Emphasis "boys"

Proud Boys play right into leftist media. Almost like it was made to do that

Attached: Untitled.png (931x660, 773K)

Nobody in real life cares about this shit. But, the media will spin it until after the elections

And it always happens in Portland, almost like the most useless city in America is trying to stay in the news so it appears they're not useless.

Why is Antifa just “Antifa” and everyone else is “far right groups”? Almost like they’re glorifying Antifa.

They only make Trump supporters look like asses. If they just let Antifa play at being assholes then the media couldn't spin it. But now they'll be trotted out as "look at drumph supporters they're nazis"...

ProudGoys are cuckservatives
remember that

That happens anyway retard.

Attached: Antifa n Proudboys are the same paid thing.jpg (432x247, 18K)

All weapons came from Antifa.

Hmmm I watched that boring bullshit and proud boys retreated any time there was a possibility of violence. I hate the kike media

The media is the enemy of the people.

Yeah, so larp as Nazis. Retard

>the media cant spin it
You are one dumb motherfucker

Yeah but they can spin so that the PBs were violent. Look at the sentence on the bottom. “Arrests and violent weapon confiscations were made involving the proud boys”
Even though antifa brought the weapons, because some proud boys got caught in-between, they can spin it.

The only purpose is for the media to spin it. There's no reason for the "Proud boys" it was Gavin selling his BS. Like in the old punk days when Jello said, "Anarchy for sale"

They are. The Hill often adds fundraising links to antifa in these kinds of articles. According to the journos, the rightwingers are absolute evil and deserve to die and get assaulted, and the leftists are usually only referred to as "protesters."

>you're a cuck if you stand up to antfa commies
Fuck off, leftypol.

You do know how professional wrestling works, right?

nice try jew
both sides are the enemy

I wish the proud boys larped as nazis

No one in the proudboys larps as a nazi. Thats an outright lie. Half of them are la creaturas. Despite this, there is nothing stopping journalists from lying to sub-80 iq retards like you.

Proud boys aren't the "Right" and Antifa aren't the "Left" they are just teams in a fake BS conjured up top rile up the good folks who usually mind their own business.
Who wins the World Series: Major League baseball
Who wins the NBA Playoffs: The NBA
There are no fuckin' teams. People mostly wanna be left alone. The proud boys are phonies so Antifa can have an enemy.

its true.
literally nobody gives a fuck.
im at a liberal family friends house in the midwest who blasts MSNBC all day every day and she didnt even hear about it.

Tomorrow MSNBC will be showing footage and BSing about it. Of course will have to lose some rights because of it

>And it always happens in Portland
that's because the the proud puffs always go there to make a mess of themselves

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