Katy Perry accused of Sexual Misconduct?

Do you think the Trump curse got her?


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she's inhumanly beautiful

she makes terrible music.

She will die a horrible death withn the next few months. Suicide.

that girl could shit down my throat and id take. id take fucking take it all without complaining.

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Not even her music

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Another bride of Baphomet being forced down the throats of our youth.

I hope she goes down for this just because of the filth she puts out for kids.

I wouldn't go that far, but I'd like to sniff her butt

She used to be, before she became deranged and decided to have short hair.

2010 Katy perry was best Katy perry

She use to be.

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You're not wrong there mein friend

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Remember when she took that 19 year old kid's first kiss without any notice?

Yeah, nothing will happen to her. The whole #MeToo is essentially a feminine rage against men after Trump's election. If they were serious about going after abusers, Asia Argento would be in jail right now.

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((They)) will protect her. She will make some tearful applogy and claim she was battling alcoholism.

Quoted the true part of your post.

How demonic must a woman be to become a rapist?

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When they cut their hair short, it’s all over (sanity wise)

Katy Perry sexually assaulted a man who was saving his first kiss on camera. How the hell is she not in jail? We have clear evidence of it.

She looks like a brainless bimbo. Not attractive

She can sexually assault me anytime

desperate nigger

> He alleges she exposed his penis to an entire party of people
What? Is Katy Perry trans? What is this even?

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Are you retarded? He (the victim) alleges she (Katy Perry) exposed his (the victim's) penis to an entire party of people

Anal rape is the pathway to demonic posession.

Asia killed Anthony Bourdain. Anthony is forgotten.

A negress.

Imagine being so fucking gay that you claim katy perry assaulted you.

she *was* inhumanly beautiful.

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After what that fatass bitch did to those nuns, she deserves whatever bad karma she gets. She looks like a mutant with hanging tits when she’s not dolled up.

Lol wtf is that shit


who wouldnt put it in her? what are they ghey? just out it in her you fucking faggots

She used to be, in a dirty dirty whore kind of way.

>jew puppet
>bad at singing

(((American))) music sensation

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Never found her even slightly attractive. Bimbos are totally nonsexual objects afaic, just chunks of meat with makeup slapped on and a blown out organic fleshlight along for the right. Prove me wrong.

She's a crypto.

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>ywn be molested by a sloppy drunk 20 year old Katy Perry

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food stamps

She has a fivehead anyways. Unbreedable.

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That image captures how thirsty you'd have to be to want to fuck that used up cumrag perfectly.

at least she didn't got fat, yet
not that i'm trying to defend her

The memeflagfag could be Scandi.
Our languages are always specific about ''his own'' vs ''his (not his own).
His own is a different single syllable word. So it takes a bit of practice to get used to having to guess from context what's really ment in English.

Still would, with a condom of course.

oh, absolutely.
but she's not the young hottie she used to be.

if any of you fags havne't seen this, you should watch this. She is probably the dumbest person I have ever seen. We're talking sub-saharan Africa levels of stupid

and a bonus

The wall takes no prisoners.

The leftist hag will suffer no consequences because leftist hag.

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