Based Mad Lads Did It

The right wing practically trolled Portland Police and the far-left Antifa as well as the MSM media.

The Patriots that went out there and were seen as the “Far-Right” practically came in buses, did a lap around the city and left, knowing that the police and the city wasted millions in resources and the only people left were Antifa.

Now the media and its tomfoolery accidentally dropped red pills because they’re claiming that it’s the far-right but showing Antifa fight on camera versus the police. If that isn’t based then you certainly aren’t playing in this game of 4D Chess

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Other urls found in this thread:

Link and more information.

proving that mexicans are useless

link, but mad lads if true

It's based but he should be less obvious about it. He said aloud that when ANTIFA can't find any right-wing groups to fight, they always turn to fight the police. Always. And then ANTIFA gets the shit kicked out of them (lawfully too, lol), then gets arrested and convicted, and the Patriots come out smelling like roses in the PR war. Practically Saint-like. Amazing.

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big brain if true

>and the Patriots come out smelling like roses in the PR war
Uh, except OP's image disproves that? They can just film ANTIFA and blame it on the far-right.

>m-muh downvotes
Most people don't watch these things on YouTube. They watch cable TV, where there are no dissenting opinions.

there is video of them getting their asses kicked like civ nats always do alone, that is what happens when conservative cucks let all their best allies in the real right get their groups crushed on false charges. RAM, and IE/AIM don't wanna save people who hate them anymore.

Apparently it also cost Portland two million bucks. I guess the junkies there will just have to use their needles a few extra times.

The narrative is shifting. Except some crazy shit to pop off in order to herd the sheeple back into place. I used to not be able to use twitter for more than 30 seconds without getting sick at how badly people are brainwashed. But now I've went there recently and almost every post is full of people waking up to the bullshit, and I doubt every one of them are Jow Forumsacks

>practically came in buses, did a lap around the city and left,
Not quite that. Joey and his crew walked around Portland for two hours. Were approached and harassed by some groups of antifa, but Joey and the Patriots kept their cool. There was some fighting for a half minute between antifa and another right wing group elsewhere in the city (PB?), but it didn't involve Joey. Then he left the city, unscathed, in high spirits and with a can of beer in one hand and bottle of Jack Daniels in the other, ready to celebrate.

I gotta say, he has the patience of Gandhi. I couldn't take the verbal abuse he took and keep my cool. Guy is 16D.


lets organize these events every weekend and collapse the economy

Why not just announce fake rallies and sit back and watch the cops and antifa fight?

Propaganda outlet gonna propaganda. Oh no, we pushed out the segment of showing dying children and blaming it on trump.

Even the LGBTQABCXYZ fags are hating on Antifa now, too.

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That's some sensible chuckle right there. Antifa is having it out with the cops right now and are pissed they didn't get what they wanted.

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The right would look like cowards for not showing up.

there are already tons of videos of antifa doing fucked up shit, why would this be any different? everyone in the middle already made up their minds.

Yeah, bankrupting Wheeler's Portland would be a nice bonus.

you people assume everyone uses twitter and that twitter = what the general pub thinks

I'm seeing that to at other places. I'm hoping people are getting sick of being called racist, and starting to speak up.

Oh no. Anything but that

>Uh, except OP's image disproves that?
That's just the mainstream media spreading lies. And they had that scroll up for literally hours, even before any of the protesters met each other. It's just blatant propaganda than even normies can see through. He'll never be able to change that. Not ever. But he could be coming out smelling MUCH worse. And for people who are actually there or who watch the footage themselves on non-mainstream media (and a TON of people do), it's painfully clear that he's absolutely not provoking things or looking to fight. He kept saying that he wasn't looking to fight. They held signs saying we don't start fights. And they refused to take every bit of bait the left threw at them to start a fight. That's a PR victory. I saw how civilized Joey behaved from start to finish over three hours, and that was on YouTube for Pete's sake. Hardly the dark web.

if this is true and not just dmg control though..
its pretty hilarious that they just left the cosplay larpers who had no idea what they were planning outnumbered and beaten in the streets for video clips

Not even close, I know twitter is an echo chamber and only a small fraction of the population is relevant there.
I was only making it a point that even that small fraction of manipulated sheep are waking up to the charade. I can only imagine what is becoming of the rest of the internet.
Even YouTube comments are redpilled now especially after the attempted crackdown. The only people that get their news from the TV nowadays are boomers.

Cops left the scene. Pretty sure everything is officially over.

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Antifa going after children now.

>ou people assume everyone uses twitter and that twitter = what the general pub thinks
There's literally no way the "general public" supports ANTIFA.

have they beat up anyone under the age of 50 today?

Proud Goys are zionist boot lickers and none of this matters. Just a show.

Why are you talking like a valley girl, faggot?

people are losing their shit in his mentions

Watch it live for yourself.

ANTIFA vs the cops because there no one else left to fight. Live stream. If it's not happening yet, it will. They're already jeering at the cops.

Oregon's AG is the JEWESS, Ellen Rosenblaum, who won't do a damned thing to protect ppl against Antifa thugs.
Plus, pAntifa is a Jewed up org that loves Israel.

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But, it was a home game for Antifa and they got shut out.
Can't even defend Portland now.

claim to hold the rally in one place, but have a secondary location prepped and go to that instead or something. so while you're having a peaceful rally the leftist twats will be fighting with police.

B-b-but muh harm reduction...

4hrs and zero vids of antifa fighting cops

>The Patriots that went out there and were seen as the “Far-Right” practically came in buses, did a lap around the city and left, knowing that the police and the city wasted millions in resources and the only people left were Antifa.
That's exactly what the LARPers at CWCville should have done but nooooooo. I blame Kripplekikechan.

>claim to hold the rally in one place, but have a secondary location prepped and go to that instead or something. so while you're having a peaceful rally the leftist twats will be fighting with police.


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Pretty nuts they managed to pull this off without Antifa getting a tipoff knowing how much moles there are
Bet the feds/glowies are mad too, they probably spent a non-trivial amount of money and time maneuvering the two to slug it out but they got denied

I saw it happen. Fighting with hammers.

What the general public actually thinks is probably way more right wing than anything youd see on twitter


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Whatever you say fag.

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Also, they Patriots left town an hour ago. Now antifa will have learned about it (they couldn't find them for the longest time) and so they'll turn against the cops. Happens every time

>T-The right wing practically t-trolled Portland Police and the far-left A-Antifa as well as the MSM m-media.
It's pretty clear that the israelgoys cucked out and some got a beatdown.

Top kek

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post this

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They planted a flag and you pussies didn't stop it.
Portland is Nazi town now.

This guy and his daughter-girlfriend are going to trend on twatter, calling it.

Post something. I wanna watch antifa get beat down again

It's this guy, btw.

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holy shit. the cope

Smart move by the patriots. Antifa is on the verge of being classified a terrorist organization. Simply give them a reason to turn out and let them do what they do best, while you stand back and watch. It exposes them for the violent side they are

That ain't proud goys, these cucks were disbanded when Gavin McCuckins was deplatformed.

>watching cnn earlier
>ana cabana cunt says "far right extremists and counter protestors clash"
>counter protestors
Honesty in journalism folks, i wanna hate fuck ana cabana so violently hard.

>They planted a flag
lol zionist. You took a stroll for like 5 minutes under heavy police protection and then hurried back to your trusty little cuckwaggen

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Wrong. Cable news is dying and only boomers consume it as a primary source. Everyone else gets content from web for the most part.

They did exactly what they wanted to do

How did they cuck out? The entire stated point of the protest was to do what they did. It's not about showing up to get into fights, but i guess for antifa it is. Yknow because theyre a terrorist organization hellbent on causing violence.

It was a pretty smart move. ANTIFA chimped out and killed they're whole "right wingers are violent threats" narrative. Bad optics for ANTIFA since one of their comrades recently gunned down a bunch of black people in Dayton. These guys will always take the bait.

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That's not how it works.

>constantly calling them zionists


Youre not fooling anyone shareblue

>still shilling for DROMPFT, who won't even lift a finger when they get in trouble since they are not wealthy black rappers.
I don't feel sorry for them 2bh.

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Far right extremists vs counter protesters. I noticed that too. Fucking kikes.

if you seriously want these people going into your town and killing you folks like last, I can't really stop you. I just don't know why you want that, you got that before, and it never goes well.



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Why save a fake when there are so many real examples?

ok pede

post a pic that shows the front of his helmet.

>4 hours
yeah fuck that.

Holy shit sauce please

It made me sick. NBC had that banner up for an HOUR, irrespective of what was happening on the screen (and 99 percent of the time, absolutely nothing was happening).

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How is it a cope? She me a video of Antifa beating someone up.
Spoiler: you can’t.


I've been saying this since that fake Klan really a few months back. Tons of ANTIFA and protesters showed up to protest the "klan" and it was just like 5 guys trolling them with signs and it cost the city a ton of money. Eventually people are gonna get tired of funding these ANTIFA groups.

Why no just beat the shit out of the protesters

I swear to fuck, Americans care more about their perceived image than about any actual ideals, fucking larpers

Like what the fuck?
Why do you care about public image in a demographic shifting population? You're always going to be on the losing side of media perception if your country is nothing but jews and spics.

How the fuck are you going to build an ethnostate if you're getting terrorized by fags?

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That's Ben Shapiro's sister. She's such a lil ho.

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You know those leftist cringe threads we have every once in a while where they edit right-wing comics to be ten times as preachy and a tenth as good? Bad news about what I just found...

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Because you need a permit to freely assemble in america sweetie.

After an hour, there were a few scuffles with, what 4 people for 18 seconds? And no injuries. And so NBC changed their banner again to pic related. They kept that up for ANOTHER TWO HOURS. Makes me sick.

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Hidden rabi in the top right

Optics cuckery will be the death of them, you're right. Things are still too comfy in america. Once that stops, optics won't matter to anyone.

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The deepest skank pits of tartarus.

What does she do? Out of nowhere all I see is her modeling her huge milkers around. Does Benji approve?

Only Chad dick good enough for her

You don't feel anything because you had your dick removed remember tranny?

>The right would look like cowards for not showing up.
Who cares. Costing a city millions of dollars creates an event that only puts antifa and the police on the streets, and they are bound to clash. Looking like a coward is one thing, but when it is tactical, it is a good thing.

> does benji approve
Who do you think posts them?

>MIGAtard trannypede calling anyone else a nullo trancel

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POTUS should send in the Bikers for Trump to plant their flag next.

We should seriously be printing off basic bitch red pills like this and just gluing them up all over the place. Maybe some dumb ass "journalist" would run a story about the raycist flyers showing up all over and be dumb enough to actually broadcast one live on air.

>knowing that the police and the city wasted millions in resources

Honestly, it's the best move.
I think Dayton spent $650K on security to block protesters from a KKK rally with eleven people. People were pissed.
These rallies should forgo police and let the host arm themselves or hire armed security.

Pretty fucking embarrassed that my kids will have to learn about this in history class someday.
