Why do atheist harass Christians online Jow Forums?

Why do atheist harass Christians online Jow Forums?


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Because atheists aren't anti atheism, they're anti Christian. Most of them are either Christ killers or hate their dad for making them go to church when they were a kid. They will never hold Muslims or religious jews to the same standard because it's always been to target Christianity

Anti religion I mean. Most atheists just hate Christians and would never accuse Muslims of intolerance

Their demonically inspired vitriol for the true religion.

To be fair, not all atheists do. The ones that do, I'm convinced do it in large part because it makes them feel superior to religious people.

Yea they have the white savior complex of "poor brown people" also they're scared cause Muslims blow shit up when you insult them while Christians mostly turn the other cheek and let it go


Never EVER seen an atheist harass anyone. This is like niggers saying white people harass them. We just dont give a fuck. On both accounts.

You guys should search the term "anti-theist." It describes all the major atheist activists. It's defined as someone who believes that irrational belief in the supernatural is bad for individuals, for society, and for humanity. That's the core reason why an atheist will take his beliefs public and put down a believer-- yes, he may have been abused, yes, he may be angry, but these are usually secondary motivation. Primarily it's a wish to see the world become a more rational place, and the best way to do that (as we all would know) is to make fun of how retarded people are until they change their behavior.

funniest thing is they havent even read the bible or have a basic grasp of Christian teaching and thought

>pic related

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>Why do atheist harass Christians online Jow Forums?
its a cry for help.
the loudest shit talkers are the once who absolutely want to believe, and are looking desperately for somebody who can answer all the questions in a way that makes sense to them.

In that sense, they're a lot like women. Sometimes the loudest, most obnoxious shit-testing women are the ones desperate for somebody to step up and completely dominate them.


Really small penises. Bitterness at God.

Because they are scared of other Religions, so pick on Christians

Cause they deep down believe but are afraid to talk to God and have their man made fantasy world shattered

Nope. Certainly not you, rapist.

I thought the super internet atheist phase was pretty minimal lately.

>As a Christian, we can spread our religion uninhibited. We approach anyone and everyone and ask if they've been saved, or know about our lord, etc.
>If an atheist says one thing about my religion, they're oppressing and harassing me.

They don't. Stupid slide thread with straw man argument

Why would someone choose to be an atheist, knowing they will suffer eternity in hell? Makes no sense.

Or talking about raping a Christian woman...as one who's addicted to rape. harvey, this you?

Ah, good ol' Pascal's Wager.

They think it makes them a "superior intellectual" even though most scientists believe in Intelligent Design.


I think it’s this.

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Because atheists are all the kind of people who valued intelligence but never learned that nobody cares about their opinion even if they think they're right.

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I still lean to the small penis theory.

The poll is right. I'm an Atheist but I'm comfortable in my lack of belief and don't feel it's right to harass others because of what they choose to believe in. The only time I'll fuck with a theist is if they decide to fuck w/ me after I've tried to be polite.

>All these people believe this.. so I must believe this too.
Appeal to the masses should only be a legitimate strategy concerning the governing of people, and nothing more. To be clear on this, the "masses" that are appealed to should only be considered when electing officials. No one else should hold a belief based on the beliefs of others, regardless of that belief or those others.

You can't help yourself but troll people who believe in fairy tale


Most liberal beliefs are anti-religious/anti-Christian like:
anti-family/anti-marriage (one man and one woman)
Pro-sexual deviancy

The list goes on but you get the point.

>Oh it's because they're bad people with small dicks!
Wow, much rhetoric, such skill.

I said in another thread that I don't believe in indoctrination. It's retarded. So take a breath and chill or you might be a troll.

>Pretends anyone here gives a fuck what you supposedly said somewhere else.
I responded directly to what YOU stated HERE. If you didn't believe the shit you spewed HERE, perhaps you shouldn't have spewed it HERE. I know, tough concept to understand.

Because you retards gangstalked me, cover up and help kikes with their mafia, vote for complete idiots, push retarded public policies and act like human cancer in general.

Because Christians harass atheists IRL.

Because retards who have had the light jammed down their throat, are retarded enough to think they've seen it independently and are some kind social and historical visionary, freed from millennia old shackles by their own greatness.

They then slide into a heady mix of "holy shit I'm the smartest motherfucker that ever lived" and "holy shit I must edge-warn the others (so they know I'm the smartest motherfucker that ever lived and maybe touch my dick)"

Never once does the lemming realize that if it wasn't already socially acceptable to be an atheist, they'd be sitting around sniping about the blasphemy of others and why Steven has been missing from church two weeks in a row.

Christians seem to harass everyone except Jews.. for some reason.

Mohommed was a pedo, Budda is a faggot, and all religion is imaginary.

That make you feel better christfag?

Buddha isn't a god. He was a man. Buddhism isn't a religion - it's a spirituality. The difference is the lacking deity. (Note: SOME sects of Buddhism DO treat Buddha as a deity.. but no where close to all of them - it's similar to saying Christians believe in polygamy ... some do, but FAR from all of them). As an atheist, I'm cool with Buddhism.

They don’t attack “religious people” they only ever attack Christians


>t. Atheist

They are angry that they can't penetrate into higher truths. Subconsciously, they know they are missing something, and they also know that they don't have the intellectual ceiling to grasp whatever it is, so they lash out. They can't into deeper questions. That's why netflix was invented.

The underlying principles of Buddhism are dependent on religious things like reincarnation and other Hindu assumptions.

The spoiler is that the church was always a Christian Zionist church and not one of these Based Churches that you only seem to hear about on Jow Forums

The answer is so simple.
People just like shitposting and getting (you)s
No matter what platform, topic or culture, people want to make people mad for the lulz

Lmao, how can you possibly believe this? Go watch a Richard Dawkins stand up special...I mean Ted Talk or whatever the fuck it is. The dude names 5 different religions, and supposedly that is prove that no religion can be real. It's the most blatant example of dunning Kruger I have ever seen.

Why do atheists strawman the hardest?

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I don't get this meme where people think that Buddhism isn't a religion.

Sounds like this WASP has been huffing a can of raid.

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Samsara came before the Hindu beliefs.. and again, that's a "some sects" thing. Samsara was the de facto first theological theory of reincarnation. So what you're talking about here are the traditional sects. This is based on a teaching from Buddha where he said he "saw previous lifetimes", which (like all RELIGIONS do) take something and put it into another context. He was not talking about being reborn over and over and then realizing it in THIS life. It was more a realization of who he was.

its a couple things. 1 most know the christians that are to vocal online and support israel are evil. the bible doesnt even support jews half of the entire book. every other chapter they are the bad guys who even have the audacity to try to use voodoo curses on god

2 some believe they can destroy god and will be better off without god. they cannot and thus its a waste of time to day dream of it. if god existed before you how would he need faith in him to exist?

3 some know god doesnt care about faith and as a result its not worth clinging to old religions when it causes so much grief in the world

Now that I think about it, doesn't Hindu call it samsara too? Either way, the Buddhist idea of reincarnation came first.

Athiests are godless, but not areligious. Almost every self identified "Athiest" I know adheres to some other form of hyperrestrictive moralist supremacist ideology based on the unfalsifiable taken on faith. Just because it has no god, doesn't make it not a religion.

You're just retconning things, I'm sure you can come up with an atheist version of Buddhism, like you could with really any other religion, but this doesn't make Buddhism not a religion.

They're conflating religion with theism.

>I didn't expect to actually speak with someone who knew the history, so I'm just going to say they're making shit up.
Cool story. You should write it down and try to sell it on Amazon. However, the better path would be to actually study it. Read up on why reincarnation is part of Buddhism (where it is). I've already told you that, but apparently you don't believe me.

If you call yourself an atheist but fail to recognize Christianity as necessary for the social development of the western world and you fail to notice the concerted effort and money put into suppressing all christian/catholic denominations (except prots, fuck them) you are an ANTI-THEIST.

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>They will never hold Muslims or religious jews to the same standard because it's always been to target Christianity

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I like bullying retards


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my point was Sam Harris is an example - among many others - of an atheist who is anti-islam. Idk where you guys got the idea that atheists ignore islam

Oh wow, would you look at that. Christcucks once again projecting their own insecurities onto others.

>one off
Satan, admit you agree with me you pansy-ass faggot!

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What the fuck is a grude?

I gave up after 2 guesses didn't make sense as misspellings. Crude and grudge. Given the other words in the statement, neither fits.

I love the old "You must be an atheist because daddy made you go to church!" fallacy. Are Christcucks seriously this infantile that they still believe this nonsense? Yes, I'm sure everyone that's an atheist is some edgy teen angry at god. This is not the logic of an adult, it's the logic of someone that seriously lacks an imagination.
Most atheists I know didn't even grow up in religious households, I know that I didn't. My parents were never religious, I was never forced to be indoctrinated into a cult, I came to my own decisions, I discovered the world the way I wanted to discover it. I learned about the principles of logic and rationality myself, through my education, etc. This is what terrifies people like you; when you remove the family indoctrination, people tend to avoid religion completely because it's much easier to see it for the cults they are it is from the outside. This doesn't just apply to Christianity, but to all world religion.

Being an atheist by definition makes you anti-all religion, not just Christianity, or Islam, or Judaism / Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, etc.

The reason Christianity is predominately the target of atheist in the west is because, whoa, Christianity is the predominate religion in the west. Amazing isn't it? Just so happens that when you live in a society that is predominately one religion, most of your ire and criticism is directed at that religion and its institutions / fundamentalism. I really don't understand why people here have such a hard time understanding this.

Sit down and shut up, faggot. See the pic.

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To tag on to your point, this is the exact reason most people follow the religion that they do rather than some other religion. If you grow up in a predominantly Christian area, you're most likely going to be Christian .. not Hindu or Muslim, etc. I find it odd how the theists determine the TRUTH based 100% on where they were born.

>inb4: exceptions, outliers, anecdotes, etc.

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>Being an atheist by definition makes you anti-all religion
No, being an anti-theist does.
For example, I don't believe in god but I believe in the values of religion (especially Christianity). I also respect the buddhists.

Why do theists look down on atheists?

Only answer is that they fear that their deity is going to be revealed as a false worship.

Harvey...why you mad, bro?

Small penis alert.

You so maaaaaaad.


Oh, garsh. You just figured me out. Oh no, world....falling.....apart...

>This is the best non-argument I could come up with!

No one really cares about the other sides opinion really. No ones going to change their minds.

Samsara is a change in name of Shemyaza.

Its attaining spirituality like God without God.

By Shemyaza, fallen angel who was/is more sympathetic to human plight than say Azazel.

An animal angel originally created as a bull.

I try.

Athiesm, Climate change, and Male privilege are Reddit's 3 main religions.

I’ll tell you what, I’ve travelled the world around, I’ve met people of vastly different religions, cultures, languages, etc. out of all those people and places only twice have I ever run into a person vehemently trying to “convert” me to their way of thinking, the fist was a Muslim I worked with, and the second was an atheist that was the friend of a friend. I understand muslims they are just sand niggers and aren’t intelligent enough to take a hint that your not interested, but atheists, goddamn they are the nastiest bunch of fucks I’ve ever ran into.

I'm a disappointment in life. You can do so much better. *Shrugs*

Never got into nerd world Reddit.

>said the Christian letting Muslims into the country

Because most atheists are not just atheists, they are anti-christian or strongly anti-religion in general (as other posters said). They're full of resentment, and truly believe that all of the world's evils are caused by religion. I'm an atheist, but I don't feel the need to bash believers online or irl. I just don't believe, period.

What's your source on this? Samsara is a Sanskrit-originated word and means absolutely nothing related to Shemyaza. How do you believe two words which have two different meanings .. are what amounts to be a misspelling of one? They have absolutely nothing to do with each other. They're not even spelled similarly.

This, too.
Some atheists think they're smarter than other people, and they like to brag about it.











That's cause you aren't embittered. The others are. Probably being convicted about being evil criminals. If you aren't and entitled embittered weirdo, you probably aren't going to fight with anyone over anything. You'll communicate like a normal human being.

It's easy to panic muslim.

Semyaza is another spelling.

Chill, dear, just making an observation.

Yeah they need to bolster their egos someway, somehow.

Your "observation" is wrong.
Samsara - a cycle of birth and rebirth
Shemyaza - in the Book of Enoch who takes in prostitutes (mortal women), fathers 2 giant children and is cast out

The two words don't have a single fucking thing to do with one another. They're not just misspellings of each other. You can recognize that you _alternate_ spelling is close to being the same word all you like.. but that doesn't make them the same word.

How fucking retarded.

An angel in the Book of Enoch*

Oh poor thing. Are you mad? Why YOU mad?

That's not very Buddhisty like.

It's fun to find people with really intense beliefs that they cannot defend and then argue with them.

Their impotent rage is delightful.

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