You can have Greenland, only if you learn to share

You can have Greenland, only if you learn to share.

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The most oil and plutonium is in the green region. The most habitable is in the blue.

>russhit and chinkna have claim to rightful american clay

The whole island is rightful Russian land

why do all americans think like kikes? oh yeah, never mind.

It's actually rightful Gaelic clay.

why the hell do the chinks need a slab of it?

They are now entering status as a super-power as the US declines. Super-power countries like to expand their empires.

Only nations with a military are relevant. These are the only three countries in the world that matter.

This. The US is full of greedy consumers. That’s why.

America will finally have those smug Canadians completely surrounded.

How much more to toss in Iceland?

st. brendan discovered it first

>It's actually rightful Gaelic clay.
You faggots would find a way to stave on an island filled with fish and seals.

Offer $500 billion + 5% royalties on natural resource extractions for 100 years; or $1.0 trillion flat payable evenly over 10 years, but only after prolonged negotiations.

Next begin raiding Europe of its most talented northern citizens as colonists. Aim for 5-10 million in the first 10 years. Engineers and other knowledge workers looking for social & cultural safety and Western laws.

Invest another half trillion in a massive new city facing Iceland akin to NEOM in Saudi Arabia.

We could economically destroy Europe with this play.

>american is thinking like a half jew half nigger
no surprise here

Coldwater shrimp industry is overfishing because the Chinks are upping the demand.

Alaska is also Russian

At least we wouldn't build schools just to shoot the children inside them.

Not after we bought it
Like we’re going to do with Greenland

>At least we wouldn't build schools just to shoot the children inside them.
I wouldn't know.
Where I'm from it's more likely the children would shoot back.


Thanks again Russia.

It was a null contract with the russian crown. The soviets did not approve and could not contest due to you know, revolution. Time to return alaska

>an island filled with fish
American education

no takesies backsies

Yes, we are taking it back one day

We'll do it as soon as Turkey gives back Istanbul, and western Anatolia to Greece because the ottoman empire no longest exist.

seething r*ssoid thinks his irrelevant nation will do anything but lose territory into the future

You sound scared. Don't worry, we are going to take only what is rightfully ours.

>rightfully ours
pick one, i’m sure FAS has taken a toll on the development of your brain but try to understand what “sold” means for ownership, commie.

Deal. Except we the entire western third, Russia gets the middle third and china gets the eastern third. This way all are in the arctic which is why I suspect we want it in the first place.

I would be absolutely fine if america just took greenland for free. What can denmark do? Lol.

Alaska is going back home. You have held it for far too long. Its time to make things right.

>The soviets did not approve and could not contest
>Alaska was formally transferred to the United States on October 18, 1867
>USSR),[c] was a Marxist-Leninist sovereign state in Eurasia that existed from 1922 to 1991
Are you drunk m8

´wow this is so retarded
why not give it to nepal?

GREENLAND IS Danish and shall remain Danish for good. FUCK OFF SHITMERICA

You need to have a military to defend your interests. Denmark doesn't have much. At any time, the ZOG can take it by force.

America is zogged
Denmark is zogged
for the zog this question is of no importance

Thanks for providing more proof that Russian faggots use American vpns to post, faggot

Share harder faggot

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Russia can't even hold onto Siberia with all the chinks. Your population is more than 20 million fewer than it would have been if the USSR didn't fall and your birthrates are falling again because pootin doesn't pay natasha enough to have her little FAS babies.

In 50 years from now, Greenland will still be Danish.

Try and take it from us faget

Attached: 833DEE36-6857-47DC-9A42-94B4ED187E23.jpg (620x456, 102K)

>t. Irrelevant country who wishes he were relevant again.

America then

Siberia is ours and so will be Alaska one day. Don't be scared.


1-Send trump, his family and every trumps supporter and alt-right person whatever the hell this may be to greenland.
2-Send every non alt-righter at/from greeland to usa.
3-Now, everyone at greenland stop being american and become 100% greenlander
4-And the greenlanders that went to usa stop to be Greenland and become 100% usa citizen.
5-Greenland build a wall to make sure the alt-right people dont leave and so no one would logically be able to complain about them (well if you complain without reason anything is possible).
6-Greenlanders will leave UN and all other organizations and wont influence how it is run, check step 5 for reason.
7-They will have their own internet not being able to visit normal internet, check step 5 for reason.
8-They will become a isolationist country to not mess with other countries, again check step 5 for reason

Plutonium has a half life of less than 15 years. You're never going to find it in nature. You have to synthesize it.


>-200k russians every year
>population of russia still increasing because of kebabic migration from kazakhstan

Russia will be turkish before any of that happens


Why I said that?

People will decide to move to grenland and when there they will complain how the country is and say how it should be changed.

sounds like communism for me

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The red part should be german

So basically Bioshock before they find those fucking ADAM seaslugs

US, China and Russia are the only countries that matter now.

Yeah, but why would China get land in this part of the globe?

They'd buy it, obviously.

Am i supposed to believe US would allow it?

Russian men and ugly russian women can go to Hell. It's hot women can come to me.

From Denmark, not the US.

And US would respect their agreement? Kek

Give it to us. We know how to squeeze the most out of it, and everybody gets their cut from the extra

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With JewSA funding niggers Saudis and turks instead of helping Europe I doubt it

If we allied we could possibly split Alaska down the middle, like Poland 1939.

I support



>The soviets did not approve
Are you implying that they where a legitimate government?

Annex Canada. Get Greenland. Form new empire.