What would you say is the core defining principle of being right-wing?
What would you say is the core defining principle of being right-wing?
Fuck off kike
Lack of tolerance for bullshit.
I'm about all out.
>Israel's survival is more important than that of the United States'.
There is no right-wing. If you try to be right-wing in western governments, you'll be put in jail or executed. Autocracy is forbidden like being proud of the European races. You can only be the jewish definition of right-wing, and that's being for Israeli expansionist wars.
When offered the choice between society thriving or their own family thriving, the conservative chooses his own family.
The liberal sacrifices his own money to better society as a whole
Belief in reality
being scared of everything, especially new things, so autism essentially
Currently, the correct answer to that question is 'Not being extreme left wing'
Respect the hierarchy.
You sling that kike word around alot for a ignorant white trash faggot. You won't be saying kike when a Jew puts his foot up your ass. Do you know why you hate the Jews so much ? Because you know deep down inside, that on your best day, you are still inferior to a Jew on his worst day. You are a loser. Quit blaming the Jews for all your problems and accept that you are a loser.
Stupidity, closed mindedness, ignorance, and bring oblivious to facts.
Racial Consciousness.
Love for your race.
Being ready to defend your race at the cost of your own life.
Ära mölise neeger.
Actually, "Fuck off kike" is pretty much the core defining principle of being right wing, I'd say.
Leaving your country in a better state of affairs for the younger generation
Contributing to society and not being a parasitic bum
not having sex
Loving the European race.
Live by the gun and only by the gun
A strong, enduring love for Israel.
The possession of a capacity for disgust.
LOL. Don't forget about being jealous of people who DO have sex.
Same as Israel: Worship of Power and Money.
But Israel also worships Djinn.
>right wing
>left wing
>same (((creature)))
Nice try, rabbi.
Dammmn son what dat white bitches number
false dichotomy
Fuck off kike
Sõida siis ahvrikasse neegri munne imema kui sul üigide peale nii kõvaks läheb.
Nice bait. sqrt(-1)/10.
Go away.
1) Hate
2) Incel
3) resentment that the people YOU voted for have neolibbed the entire planet, but blame it on brown people who were neolibbed worse
4) greed
Anytime you want to go a round or two, you no sex getting, woman repulsing virgin, I am cool with that. I will beat your loser ass to a pulp. What a fucking pathetic piece of shit you are. LOL.
Family rather than individual is the most important unit of society
Took long enough for someone to say this.
I would also add
>Community and Family focused
There are probably other parts that I'm missing but off the top of my head those are the best ones.
Religion is a must, atheism is not sustainable and thus is antithetical to the core goal of Right Wing thought.
WHOA, watch out everybody - we got an internet tough guy over here. We better take his limp, inactionable threats super seriously.
came here to tell the kike to fuck off.
There's no such thing as a liberal with a family
Fuck off you little bitch kike
So hard to find an atteactive black woman. Im sure the pic related is covered with gross looking tattoos, and the hoop earings with overly glossed lips looks trashy AF.
Jesus christ. So many retards in one thread. Please, kill yourselves.
The family unit
Why do you Republicans always suck Israel's cock so much? Their problems are not our problems. We should focus on helping ourselves first.
I would expand on this by saying that encompasses half of the 'rightwing'.
This is the Stability part of the trichotomy.
The other half is one that recognizes Hierarchy as absolute but holds the individual above family/ society.
These are the Classical Liberals, Libertarians, etc.
They are rightwing in the sense that they believe in hierarchy which is absolute to the right but they prize the liberty of the individual.
They will hold
>Free markets
>Negative Liberty
>Small government
as their core tenants.
There are probably more but I cannot think of any others.
Being a boomer, or very very young
Being uneducated, often rural; living in isolated echochambers
And the only valid one (even if I don't agree with it), based basically just on opinions and personal beliefs: being conservative
Too bad nobody ever bothers to try giving reason nor proving their claims or opinions
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
LOL. Is that the best you can come up with, you little sexless faggot. I am a kike, and proud of it. You are pathetic. Logging on to Jow Forums because that is the only place you can feel normal , with all the other losers that are misfits in society. If I get the chance to meet you, I will beat you to death with a baseball bat. I will be doing the world a favor. You are a coward, just like every other incel on Jow Forums. How's it feel to be caledl you out by a Jew, in front of all your faggot white supremacy loser buddies on the only internet page left for hate filled, inferior faggots ?
They've bought into the very low level propaganda about Isreal being our greatest ally. That, and something about Jesus returning.
for the record, I think this is the most accurate answer ITT
Everything you just said about navy seals and your training is a lie. You are a pathetic loser. Plain and simple. You know it, i know it, and everyone who read your sad, pathetic lie knows it. You are a loser. Bring it bitch. Unlike you, I actually served in the Marines, right out of highschool. But I do not need to brag about it. Tell me some more lies. You probably have no job, no woman, live with your parents, and are worthless. Such a sad excuse for a man.
These two 'halves' only become the whole rightwing due to two things:
>Opposition to the left
The left represents the last of the 3 positions.
Equality above all.
The modern left however is a bastardized, disgusting form of equality far removed from its predecessors in the Church who recognized the importance of hierarchy.
The modern left wants to destroy any sort of natural hierarchy both inside and outside the races by destroying both class and race while the old left wanted to harmonise the classes and races.
The modern left is anti nature, anti God and anti Human.
It is nothing less than the total destruction of all things Good and True.
This is why the rightwing exists, a coalition of the natural expression of order and liberty coming together to fight the unnatural and ungodly destruction of mankind.
By God or by Science the left cannot be allowed to win.
fuck off kike
Go back to watching gay porn incel.
equality vs hierarchy is the only definition of left vs right I have ever seen that is remotely unbiased and accurate
>The liberal sacrifices my money to better society as a whole
White Supremacy.
Is that your best response incel fag? Did your dad help you think that up while he was invading your ass ? pathetic virgin loser.
Fuck off kike
That their leaders are manipulating them. They don't care about their stupid race. And will sell out for anyone who has money.
Nice policy argument
You first, schlomo.
i'd rather be on the right wing than the wrong wing am i rite fellow MAGA pedes?
Right back at you, you virgin faggot.
The core of the right wing is conservatism, in the sense of risk aversion.
Right wingers are predisposed to go with what worked in the past, and to not take chances when it comes to civilizational conflicts.
Leftwingers are predisposed to risky strategies that have some chance of improving the state of a society.
Support for the cause of Israel.
Liking whatever happened 30 years ago, or longer, and not liking what's happening right now.
Left=Jewish supremacy
Right=token resistance to jewish supremacy+ blatant Israel cocksucking
Avoir des relations sexuelles
The opposite of the core defining principal of being left-wing.
What then is the core defining principle of the Wing?
His post was a well known copypasta mocking you for impotently making threats you will never carry out.
You however, have proven beyond a doubt that you really are ignorant enough to have served as a ZOG drone. Props to you.
Not wanting to pay for someone else's shortcomings or refusal to contribute.
Thank you for the props. Enjoy your incel/white nationalist revolution that will never go any where because your core participants are ineffectual losers and cowards that only sound effectual on Jow Forums. Holla.
Kikes pushing the narrative, so that centralist views are seen as right wing
Mods mods mods
Being a saved Christian
imagine being as retarded as this guy
Newfag kike
Science Based Definitions of Healthy Psychological & Sociological Function
Dismantling hierarchies for the sake of dismantling hierarchies is stupid.
What most people vote for.
Fucking monkey ass? Growing a tail for a spine and peeling back bananas for my fren
You incel faggots keep using the word kike like it possibly offends or defines me. At least I have a job, my own home, a wife. What have you got ? Nothing is my guess. I am a winner. You are a loser. It's as simple as that.
You incel faggots keep using the word kike like it possibly offends or defines me. At least I have a job, my own home, a wife. What have you got ? Nothing is my guess. I am a winner. You are a loser. It's as simple as that. >
LOL. I'm retarded ? I'm not the idiot that believes that the Jews run the world. I'm not the incel freak who repels women and has to gratify himself with porn and vaseline. Such a pathetic loser.
You are at least 20 IQ points short of being able to effectively participate on this board.
Please proceed to your nearest fried chicken restaurant for a sit-down and a think.
Don't tread on me
Having a black girlfriend
these days it basically means being submitted to Israel.
Individual liberty and freedom
A high value placed on your own children and their future, even to the point of self-sacrifice. Leftists are the opposite of this sentiment.
Boomers are the most left wing generation in history if that's your definition
Egalitarianism is commonly defined as a school of thought within political philosophy that prioritizes equality for all people.
If egalitarianism is the wing, the question becomes, "what is the core defining principle of prioritizing equality".
What divides prioritizing equality?
shut up nerd