What could go wrong?

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>Label China a "currency manipulator"
This one happened 12 days ago.


I don't think so. They like their autonomy. They're kind of addicted to Denmark. This proposal is literally just as ludicrous as if Japan asked the US if they could buy Hawaii or Alaska. Greenland might be its own "country", but it's still Danish. Danish currency, Danish police, Danish everything up there. It's more or less like an autonomous municipality rather than a country of its own.

Why do you act like they're retards?

Dude just take the money

I literally have no idea what has actually happened, My only exposure to this is from Jow Forums, Jow Forums, etc bants threads.

If The US actually buys greenland though, all of the Argie
>Muh distance
arguments for the Faulklands now apply to Canada.

Greenlandic people are retarded, though.

Not the French Canadians though. They may be assholes but at least they stay in their lane

Yes, but they know they need the gibs. Greenlands civilian society has a deficit of over half a billion of your currency every year.
That's roughly 60,000 people overspending by more than half a billion every fucking year

It's not that ridiculous. We purchased the Virgin Islands from Denmark about a century ago.

That's why we should get shit going up there and exploit the ressources. Cause they owe us money.

We got lotsa men that would love those klooch women, plus we got better gibs than the EU, and gobs of guns.

That was very different.

Nothing. Just another instance of the press spending multiple day over-analyzing some offhand comment by Trump.

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And i think we all should cut off Amerimutts from the rest of the World.

Please yes we need to get rid of these cancerous Amerimutts.

The differance is that the virgin islands were just some random outpost for Denmark with no real cultural or historical value, Greenland has been apart of Denmark for nearly a thousand years.
I don't think it is happening.

I'm American-educated, so I'm really unaware of the details. How was it different?

time to liberate greenland from their oppressive overlords

We got suckered there. Those islands weren't virgin

Ah, thank you for explaining.

With the melting of ice, Greenland can become interesting.

No, you took the money instead of being militarily humiliated, a mistake you're now about to make in Greenland.

Just take the money or we'll take the fucking Faroes, too.

Nothing will happen, Greenland isn't interested in becoming a new dumping ground for illegal Guatemalans or having shitty healthcare.

We'll just move in in droves and take it then, who's gonna stop us

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This. America will just fuck it up probably.

You mean in less than a week.

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Greenland was part of Norway for almost a thousand years. Denmark only got Greenland after we lost the Napoleonic wars.

>And the US isn't going to invade Greenland
>US has more military presence than denmark at any given time

we already did.

Endless supply of fresh, clean water.

Trump just said some shit to keep low iq base laughing. How the duck is wall progress coming? The clintons?

So we no longer carry you faggots defense wise and focus on the internal sphere aside from manifest destiny? What was the downside again?

What's the difference? Aren't you all blonde faggots?

We're going to surround the leafs to make sure they have no escape route.

I guess there's not much of a difference to a stupid american too lazy to look up on wikipedia.

First of all, it was over 100 years ago. The mentality today is different.

Second, the Virgin Islands were a burden to Denmark, and too far away.

Greenland is very ressourceful, closer to Denmark, the population speaks Danish, the infrastructure and everything is Danish. And they actually want to remain Danish.

It's always better to hear it from a real user than blindly trusting wikipedia.

Whatever manlet. You've clearly got angry faggot syndrome

A lot of ice and some Eskimo villages. Not much.

Ooooh. That's what it's about.
Set a date for the invasion yet?

Anything has a price, particularly if your government gets desperate for a cash infusion. Also triggered af

Gotta wait for the isis members they took in to gain power first

>A lot of ice and some Eskimo villages. Not much.

This. There's absolutely zilch happening there, and it doesn't have to be that way.

Thule AF Base thanks you for your willful ignorance and passivity

>the Danes will sabotage one of the most important events of the 21st century because lol fuck Drumpf


Understood Satan

You’re glowing

we already annexed it. danes SEETHING.