Women in the workplace

I am going to share a story with you. One that may have dire consequences for me moving forward into my second year of a 3 year degree. All at the hands of an emotional tutor
>be me
>be at college doing 3 year degree
>its super left wing, im ok with this
>has female tutors, i happen to have one, im ok with this
>dont attend lectures much because problems but ok
>college management and tutors enter conflict with eacother, im ok with this
>fall a bit behind on my work due to lack of attendance, thats ok i can catch up
>get giving a list of work i need to complete to pass
>all work is stored on college website where tutors of courses have it all
>even guides for what work is needed
>start work on essays as deadline approaches
>all tutors on my course are being made redundant, i have mixed feelings, defend them anyway
>go to college site to grab all the stuff from the female tutors section
>i now have 3 days to complete a selection of work and one piece is missing and i have no clue what to do
theres a few lessons in this story
>firstly, stay on top of your work
>secondly, understand unmarried middle aged women are a danger
>thirdly, women in the workplace jeopardise everyone that surrounds them from their inability to act rational or forward plan
just wtf. anyone else had similar issues with women in educational or work places? this bloody woman couldnt just act normally and wait until the year was fulfilled. what do?

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>be me
stop doing this. who else would you be?

This would be a better story if it wasn’t so fucking stupid.

>inability to act rational or forward plan

user, i

if i was in to fucking dogs, i guess i could be......you?

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women in the workplace are the mistake that follows from giving them the vote.
But you are lying or retarded, copy of your work should be on your laptop and also in the bowels of whatever means you used to send it to the university ( i.e. your emails, cloud ect...)

cry everytime shit gets hard, create division in the groups, create groups between groups, monopoly on education, take medals for the group work, public admin and low wage jobs that were for teenagers 50 years ago, overflow decoration and design because "muh womyn are artsy" yet the hard work is done by men, natives or inmigrants, unfirable for 9+6 months europe due to muh pregnancy,etc..

not my work brainlet. the subject matter on what the essay needs to be about. as in
>here is the topics you need to choose from to write essays on. here is the resource material for you to look at to get you started


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How a retard like you has the gaul to call anyone a brainlet is beyond me

to add, she is the only tutor out of the 4 who were made redundant to do this, whilst also being the only female out of the tutors being made redundant

animals of farthing wood?

yeah, of course.

you could just ask someone who did the same course about it, assuming you are not an antisocial Autist

I fully agree with you that women shouldnt be working except maybe as dogwalkers, babysitters and prostitutes,

but your example doesnt strike me as a good one as obviously you could have prevented your predicament easily

Here's a different point of view:
Instead of thinking about the workings of lefty clown college as they relate to passiveness and inaction vs unpredictable behavior, consider that anything on the internet could be wiped in a single day for no particular good reason. Not saving everything you need, ASAP, whether it is homework, pictures, youtube videos, informational articles, or so on, is an invitation for those things to disappear right when you need them.
Save everything.

all the women I work with are hard workers and extremely competent. I work in a chemical tracers lab. They're all mid 30s or younger though, some still finishing school.

Only problem is I want to have sex with them all, and I already have a gf, and most of them have partners too.

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valuable insight. and duly noted.

yeah, completely not surprised to see a canadian with your opinion.
>extremely competent
my sides

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my opinion? I've just stated what I see at my work place, same as you did. My supervisor works 12 hour shifts almost every day dealing with so much BS from our shit university. We have tons of samples that always need to be run for clients that ship stuff to us. If they were all lazy and retarded we wouldn't be making any money.

everywhere i have ever worked with women present, has been a fucking shit show. either you are younger than the women you work with, or......you somehow have the greatest female workforce i have ever heard of. maybe you are lucky and just happen to work with incredible women? this is a phenomena i am yet to witness in a work place

bruh, if you're going to put off doing the work you should have at least been clicking and saving the shit into a folder for when you crash-sessioned it.
t. guy who went to half of college, got bored, took a 6 year break then went back and finished

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Women don't work, they pretend to while they do other shit then get other people to do the work for them and claim it was all them because "women are equal to men" or some horseshit
Also the faggot leaf is full of shit lol women don't work hard

Women are good in chemistry, its just samples and liquids, noting down numbers and make percentages about some parameter

Take your gay fucking blog to tumblr

Also the woman good at chemistry will suck at cooking, will pour down you some colorant or something instead actual food

im surprised their cooking wouldnt excel, with my idea of their measurement of ingredients being the ability they used in science class and saw they could succeed in the scientific field

make another blacked thread, nosenberg

>Be retarded Paki
>Go to left wing school
>Don't attend class
>Use tutors cause retarded
>Worrying about passing and not being exceptional
>Not saving work to personal computer
>Trusting a shitty college website
>Somehow it's all women's fault

Okay op, I was typing out a response but then the shitty four line window for my response post led to a copy paste error that are up my response. Fuck it, you're educated, read between the lines:
>You're collateral damage
>Both university administration and tutors do not want the students to fail
>Whoever wiped out all your work set you up to fail
>If that happened because of some management/tutor pissing contest, then their conflict has harmed the students
>It's not uncommon for students to leave work until the last minute
>That stress of needing to get something done is a method of optimizing efficiency for some students
>Everyone works in their own way, their duty was to ensure you were able to work in yours.
>It's unfair that you be penalized for someone else's response to a conflict that is outside the scope of your education.
>With the above points, you can leverage for an extension on completing your paper.
>Chances are other students are in the same boat. The strength of your argument will benefit those who are unwilling to speak up (I included this point since it sounds like lefty cancer and they love it when you make talking points for the differently abled; in this case, those who don't have confidence-privilege or whatever the fuck they'd call it)

There you go. Knock 'em dead, champ.

tell me more about everyone else not being white, whilst you with your 56% is definitely white. why do people like you insist on this behaviour?

That's the stare of a thousand cocks. Fucking leafs.

incredible. screencapped for reference when i bring this up on monday. also digits

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whiter than you, mohammad.

>their measurement of ingredients
thats the fault, they will use too much shit because they know it will get X faster, so ull got oily dry overcooked food every day

not even close, dogfucker.

Biggest defense I see them using is some argument about all works possibly being wiped from the site you were relying on because they can't guarantee that all such files will be retained. You're argument against this would be that's why you didn't throw family photos or your NHS number up there. The site is INTENDED for school work materials, that's what your intent was in using it. Also, it wasn't a matter of the system failing, it seems to be a matter of someone having a tizzy and breaking shit for other people.

Okay, I'm done. Good luck, lad.

the tutor 100percent wiped it. management will actually like this detail as they will no doubt move from redundancy to firing. meaning no severance pay.

thread can get saged. i got what i need. thanks guys

I fucking spilled my beer. You cunt. Kek.


I had a crush on the female fox from animals of farthing wood back when I was 4 years old

What uni do you go to?


why? are you at the same one?

kek reminds me of that jungle survival reality show where that chick threw all the tools into the river in a childish tantrum.

used to love that show as a kid, seemed so deep

Having women in the workplace actually will help you brush your teeth and actually groom yourself virgin

*Gall, as in gallbladder. Gaul is an anachronistic term for the region currently referred to as the Western European Caliphate.

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Find another student to copy off you aspie

>and i have no clue what to do
1st ask your tutor.
2nd, if the required info is not forthcoming, you go to the administration and tell them you can't complete the required work.

>What do
Find her, and tell her that she was incompetent ad a piece of shit, so that she can learn from her mistakes.
Women aren't told brutally WHY they are failing, so they don't understand both the ramifications of their mistakes, or why what they did was a mistake.
Help correct that.
Be honest.
Take a hit so that the world around you can improve.
Also women shouldn't vote.

It's about empowerment.
Women think they are persecuted (when in fact the whole of society revolves around their every whinge) so they do shit like this to just make you jump. I bet she does it to attractive girls too, but typically men. This is all the power she has.

>be you

The Laura of wet blankets enters the thread.

Instead of participating in thread discussion, this Laura just wants to point out that you're currently at the edge of the board and about to die. =^_^=

Attached: Laura.png (189x274, 75K)

Fun story:
>have female coworker, been with company since the start
>one day she wipes a file online to anger another female coworker
>other female coworker tells this to boss
>boss terminates the female coworker who wiped the file
I don't know why women risk it all for petty things. Please explain Jow Forums