Zoomer here, most of us aren’t as based as you think

I’ve been a long time lurker here and I see the “gen Zyklon B” meme a lot. As much as I wish we had more based Zoomers, from my experience most white men of my generation are mostly centrists or MIGA pedes, with a few hard left soi boys. Most white girls don’t hate white men but are deep in feminism and want to do their own thing. Almost universally nonwhites are leftists from my experience. I feel like there are some red pills we zoomers could take pretty easily (my friends responded pretty well to the roastie redpill) but a lot could be difficult

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Other urls found in this thread:


If you're white and you literally think Trump = "MIGA" and don't understand that he is the first political voice that you have had in generations then you're already cucked and Jewed, you just don't know it.

Zoomer here
Too busy jerking off to black women to be based

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t.black pill rabbi

fuck off, shill

I’m just telling from my experience man, I’d be happy if you prove me wrong.
>challenges Jow Forums opinion
>I’m obviously a shill of some kind

I just meant they are neocons, sorry boomer

You're a fucking retard.
If you think 16-20 year olds are based you've been here too long. I have two cousins around that age. They are overflowing with cultural marxism, even moreso than millenials I'd say.

Zyklon B is just a meme. You guys have been raised by mothers that are only 12-15 years older than you without a father. Your preffered presidential candidate is Tulsi Gabbard, and she looks like she has fucking dentures. You guys call her "mommy"
Not based.

Keep in mind most redpilled people keep it in the closet. They're more numerous than you'd think but probably less than you'd hope.

Kill them then

Exactly why most of us are even here on Jow Forums, everyones an user, user.

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No wonder why, you are a fucking argentinian, probably the country thats more influenced by cultural marxism, even more so than european countries such as mine, england, germany etc...

All generational warfare memes are shill tactics in their own right:

> boomers (mountain dew)
Generational Warfare 101 plus marketing. Commercials frequently depicted one generation pitted against the other. Look up the classic simpsons butterfinger commercial for ease of viewing, and now inverse it. It's a meme and marketing tactic to make you have irrational spite against boomers, and market (((sucralose))) juice in the process.

> based zoomers Generation Zyklon!
A incapacitation campaign made to make you relax on efforts of redpilling the generation that's coming into adulthood. Generally speaking, any "good" news that's not contested by shills is meant to lul you into a false sense of security. "Don't worrry goyim, the zoomers are already redpilled!"

The bottom line, all generational warfare is misdirection: blame everyone but the jew, stop worrying about young soon-to-be adults, bicker at your parents and grandparents, etc. Jews want you to lay the responsibility for their tricks and schemes on past fools and generations of people who were bluepilled so you fight everyone but them.

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Doomer zoomer here. Everything is pointless and (((they))) always win.

I was surprised to meet even like 1-2 moderately redpilled guys, and my claim isn’t that there are no redpilled zoomers.
>pic related got sent to me by one of my redpilled friends

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>most of us aren’t as based as you think
lmfao didn't need a zoomer to tell me that

We are aware. It's the reason your generation is referred to as Zoomers. What you describe is still a MASSIVE improvement compared to our generation. Our generation consists almost entirely of people who live in cloud coo coo land. Most are unsalvageable degenerates who take pride in choosing to be genetic dead ends, and then think they're in a position to mock those who aren't content with that. We tried priming your generation to have a more ethnic outlook, but the result of our operation was merely a step back to boomer tier meritocracy as a prevalent outlook. Hence the name Zoomer.
But your generation lacks a luxury that we have. Your generation will be the one that - when it is still young - will feel - how do I describe this? Non-whites alter their behaviour drastically based on what their percentage in a country is. We had the luxury of only growing up with the comparably tame version. And a lot of us are already seeing what's on the horizon in spite of that. You will feel what it is like, to be a minority compared to a coalition of sociopathic minorities. You will see friends raped and murdered, and you will have people at first make excuses for it, then when some of the legitimate anger has blown over, actually celebrate and further encourage it on camera. Actual on-paper laws are only ever a pretext. When it comes to law enforcement, race is key.
And with police forces getting filled with spics and sandniggers in western countries, you will experience with your own eyes what that means. People getting assaulted, defending themselves and getting arrested for having the gall to not idly let themselves be killed, is already a thing that happened here and there for our generation. When you are our age, it will be the norm. You better get Jow Forums and prepare for bloodshed, because there WILL be bloodshed, and the system will always twist things to portray you as a ruthless criminal and your assailants as innocent children.

You better buckle up.

Buckle up buttercup

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People that I personally know are usually based af and there is a small percentage of leftards.

Neoconservatism is literally the only "pro-you" movement / political ideology in the USA if you are white and American. Why do you think all of the people who are "anti-you" are simultaneously so down on neoconservatism.

People in the middle east want to cut your fucking head off. People saying you shouldn't go to war with them are literally ensuring that they are able to build up big enough economies and militaries so that they can militarily invade you and destroy you. They are religious zealots. They don't listen to reason.

If you don't understand all of this, and you don't understand the hate against Donald Trump / Republicans is simply an extension of the hatred these people have towards you personally (assuming you are really white) then like I said, you're already lost and kiked like most of Jow Forums is. Keep in mind that the people on this site are losers. They're not winners. They're not smart. They're just losers. Most of them have autism. Autism isn't "a special term for smart people" as many people will tell you today. These people are literally missing crucial parts of their brain and lacking higher brain functions that are necessary for them to understand and interpret the world. Don't go thinking people here and their "Drompf is a kike!" are actually smart, "redpilled" or worth following in a herd in any way.

Trump helped us tremendously. The conversation is now framed on white nationalism.Years ago no one would even think about keeping whites as the majority. Now it's considerable conversation. I'm voting for Trump so we can keep the conversation moving in our direction.

>the first political voice that you have had in generations
Trump is a kike puppet. When he said "build the wall", he meant in Pissrael
Anyway, i am a zoomer and i can confirm that most other zoomers either don't give a shit about politics, are brainwashed by ((())), or are blackpilled as fuck. OP and I are a case study.
I was raised without my mother for most of my life, and my dad was a sex addict.
What i can tell you is that sitting around and complaining that the world is fucked or that "Generation [insert random fucking letter here]" isn't going to save you. Pretending that Trump is some sort of godsend is a quick way to end the white race.

Blah blah blah "Trump is a kike puppet" fuckin' kek are you guys on a script, or something? You're so cringey.

You are way better than my shitty generation in their teens and everybody is dumb during teenage years.

t. early millennial who survived hordes of golems in the 90's

keep the red pilling efforts going guys

I’ll make sure to clean my room boomer, enjoy your individualism

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Wash your penis!

>Blah blah blah
>fuckin' kek
>script, or something?
Jesus Christ the absolute Reddit protruding from this post, there is no joke in saying that /ptg/ is the Reddit containment thread on this board

Sorry to disappoint, but that is based.

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All you have to do is stay in shape and be cool, not a faggot and you are gonna be swamped with pussy. All these faggots are opening up so many possibilities for the strong white man. Harems here we come!!!!! Yahooooo!!!!!

Shut up zoomer, we all know you slay pussy and crack the skulls of ANTIFA. There's no need to be modest just because you think we'll be jealous of how chad you are.


>most white men of my generation are mostly centrists or MIGA pedes,
Bullshit. Most Zoomers have no idea Israel is even a country. If they do it's from church studies. Usually around 20-23 is when Israel's role on the global stage is brought to attention. By 25-30, you're redpilled. Israel as a threat, or even its existence, is hard to grasp when young because it requires lots of exposition and filtering of biased MSM.

I’m working on getting in shape so I can get some pussy but I’ve always been a fat fuck

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Gen Z here too.

I come from a rural area, and most of the guys I graduated High School with and still see are pretty woke in the sense that they don't buy into the narratives the media and our professors try to drill into us. Most of the girls though are absolutely unsalvageable. The fact that I managed to find a girl that hasn't been brainwashed into being a whore is a miracle. Probably going to be putting a ring on her soon, desu.

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dare i askez sauce?

Some of us are and some aren't. What really redpills zoomers is supporting/spreading alt media and spreading redpills in games/social media and other normie areas. The antiwhites hate this.

yeah i would say rural areas and suburban areas are where the whole "based zoomzoom" meme comes from. i wonder how many other zoomers are closet fascist too?

every movement is lead by a more ideologically sound avantgarde, always

I mean I'd certainly not define myself as "Fascist" by any means. I still like to imagine a classic republic of Pre-WWII America can be achieved, but given the dramatic shift in demographics, culture, and governmental involvement I can only remain blackpilled. I come to Jow Forums because even if I still think the shit posted here is autistic, I can get a laugh out of it (Unlike with Twitter/Facebook/Reddit/etc).

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Maserati is the pornstar

sorry i wasn't calling YOU fascist i was just wondering how many zoomers might actually be fascist. i hope you can one day move away from libertarianism and hopefully join us

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Another zoomer here. I'm from Baltimore, being around nigs constantly has really swung me up into the authoritarian right. Its not just rural and suburban areas.


Yeah his script is an analysis of fact.

Jew fag

checked and based. see you in the up and coming global race war

>Jew words, leaf flag

Same. My friends who identify as “conservative” are just in it to trigger the libs. They don’t go farther than that and their understanding of what goes in is non existent. They reject SJW shit but that’s all they really do.

Great thread.
But sorry for you, it doesn’t make me forget that Epstein was murdered and that your thread is part of a massive ongoing effort to distract people from the bogus findings that he committed suicide.



Zoomer here. I live in a blue state and literally all my friends are at the very least republican, if not far right. You run into more right wing zoomers than you do lefties.

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This thread was made by a boomer jew attempting to demoralize white zoomers

That's cool dude. Don't make your bed. Don't listen to me. You won't have a future. IDK it effects you a lot more than it effects me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

so you're hopeless. thanks zoomer cucks.

Look the Epstein (((suicide))) is obviously important, but we literally had like a week of the catalog being just Epstein threads, I don’t think it’s sliding to talk about something else at this point
I didn’t say there wasn’t any hope, just that it’s not gonna be easy to redpill all of gen Z

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This. If the Zoomer’s white, straight, and has a penis, it’s 8/10 times right wing.

Can confirm.
t. Fellow Zoomer

Both are fairly true. You could argue that he's benefitted Israel more than the US (other than economy and some foreign policies), but that he also helped shift the conversation to our side.

>Trump isn't miga

He would have been left in the Reagan days.

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They want to cut our heads off because we support Israel, bomb, invade, and sanction their countries, support coups, and try to force them to live like us. They are the most conservative group on average and I don't support forcing them to legalize gay rights or whatever. I really don't care what they do, since they are exactly on the opposite side of the globe.

> 'Muslims don't hate our freedoms enough to blow us up, and we didn't have problems with them until Israel came around' - Michael Sheuer, based antiZOG ex-CIA Bin Laden expert.

If there is a good reason to stay there, it's to make sure that no one country in Eurasia becomes powerful enough to rival the USA. But considering we spent trillions of dollars on those wars, can we say say we got our money's worth?

Neocons are religious zealots also.

>Zoomer here, most of us aren’t as based as you think

My generation will look like the Hitler youth compared to the zoomers with their 38 genders and estrogen levels off the charts.

Everyone has to learn , guide their learning at an accelerated rate

The overwhelming majority of people of any generation are going to be passive normalcattle who do not deviate from the acceptable cultural attitudes of their age. It's always always the disaffected fringes of a generation who are wholly responsible for pushing the direction of culture in one way or another. These people are why anyone is interested in Gen z, because it's probably the first time in many generations where these respective fringes are not radically and exclusively ultra-progressive, but are instead reactionary.

People look at the boomers and readily blame them for all of the nonsense they got up to in the 1960s, but they never realize that the people who actually pushed for the whole "sex drugs, and rock & roll" craze and all of the liberal-hippy shit were actually a tiny faction of boomers. The rest only got on board as these attitudes became more socially normalized.

TL;DR the silent/passive majority is irrelevant.

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I bought a new phone today and this will be the first file I save thank u god bles

I'm converted

ok tranny

>can barely interact with other students in school dude to iphones
>smokes e-cigs instead of cigs
>living in post sjw era
>le 52%
>spend most of their time playing weird games like fortnight that I have no clue even is
>twitch "culture" has become the new Saturday morning/afternoon tv for kids.

Jesus so this is how my grandparents felt. God help us when they take over

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Gen Z here. I'm going to get stabbed by abdul and the senpai
Nearly everyone I know here are left. There was one rightwing guy but I lost him when he pierced his nose and he now worships nigger music

Regardless I will support you, I have faith in you guys.

>Most white girls don’t hate white men
False GenZ white girls are now intersectional and despise white men. It’s honestly horrendous

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your opinion on Soph? have you circulated her videos at all?

>from my experience most white men of my generation

Jow Forums tries to create an alternate reality using goebbelian repetition of nonsense, to ensnare frustrated white men who don't go out much

but people who *DO* go out, and who are productive and active in the world, observe jews, blacks, hispanics, gays, east & s. asians .. in the world

these whites for the most part see the outlandish nazi/pol/ claims, and recognize their falseness

and realize that people who lie as much nazis aspire to turn usa into a country like north korea

>these whites for the most part see the outlandish nazi/pol/ claims, and recognize their falseness
That, or they've only been presented one narrative regarding race relations their entire lives.

thats not what i see in the trenches of discordia

but i am sure your lot self segregates

criminally unchecked quads

Because we know better than to reveal our powerlevel unnecessarily. I don't want to deal with political drama irl if I can help it. If I do end up in a political discussion I
pretend to be centrist and drop subtle redpills.

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Please watch this and then punch yourself in the face as hard as you can.

Heh idiot they want to cut everyone's head off if they don't follow Allah, whether they have anything to do with Israel or not. It is r_e_l_i_g_i_o_u_s z_e_a_l_o_t_r_y. Period. Not a matter up for debate. Public record. No clue why you stupid Jow Forums morons have such a hard time grasping that. As I've said before in the thread, just go on liveleak and listen to them for yourselves. They might talk about Israel but they talk about a million other things too. They want "unbelievers" aka "infidels" purged from Earth. Man, this is not rocket science. This is not "unknown" stuff. God damn it.

Holy shit I didn’t even realize

I think it depends in the state and country, I'm a zoomer too and I shit you not, I only met 4 guys that shared right wing vews

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kinda lost hope in my generation, women only what to be bitches