Why did India devolve to such low standards once Britain set them free?
Britain and India
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"It's all so tiresome"
took fuck all time for the UK to do the same
India will surpass UK, not because of it's greatness but because UK allows itself to be colonized by Pakistanis
>implying India was ever better after the British took over
jerk off all you want, the Brits did almost nothing for a country with over 400 million people. where's the British roads, houses and infrastructure? where's the toilets?
lmao you Americans even fought alongside us in the revolutionary war against the British.
also why do so many Alt-righters pretend they "gave" us things when we literally paid taxes to the British government. Most Indian businesses and Indian officers under the Raj paid tax to UK. Indian soldiers were sent to parts of Africa and Europe to crush rebellions and defeat other tribes.
and some times Indians had to fight for both sides
Are you stupid? Everything (and I mean literally everything) we have in India is due to the British.
Including the fact that you can write semi-literate English on this site, and earn a living for your ungrateful self.
India has had nothing new and/or original post the British departure.
>Brits did almost nothing for a country with over 400 million people
I just googled the British population around then and the size of their army and holy fuck, how are you not embarrassed by your genetics?
400 million of your ancestors couldn't repel a few thousand brits, wtf dude seriously, I'm not even nationalistic but damn... I pretty sure most people can see the fucking balls they had back then.
Keep arguing with me because I believe it's just gonna impress me more about my ancestors dude.
You had superior tech. We didn't. Try that shit now if you have the balls.
lol nothing to do with tech, your people were weak and easily manipulated and controlled by the superior anglo, literally a bunch of savages like dogs, easy to tame.
Your sub would sink because someone forgot to close the hatch, and your tanks would fall apart because the crew didn’t use the designated shitting spot.
Everything like what? The buildings which they built for themselves? Nigga we had better infra in local temples.
Railroads which they built for themselves on very specific routes? Yeah like we wouldn't get any if there were no brits.
You absolute piece of shit. Brits had tens of explorers visiting india way before British rule. What do you think they spoke with?
Like what? Tell me.
thanks for the $45 trillion shitter. now I get to live a /comfy/ life in a 1st world country while you literally live in shit without toilets
Why don't you do it then faggot? Where are your balls now?
>everything we have is due to the british
try harder cunt. you wouldn't say that to a Serb or a Persian.
the only thing we have to give the Brits is them giving us a useless constitution and a legal system that would never work in India. time to repeal that faggotry and bring Hindu Law back.
Where do you think you got your roads and rail ways you ungrateful poo in loo?
Also why do you fucking roaches reproduce like wild dogs?
>India having 45 trillion to steal
Dumbest lie I've ever heard
Get out of house you whackyteeth loicense hoarding britbong and look around. THIS is India now.
You have been defeated.
>Indian empire was in the green after ww2
>much of the indian diaspora from the empire
>trains, motorcycles, reservoirs and sewers
>trade routes
>civil service was invented to govern india
>air freight
>indian had a parliament
>ruled yemen, malaysia, kenya, burma
>majorities in fiji, south america, caribbean, islands in the atlantic and populations in malaysia
With partition the brits all left and the existing infrastructure was split in two
>Money in the world: According to the Bank for International Settlements, the total amount is about $5 trillion. According to the CIA, the total amount is $80 trillion if you include "broad money." The US dollar is the most popular currency in use worldwide
Very doubtful.
And they stole 45 trillion of that and somehow your population exploded at the same time? You're delusional.
Here's all of your retardation addressed: youtube.com
Doing some autistic calculations the average Brit would have $681,818.10 average from stealing that much money. The UK really does not seem that rich.
>400m poo's conquered by a few thousand anglo
>anglo's "steal $45 trillion"
>india a complete shithole 3rd world country
>uk 1st world country with toilets
if that's being defeated then i can't imagine what winning would look like
I'm pretty sure most roads were constructed post independence.
it's spread all over common wealth, including USA. basically usa was built with Indian money
This is all true...and worse. 10 Million Indians were effectively killed in a famine in the late 19th century. Thing is the average Brit during the same period was ruthlessly treated by the same elite - workhouses, factories and mines; people were forced into debters work houses and had a life expectancy of 2 years due to an almost certain death at the hands of industrial machinery injuries, like lost limbs and dying of bloodloss. Yet all of Indians had Brits, when only the ruling class made the money, and are still trillionaires, especially the Crown.
But as always, efforts are to deflect away from the elite. The British East India Company was basically the equivalent of Serco or Blackwater or other modern mercenary outfits, owned by the elite.
not 45 trillion but it fueled industrial revolution in the west
this is just opinion
the truth is britain stole trillions of money from Indians and gave in return what was worth far less.
Well at least you got some technology out of it to shitpost online about the ownage. Use toilets.
well shit I didn't claim the Chavs were having a easy time.
EIC was owned by Jews through and throrough.
Are you in denial? without the britishers you would still see your women burn themselves if their husband die to join them in the spirit realm, stupid retard, the west and the jews are the suprem overlords, they will guide us, but you gotta learn to follow their orders. Stupid indian retard.
a few reforms here and there does not absolve the over all damage brits did to indians
The British built your infrastructure and United a series of warring multi religious and ethnic groups into a single country you ungrateful street shitter.
Pakistan was always the favourite child
yes we got H1b, thanks for understanding
wanna see where the USA is headed?, look at India. That's where we are headed.
Your government is run from old colonial buildings and three of your UNESCO World Heritage Sites are from the Raj
Evidently your countrymen are not all as biased as you are in how they regard their history and heritage
this. The availability of equipment doesn't mean that the equipment is maintained properly or that the military is even trained to use it properly (e.g. Desert Storm). I was also just reading about the post 1994 South African military and how ridiculously incompetent it was
pakis and bongs are made for each other
What damage? The denial is too stronk with this one, I guess you miss kissing your brahmins feet, stupid retard, honestly, india was such a mess, with cast based society that abused all the lower casts into slavery. The west gave you enlightenment, not some reforms.
India was #2 in the world economy behind China...except that was a pre-industrial world economy. The British Empire forced - dumped - textile products onto the Indian market which effectively forced Indians into growing Opium which Britain used in its war with the then #1 world economy, China. China didn't want Britains manufactured goods, so Britain forced, via gunboat diplomacy, Opium onto the Chinese. India was really just a stopping point for this trade. HSBC was created specifically to launder this drug money back to the Crown.
It probably wasn't as much as that directly, but they did kill a shit load of people, often deliberately. Just like with Ireland. Read some of the works by British liberal elites, like Lord Bertrand Russells Impacts of Science on Society - these fuckers are completely indifferent to human suffering.
>Rome takes over Britain
>Everyone can later admit it bettered the country
>Britain takes over India
>REEEEE we were going to become an industrial power any day without you're help you just stole from us ;_;
Indian nationalist are pathetic
Is this accurate?
because pic related
Because brown people can't take care of themselves
other indians turned on each other and acted as muscle for the brits, that's why they got conquered so easily
what a cuckold lmao
if you didn't catch it yet the brits didn't remove the caste system, they just replaced the Brahmins and Mughals with themselves
>India in 18th century was a mess
boo hoo so was almost every country. We'd just been attacked by Persians, and Afghans and overthrown the Mughals.
it was probably $1 trillion or less during that time for all goods and services exchanged. the calculation comes from a few other factors such as $1 in 1800 is worth $18 now, and 1Britpound was several dollars back them, compounding interest on what is owed, etc
Except it didn't make India better. The British Empire always created train lines to extract resources, so the trains India have, were put there for a specific reason, not for the benefit on human transport. They did it everywhere, that is why all the old colonies had train lines directly from mine-to-port, not city-to-city. We shouldn't glorify something that, were we around back then, we'd probably be treated like shit by the ruling class. Charles Dickens novels are based on his observations of our 'culture', i.e brutishness as a culture, top down. Just look at the royals now and their kid fucking/ satanic ritual shit. We are ruled by monsters.
India would fuck your people sideways nowadays; it's always fun to pick on them but get real you crooked toothed shit-stain.
Majority of British soldiers in India were Indians fighting, just like today the the UNPKF is full of Indian soldiers.
Pic related is what the "British" army looked like back then.
>these advanced pieces of technology weren't built for us out of love so they don't matter
Send all the materials back then shit skin. The roman roads were built so Romes armies could move around faster and no one cries about them. You were conquered get over it, I really do curse out ancestors for not wiping every native population out of existence when they had the chance. Now look at the world, we have 80IQ pajeets crying for cross continental gibs while talking about the fucking good old days.
The UK still owns India btw. Just await your local revolution.
Just gives us back the money, don't force us to take it from you
Please, India doesn't have force projection. The only way you can take anything is by playing the victim with your loathsome persecution complex and begging nato for gibs.
comparing two events that are almost two thousand years apart and the later that ended in 20th century
brits were literally worse than street shitters when the romans took over, though. no culture, no cuisine, no real accomplishments or anything of that sort. just a bunch of dirty anglo barbarians who received civilization from the meds..
india on the other hand had hugely successful civilizations rise and fall, had the indus valley civilization, massive wealth and thousands of years of history of intellectual and cultural accomplishments.
I'm white / English...I'm just not a fucking bootlicker like you. Why would I be proud of the British Empire when it was effectively a cartel of elite companies, screwing everyone, including us Brits? Look at how much the Industrial Revolution fucked over the working class. I'll never bootlick those elite cunts that profited from creating an Empire. If there is ever an anti-colonial reparations movement, you do realise that the elites families will make fucking sure you and I pay reparations - it won't be paid by the cunts that made the money.
When slavery was abolished in the mid 1800s, they sued the British government and won £21 Billion in todays money in compensation, yet Benedict Cumberbach and other famous liberals, push for reparations when their families were the ones compensated and are still elite families because of that money.
Oh fuck off, you fucking loser Chav; don't take credit for what the elite did in the past; they would have put your head on a stake right next to a pajeet's head too, you stupid fuck.
You guys fucked over India big time; sure it gave them "materials" but I'm willing to bet they would have been better off if your people didn't deceive and backstab them.
Haha such denial, they couldn't remove it completely because indians are too retarded and are actually devolving now that they are on their own again. Good luck in hindu india in 20 years.
Indians fucked their country up to the point of no return (see the ganges river). Now instead of fixing their own shit they're emigrating just to bring their low standards and shit on everything. I lost any respect for them.
Useless idiots kek
Yes but compared to the advanced brits, they were so backwards. Some indians still eat human flesh for religious purposes, and it is allowed and known.
>no culture ect
Is this truly the power of American education?
>You had superior tech.
There was like 40 indians to 1 brit for like a millennia and they never made a musket?
I heard Indians invented the zero though, why couldn't they use it to build computers like the brits did?
>Try that shit now if you have the balls
I don't think you understand how the english make money from you now, there's still a lot of capitol following into the city of london from india that it'll cost us more to invade.
I'm actually all for the structural global group meritocracy for this species, a highly group selected species is more efficient and productive when ordered in a logical hierarchy.
That's interesting, do you think it was their ridged cast system that made them less group selected?
Like if you aren't related to each others tribes and there's no upward mobility then it limits cooperation, in the west Christianity often praised the Shepard that became king etc so it got them better group cohesion culturally.
>brits didn't remove the caste system, they just replaced the Brahmins and Mughals with themselves
You know you guys should fix that, it seems to be the reason your all tarded still.
>You guys fucked over India big time
We both know enough about human history and their nature to know it was all a blood bath of social/cultural evolution til the great world wars ended.
Some culture was eventually gonna end up on top.
No you fuck of you shut skin sympathising piece of shit, some races are on this earth to rule and some are to be ruled. The biggest mistake the empire made was not realising the future implications of not killing every fucking single one of them at the time and instead using them for profit. I bet that sounds familiar to you.
>r/India libcuckery
why don’t you go back to r*ddit?
let me explain you,
the Brits taking control was dysgenic because the civilization had already been torn apart, Muslims and Hindus had become religious extremists and the Mughals and Marathas fought and pretty much destroyed any remaining cities and settlements. Delhi was bombed to oblivion by Persians.
if the British had NOT assumed control and tried to fix things, India was ready for total collapse followed by mass starvation — which was a GOOD thing. The black plague in Europe wiped out the lower uselesss classes and improved the European stock. If hundreds of famines occurred uncontrolled simultaneously, the vast majority dying would be the dysgenic lower classes, allowing the nobility and royalty to remain, and also reduce the population.
you don’t try to “fix” a broken civilization, you let it fall till it fixes itself or withers away.
pretty sure Indians had canons, muskets and guns. You even imported the steel Sikhs used for their weapons.
EIC were Jews though, masters of jewry. You cant say “Fuck the Jews” and “Glory to the Empire” in one sentence.
You are being colonized today though. You are losing.
He is speaking about the average worker. "Chav" is not the same.
>Yeah white pride!
>Except you Brits you have to feel shame
This place is just as cucked as the average news network kike.
Doesn't seem like they ever used them effectively. Stop fucking self denying your low standards and actually do something for once. Seems like all you indians do is fuck each other and expect GOD ALMIGHTY to bless you with gifts while you sit your ass on a makeshift pedi stool.
this guy sounds like a muslim reza aslan.. no Indian eats human flesh. what you are talking about is not even 0.000000001% of the population. HIndu India is good as we are not retarded like bongs or west in general to let muslims have any freedom
You just admitted that some do it and it is known haha, i know it's very less, but it is known and allowed, that is india for you.
hehe xD
wat the fock did the brits accomplish before they got colonized by the meds, m8? i'm genuinely curious
Hahahaha, so the brits saving millions of lives and the complete destruction of a civilization was actually bad? you are all the proof we need to show how retarded indians are. Go study some Jewish philosophy and religion, and stop praying to idols. Cow is not your mother retard.
>had civil wars, random armies pushing themselves into the country for a millennia
>didn’t use it effectively
India was being attacked from literally everywhere. no wonder we got a rape problem. We’ve been raping and getting raped for a millennia.
Indian Desi's are my secret fetish
>go study some Jewish philosophy
Everyone gets attacked from fucking everywhere, that didn't stop the jews, a population no more than 50 million total to control the world, stop whining when you are 1.3billion strong and still act like retarded sheep .
About as much as other Northern European nations + pattern welding a thousands years before the japs. But you said no culture, as if they were all a grey blob waiting to be given purpose. That's retarded.
You do realise Judaism is more ancient than the vedic structured religion?....
Wait, you do know that the Mughals/Sikhs/Marathas and others did in fact have muskets and stuff, right? The Mughal Empire was 1 of 3 gunpowder empires in the Muslim world, dude.
Thing is, instead of banding together and fighting against the brits, they all turned on each other and used the brits agains each other and ultimately only screwed themselves over.
Early on during battles against the Mughals/Hyder Ali/Marathas/Sikhs/Afghans, the Brits got pretty much stomped on, it wasn't until they successfully employed divide and conquer that they took control.
>study some Jewish philosophy bro
>yeah check this Jew stuff out
>submit to the Jews bro
>its all right. Western civilization is enlightenment don’t mind they’ve been control by the Jewish hive mind for a while now
>accept faggots bro
>accept muh judeo-Christian civilization bro
>accept trannies bro
>accept kids being taught homosex and gay shit bro
>India is bad because of not accepting western culture bro
>nothing to do with gibsmedat programs modeled after western governments which make people pop 10 kids and live a life in squalor when they should’ve been sterilised
Are you a muslim? What is so wrong about Hindu india? Speak without crying at your incapability to stop the inevitable
or are you a christian?
Judaism is not as old as vedic religion.
Vedics existed as progenitors of human race
12K years ago
You do realise you sound like a close minded retard
Judaism doesn't accept faggots, we gotta tolerate them. don't mix liberal rerard jews for actual jews that pray, study the bible and worship the one true god, just look at the laws of Israel, gays can't get married. and even that is not a proper representation of Judaism, as the actual religion is way more strict about it.
It isn't a real country, we forced it's creation like Ireland.