Banana antifa

sorry this isnt a great picture (cops wouldnt let me cross the street) but does anyone know why a bunch of antifa dressed up as bananas?

Attached: 20190817_111650.jpg (2576x1932, 1.68M)

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>but does anyone know why a bunch of antifa dressed up as bananas?

>mentally ill people become even more deranged
Antifa is for spiraling downward losers.

an attempt to appear flippant and "above" the matters at hand.

Some old YouTube video.

Think to yourself why you focused on the brightly-colored objects among many plain-colored, ready-to-fight, armored groups with backpacks in the same photo.

because i drive a forklift and am habitually attracted to safety colors

>because i drive a forklift and am habitually attracted to safety colors
So is everyone that drives on that street there... With the yellow double-stripe. This is the answer to your original question of why a bunch of peeps dressed up in brightly colored uniforms. So you pay more attention to them when they get in your face and don't see the black-clad fucker hitting you with a bikelock from the side.
And if these folks do engage, they all look the same, but can easily shed that yellow covering and nobody will be able to identify them.
There is a famous mob assassination that took place in public. There were three shooters, but the police couldn't track them down. The reason was because they all wore matching tan trenchcoats and hats. They stood out. They were obvious. When the police asked people to describe them, they all clearly identified three people in tan tranchcoats and hats. Should be super easy to track them down, as long as they don't remove the trenchcoats and hats. Nobody got a face, race, hair, or height description (not that it would be accurate with the hats on). So, that's what you need to think when you see protestors trying to look obvious. They're engaging in misdirection.

>cops wouldnt let me cross the street
You have to wait for the green walk signal user.

i asked a cop my question. he just shrugged. his expression of confusion was really funny, i wish i had a picture of it

>expression of confusion
You asked the wrong question. You asked something like "why are those people dressed up like bananas?" and that's a question the cop didn't have an answer to. Had you asked a thought-provoking question, like "why would a small group of allied protesters want to draw attention to themselves while their cohorts are dressed plainly and look like they're down to rumble?"

Also, yellow is a color that stimulates memory.
'remember this' 'don't remember that'.

all these mental gymnastics to explain why these guys are dressed up looking like a pack of retards. it's probably some kind of reddit inside joke

>probably some kind of reddit inside joke
That there is the mental gymnastics doing a full tripple-flip half gainer headstand moonwalk.

we already had somebody yesterday doing a much better job theorycrafting all the paramilitary tactics antifa was supposedly going to pull
what a bunch of faggots you all are

i know you'll take that as a compliment btw and don't much care

What a fucking trash.

To taunt black people after one of them gunned down a bunch of niggers in Dayton

Attached: 2019-08-17_14-02-56.png (357x464, 216K)

There was a local brass band playing in the park dressed like that in Portland Andy's stream. That was probably them.

BANANTIFA fights against the mistreatment of penis shaped fruits and vegetables. Much like their sister groups ZUCCHINI AGAINST VAGINAS (ZAV) and CARROTS AREN'T FOR YOUR ANUS (CAFYA), BANANTIFA seeks to end the abuse of fruits and vegetables by insertion. Rumors have been circulating in the organic dildo community that BANANTIFA has become upset with another group of fruits and vegatables with a similar name for being a bunch of commie faggots. Maybe they are there to dilate some commie poop chutes.

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It’s a Mario Kart reference

Because antifa does not go to mass shooting innocent people. Like far right morons who serve the elites.

Attached: Inspiration.jpg (992x558, 87K)

ANTIFA only shoots random niggers. Which are neither innocent nor people. So you're half right.
Luckily you guys have the media, Hollywood, law enforcement, big tech and the entire establishment on your side to help cover it up.

Attached: dayton-shooter-college-3213.jpg (618x410, 59K)

>Because antifa does not go to mass shooting innocent people. Like far right morons who serve the elites.
Antifa is an overview name for many dispersed groups. When one of them does something that looks bad, it simply doesn't get reported as an antifa action. When they gather in the same spot and do a thing, they are simply referred to as antifa, even though they are a bunch of different groups coordinating. This circumvents restrictions, like being labeled as terrorists, because there is no antifa. When the individuals do something that gets bad attention, they simply piece that person off to report and prosecute them as individuals. As individual nobodies, they can easilly be reclassified as whatever political affiliation desired.

Oh look it's The yellow fags that kept posting yellow stuff in another form