
Why isn't Jow Forums pro-Israel?

We support ethnonationalism. So do they. They're an ethnostate of Jews.

And they target Muslims, which are a threat to Europe and the West.

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literally who?

Jews own the world's media, and they are causing this intentionally.

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Nice try Rabbi Schlomoberg.

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lol you can't even mention israel without triggering kushnerbot anymore

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No seriously, literally who? Why do you believe a blue checkmark on social media who doesn't cite sources?

He's an eceleb that has recently saved me the thirty seconds it would take to copy paste that. Fuentes only scratched the surface. If you don't know about all those facts yet, then I highly recommend the playlist for the National Summit To Reassess the US-Israel relationship. Very informative and sfw.

Causing what? Christians to let strangers in?

Look at the Muslims the US is electing to congress who are speaking out against Israel. Is that the future you want?


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Israel goes against our self interests. No thanks.

You probably think the pope is a jew too, mutt



We do support those things for our own countries but just because Jews support that for Isreal doesn’t mean we are allies.

Jews have an undying hatred for white people that goes back thousadns of years and want us all ethno-genocided via mass immigration.

Also kill your self JIDF poster, just because you post the incredibly rare somwhat good looking jewess doesn’t mean we’ll support Isreal like the Trump niggers.

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Keep the Holy Father out of this.

> memeflag
> support israel goy
all so tiresome....

how many Christian priests do?

He literally kisses and washes Muslim feet. How is he a holy father?

Israelis aren't a problem but the rest of the Jewish diaspora is.

Stop trying to push this on us. You are the ones that poison/subvert the church to follow your Kalergi plan agenda

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The Holy Father is a good man, just a bit naive.

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Because Jow Forums is 75% children who were taught by South Park that Jews are an easy target.

20% of Jow Forums are bots and FBI

5% are educated white men, who come here to say what's on their minds without repercussion. I want to suck Kate Middleton's asshole.

top cuck nigger toe sucking faggot

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Israel is based and redpilled

So what? Jews are fantastic lawyahs

Glass the juice.

Israel is the ultimate degenerate, homicidal meltpot.

Palestinian nigger

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>Why isn't Jow Forums pro-Israel?
Because pattern recognition is a bitch.

This is why you want us brown, and stupid. There are people who can still see through your kike bullshit.


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Stop sucking Islamic cock, black nigger

These are kikes.

fuck off you kike loving boomer

I wonder (((who))) blew his brains up in the last episode

wheres that israeli loving serbian cuck, i need some laughs


I'll support Israel the day they support a white ethnostate.

>ethnostate of jews

thats the reason. we cant trust a single jew and you think we would trust a stolen land full of fucking jews? fuck off

I already riced 3 jewish girls though... isnt that enough?

>We support ethnonationalism. So do they. They're an ethnostate of Jews.
what the hell kind of argument is this.

That's a jew? It looks Mexican? What does this mean?

>support the Jewish State
>oppose Muslims
Gee, I wonder who could benefit from pushing this narrative?

Israel did 9/11

Jews are the enemy of the white race

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Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

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Paulie Walnuts.

PURE LOGOS das hue!

>[YouTube] Not Found
>>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA

Jow Forums is full with Anti Semetic Nazis. I'm Personally an Anti Zionist Stalinist. I'm not a Anti Semeite.


Why dont you show your flag, kikel?

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gas yourself, kike rat.

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They are jews

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They are opposed to ethnonationalism for all others except themselves, impossible to support them as such.

They are THE reason sandniggers are flooding us stupid goyim.

There is nothing else to be said.

I never understood why Jow Forums hate israel, to be honest, same as I can't understand why you hate africa.

I support a Jewish ethnostate in Israel so long as they're forced to stay there by way of military force

Jesus Christ

they promote open borders in other countries while furthering ethno-nationalism in Israel.

no one likes a hypocrite. its almost like they are natural born liars.

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>We support ethnonationalism
its not ethnonationalism you let evey jew in regardless of race
>And they target Muslims, which are a threat to Europe and the West.
no jews use muslims to destroy europe