Stefan Molyneux Goes Unhinged:

They will never let him live this one down

>Gives whites credit for all industrial progress

>states whites are addicted to rationality but had their souls ripped our by communism

>intellectually violates California

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Other urls found in this thread:

annnd i forgot the link

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He's getting more and more based and redpilled, but the fags at youtube and twitter are probably gonna ban him sooner or later

Love moly lots now

Quite possibly the most consequential philosopher since Socrates. Stefan Molyneux has reinvented the field of philosophy. He has lifted it from stagnation and breathed new life into western civilization. Our leader, our savior, Stefan Molyneux. Salvation.

I honestly think hes the only based podcaster to listen to at this point.

Everybody else is basically israel 24/7

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>we white europeans
>whites are addicted to rationality
>we whites are addicted to rationality
>we love to wrestle
>we love to subdue
>we love to impose

yeaaahhhh molyneux you're not white though

Ive been on and off with him over the years, but have come to accept that Stef knows philosophy like no other and is perhaps the bravest person on youtube.

Hey Stefan no one cares until you name the jew, shoo shoo back to jewtube.

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the moment he names the jew everything he worked for will be gone

he even named the Frankfurt school in his most recent video

he walks you all the way to the truth, but if you wont pick yourself up from there and try to learn more it wasnt worth naming anyone

You can drop the act, when will it be appropriate to name the jew? Say every white person knows about ZOG, when does phase two, actually doing something about it, begin? We can't tip toe forever and whites are diminishing in absolute numbers worldwide.

the guy is a fucking psycopath

Literal stormfaggot. How do you expect to ever have any allies when you deem only .1% of the white race white?

I've always loved moly, never knew why people hated this guy. Is it cuz they were butthurt marxists?

nice strawman
not an argument

you go redpill up to 1,000,000 then you will be walking the walk

He still supports Cernovich, which is a huge red flag. Plus of course the whole one dollar fiasco. I don't trust him, but he's not doing anything bad yet. But I don't trust him, he's too proud. I'm gonna call it now: he's going to convert to Christianity within a year, but it'll be meme tier a d he'll make it all about him. At the very least, there seems to be a pattern of conversions that is at least slowly turning around the general populace, but it's as fake as it was fifty years ago. We're still fucked

He should post this video. Very good red pill

Wow....watched it, OUR GUY

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He pretty much knows he’s becoming irrelevant and is only doing this just to stay in the news

This. Also checked

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Mostly because he is part jewish and was a more hardchard ancap

phase 2 is getting married and having at least 5 kids, then raising them right in spite of all the bullshit in this world.

An even bigger red flag is that he plagiarises other peoples work in his presentations. He literally copy&pastes entire sentences without putting it in quotation marks or making the audience aware that he is referencing to something else.

Nice work Jow Forums. We finally broke him.

Not really, but I think he realized that he has less reasons to hedge, now.

I've been saying this for awhile.
The people that say shit like this are retarded divide and conquer faggots.
"Don't have blue eyes? Not White"
"Don't have blonde hair? Not white"
"Not from the county I'm from? Not White"
These dumbasses don't realize this is the weakness that the blacks and other races don't share.
Notice how all blacks refer to themselves as black no matter how light skinned they are?
100% black. 50% 20% doesn't matter they still unite due to tribalism.
Meanwhile stupid faggots will say shit like "oh you're 10% polish so you're not white" or "lol Italian white" "lol Russian.. white" stop dividing up like retards trying to be technical when your enemy defies all logic.

Holy shit watching this guys transformation over the last decades gives me a minute amount of hope for white people

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Based and grillpilled.

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Not denying it, is just as much a crime in the eyes of the Jews. It's also an example to his followers.

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OY GEVALT! Stop that

If it wasn't for D&C jews and glowniggers would be in a world of shit, anyone who promotes it sticks out like a sore thumb.
If you fall for it your useful idiot ass should do us all a favor and not breed.

It's just weird that he doesn't make videos about kikes.

>it's weird he doesn't want to get banned from youtube

You brainlets need to read between the lines instead of expecting people to be outright open about things.

>such a vulgar display of power

Black is not a race and neither is White. We shouldn't emulate blacks just like we shouldn't emulate gays or jews in playing their victim games.

Better to refer to whites as European, the kikes have poisoned the word white and everyone equates white with nazi.

Know More News, Red Ice TV, Mark Collett and others constantly name the kike on Jewtube, so why couldn't Molymeme do it?

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Because they are disregarded by the mainstream as far right, Stefan isn't, at least not yet and he has more followers than them.

What do you guys want, for people to just say IT'S THE KIKES!! THE KIKES!! and lose 90% of their audience?

Reversing brainwashing takes time, most people had a few years at university to get brainwashed.

Stefan has officially ODd on redpills

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I-is this secret mossad intel?

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He needs to call out racemixing if he want to get my support

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No that was Robert Maxwell who was killed like Epstein.

He has so fat and lazy he loved oral sex and the hookers Mossad used to suck him off were the ones who were at the bottom who would also service black guys he was that disgusting.

Just a real Jew here in my homeland, not a European Jew.

He's already unhinged and redpilled.

Grill posting, comfy memories of better times.
I unironically we weren't banned from reddit.

Why would he personally choose to jeopardize his revenue stream by getting banned from YT after "naming the Jew"?
Molymeme might appear to the onlooker to have his viewers interest in mind but that is only one side of the coin. The other is that he's in it for the money as well.
He will do anything to prevent losing either as they're linked together and dependent upon.

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Yes. 4th Reich.

I never watch his videos because he's a windbag, but some of his tweets are pretty funny. The character limit forces him to be concise, and he also makes it witty.

Being a white male, that's expensive as fuck. The government literally steals the money I could use for a family and gives it to minorities to breed like rabbits.


So you're just a "regular" Jew, you say? Do you believe in all the Third Temple/Moschiac/Greater Israel bs or are you more culturally Jewish?

if he was in it for the money he wouldnt have left his computing company or would have ads on his videos

What's your angle on this? What do you gain from not being unreasonable? Is this some new form of hasbara? English teacher in tel-aviv?


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Look at Wiemar. People knew about the jew for years, it was when the economy collapsed that whites felt like they had nothing to lose by rebelling against their masters.

Maybe he wanted to do something differently and actually preferred the one thing above the other?
Haven't you encountered similar circumstances in your own life?

And a lot of people are beginning to realize what the Jews are up to, plus there's an economic crash incoming soon. History repeats.

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Me too, I want you and everyone else who came from there to go back.

Lol I live in Tel Aviv-Yafo. It's pretty much the West. I chill on the beach. Watch 80s movies and play dungeons and dragons.

I don't pray to horned Gods or eat foreskins.

Just a regular guy, trying to live his life. Probably got a few screws loose, never really knew it until now.

I'd enjoy this if I could fucking hear him

>Probably got a few screws loose, never really knew it until now.
Very based and skyking-pilled. G-d speed Solomon, if i ever have the fortune of visiting the promised land, i'd play d&d with you, would have to borrow your D6's though.

I miss that guy every single day. I can share. Every once in a while you get a normal Jew, just like you get a smart nigger once in every 10 million of them.

he really meant it when he said he was going to step it up

you must go back

How is his economic situation?

He keeps begging for donations, but he is just a dude who taIks in his house in front of the webcam, how much money does he need?

He seIIs books, has hundreds of thouands of viewers, many IoyaI fans

Why does he sound Iike he is bareIy scraping by?

Based joo.

>punchable face

r/mde was ok
its r/the_donald and r/cringeanarchy that need to go

Yeah. Sage that mental illness type when they post. They're deranged and only Divide and Conquer attackers to bring anything worthwhile down

I suppose I was expecting too much for Molymeme to name who was behind the Frankfurt school

Agree 100%, just ignore anyone who doesn't understand this shit.

EVEN IF you want to be some purist, save that for the VERY LAST STEP. Take back your country first, unite with people who are "passably white" and after you have your country back, THEN WORRY about shit like eye and hair color, country of origin, all of that shit. That's the FINAL STEP after everything else is solved.

Fuck people are stupid and shortsighted

I integrate well so shut the fuck up you faggot

>in the EU

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kys shill
what the fuck is wrong with you

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Why hasn't he gotten banned yet?

Lost it at the end.

>whites are addicted to rationality

okay shlomo

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This guy is legit scary.

The level of black and redpills he drops like candys are scary.

I stop functioning for a week after I saw the video about demography in EU.

If we show 3 hours of this stuff to a leftist, he will likely off himself.

It is not that he repills you, he is a basilisk that can and will fuck you up by listeining at him.

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I have a couple of legit questions that no one seems to want to answer. It's like they expect you to just accept what the narrative is, and won't respond, otherwise.

1. Are the current Jews the same as the ones in Christ's time?
2. Who are the Akhenazi(sp.??) Jews of which Soros is a member?
3. If Soros helped round up Jews for Hitler, does that mean that the Akhenazi Jews are the ones who are left, and the Orthodox Jews were the ones that were slaughtered prior to WW2?
4. If Israel is so anti-white... Why are we their allies?

I know that there are shills on here. I don't care to hear your answer. I know that there are people on here who just hate blindly, with no rational reasoning. I don't want to hear your answer, either. But if you can be honest and sincere, and take the time to help me understand what's going on, so that I can better protect my home and family,I would appreciate it.


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>1. Are the current Jews the same as the ones in Christ's time?
No, they're mutts since the Jewish diaspora.
>2. Who are the Akhenazi(sp.??) Jews of which Soros is a member?
Jews who mainly come from central Europe.
>3. If Soros helped round up Jews for Hitler, does that mean that the Akhenazi Jews are the ones who are left, and the Orthodox Jews were the ones that were slaughtered prior to WW2?
Never heard of that.
>4. If Israel is so anti-white... Why are we their allies?
Because your state is run by kikes.

>2. Jews who mainly come from Central Europe
Are they bloodline Jews, or like Jews in name only?
>3. Never heard of that
It was an interview that he did on CBS many years ago. He said that when the Nazis were rounding then up, he went with them and showered them where they all were, and basically said that it was either that, or die. Either way, he's a race traitor, on top of everything else fees guilty of
>4. Because your state is run by kikes.
We outnumber them literally 50 to 1 in the US.

Sorry if the greentext doesn't work, I'm guessing on how to do it.

Sorry for all of the typoes. My auto-correct is just evil.

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Paul of tarsus was a subversive kike too

>Are they bloodline Jews, or like Jews in name only?
Their DNA can be traced back to the Levantine region.
>It was an interview that he did on CBS many years ago.
He probably did this to save his own shitty neck.
>We outnumber them literally 50 to 1 in the US.
It's not about numbers, it's about who holds position of power.

Are the rumors true, merchant? Do you own all the media?

>probably did this to save his own shitty neck
such acting under duress usually doesn't translate into "the best period in one's life" as he stated

>such acting under duress usually doesn't translate into "the best period in one's life" as he stated
Yes, but given the fact that he is a psychopath anything is possible. I can't tell what his motives were, as I haven't watched the interview yet.

He is certainly big brained and can debate anyone and win I imagine.

Soros probably traded his people for a bag of teeth

>given the fact that he is a psychopath anything is possible
well then sure, it makes sense the period where he sent most people to their deaths while stealing their possessions would be great

And the bastard hasn't changed much since then.

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Say what you want about him but he's undeniably waking people up.