(((Their))) Plan for 2020

Now i know that on this board it has become basically heresy to say that supporting Trump could in any way shape or form positively impact our struggle with the International Jewish power structure.
And i am absolutely sure that i am going to catch alot of flack for this thread, both from shills and people convinced by shills.
But regardless i feel the need to speak the truth about this upcoming election to any who will listen.
This election is going to be nothing more or less then a repeat of the 1930 election.
We have a moderate civ-nat reformer leaving office in the midst of recession, caused largely by the policy of the (((federal reserve)))
And an incoming leftist soicalist president who stands against racism, bigotry and fascism and for the "workers of the world" (meaning largely brown hordes from south america meant to replace us with direct exception for white workers who are "privileged")
This time they even plan on crowning their first Jewish president as well.
This is all being done largely to curve and controll the economic discontent rising across the western world due to the policies of jewish capitalism and to solidify the United States in crushing the pockets of Nationalist resistance in Europe and finnally ending the white race through blood and immigration.
The chinese will join ranks with the globalists, as will putin.
Salvini and the eastern block will attempt one last final resistance against the power of the Jew.
And the third world war will end without a single nuclear bomb being fired.
Trump isnt our savior.
Nor is he /our/guy.
But it IS ((their)) plan for him to loose this election.
And if you care about your people, you have a duty ensure this does not happen.

Attached: bernie sanders.jpg (1200x630, 55K)

Sure thing boomer

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>Trump isnt our savior.
>Nor is he /our/guy.

Lots of we's and ours. How about trump is not "MY" /ourguy/, and hes not "MY" savior.

Show flag, kike.

kill yourself

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I dont disagree with your pic, I just wanted to make sure you werent shillposting. Trump sucks the kike cock, absolutely. He literally prayed to the wall in isreal ffs.

I'm voting for Trump. He's most likely gonna win anyway

Oh, wrong person.

Commie detected. Opinion discarded.

Bernie has a pretty decent voting record. The guy really believes in his commie shit and honestly we could do worse. I don’t care what any of these kikes say now, I just look at what they voted for in the past.

NFKRZ is that you?

seems legit

A commie supporting a commie, who'da seen that coming.

Guess he should have supported the constitution if he needed my vote so bad.
Third party.

I'm the person retard. Do you not know how IDs work?

Feel the Bern dumbshits

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Yes obviously its more int the intrest of these people to support a party that litterally wants to replace them, discriminate against them and eventually genocide them from the face of the planet.

Attached: Omar for White Genocide.jpg (255x165, 12K)

fuck trump and fuck israel

2016 VA Scandal. Veterans died while waiting to receive health care underneath Sanders oversight on the VA committee. Then forged medical documents in order to receive high bonuses, which they donated to both Sanders senate and presidential campaigns. Sanders ignored the various veterans organizations that approached the VA committee and only acted when a whistle blower exposed this information. And by “acted” I mean he protected high ranking union members from any type of persecution.

Also the VA suicide hotline was down for weeks underneath his oversight, which again, went ignored.

Wants to model the country’s health care system after the VA. Yeah, you’re smart guy.

Tax breaks for the rich! Special interest lobbyists in every cabinet position! Corporate shills in the supreme court! Wooo!

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Kek, you think the dems will give bernie the nomination...


I doubt Bernie will win the nomination, I think he's just there to appeal to the base and slowly spread socialism.

and fuck jannies!

>But it IS ((their)) plan for him to loose this election.
>And if you care about your people, you have a duty ensure this does not happen.

No, this is pure BS

Trump has shown time and time again that he is pro Israel

I have been saying this here since 2015 but none of you fucks have listened, and now look how bad it has got.

Since when did Democrat mean Jew?

You know both sides are controlled right?

Your best bet is to put someone in charge who will benefit the ecnomic position of white americans.

Eveythign else is just enabling kikes to literally DOUBLE BIND you

Vote for motherfucking Andrew Yang.

There is no good argument against Yang besides that he is Taiwanese, which is a joke because you just a had a black guy and now a literal kike for your presidents.

You have no white American options running for president. Choose the one that will benefit whites the most.

Godo ghod, this blind enabling of the Kike in Chief is absolutely ruining our country

You people ar elike fucking libtard girls these days about politics. It's all about identity with you folks..