Hi Pol, I’m a leftist

The future will be beautiful. We will all enjoy delicious insect based delicacies! It’s the future, you have no choice in this and it is beautiful (and delicious). Bahometh bless you all!

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have fun

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Gonna get some delicious sushi now.

Thanks op

fuck off mentally ill person

Wtf is that???

what happens when you eat sushi regularly. You can jewgle it. Also as a real bedtime story read the book Parasite Rex.

I eat sushi at least twice a week. Is this real?

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Aren't insects what they tried to pass for as food in snowpiercer?

the brain is a parasite itself

Both yes and no, what that user posted is a hoax.
But yes, uncooked/undercooked sea food can contain horrendous parasites which readily infest our soft tissues and stomach lining.

This is the only scenario where I'll become vegetarian


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>unborn babies are a parasite.

I was about to go get sushi now. Should i proceed with my plan?

That pic is a known hoax, yes. I did mention that parasites exist in sushi, but not those pics. That's neither where parasites infest, nor how they look.

>i'm a leftist
No you are not

sushi (seasoned rice) is actually fine, sashimi on the other hand could be a problem. Roll the dice

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>This message brought to you by the pork industry. Pork the other, other white meat.

Imagine being so weak you get parasites rofl

If you want to avoid parasites and be a meat eater just eat the nigger diet:
>no sushi or any other raw fish/meat dishes
>only well done steaks
>fry your meat hard whenever possible

Freezing for 30 days also kills all parasites. Never eat under cooked moose meat that has not been frozen for 30 days.

No OP, don't eat the moths. Let the moths eat YOU

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the only meat you will ingest is muslim cocks