The real question is, why? Why child sacrifice? Why is there Moloch paste bin or red pill? If we find the why and the history then we can more easily find the symbols.
> The symbols will be their downfall
How can use this to set sting ops to catch people like this, something like the #FellowJews or diversify Isreal kinda thing.
It's jewish occultism. All symbols are abrahamic, hindu, greek or masonic. Most pure evil is psychopathy or sociopathy, but it can be just a mass of normies being retarded too.
I believe you, but much like how Shooters and other psychos are inspired by each other, wouldn't it be a good idea to figure out the symbolism so we can try to chase each sikac down to the its original sickness. I'm not trying to say we hold everybody accountable for thinking six shit is kind of cool, but this original sin kind of mentality could help find out who's in on what. Perhaps somebody's taken up these mantles and we can trace them back to the source.
imagine thinking that email wasn't a joke. daily reminder that all this conspiracy theory bullshit about Moloch worship, sacrifice, sex abuse, and occultism has no basis in reality and there is no proof the elites or the Jews practice any of this.
That's all the content I have right now. Still doing research.
My theory:
This belief is used to justify types of behaviors without guilt. These types of behaviors within profited and preyed upon by Elites, like Epstein, Etc, however it has become a mixture between biblical ritual and general debauchery. The government uses this process to collect blackmail through people they give passes to, to run these operations, and they operate through use of symbols.
This is not just apply to Jews, but also to Muslims, Christians, Etc, anybody with perverted or dubious desires. This is just one of many type of operations, but under covering it this way can show you the way that they operate.
Through this we can conclude, the government operates through seemingly private individuals, shielded by banking or Private Industry, from which they Outsource and insource their intelligence.
all roads lead to saturnia, subscribe to the esoteric ministry on youtube
Luke Allen
>immediately defensive >offers no argument >only offer distraction
Wh- where's your argument?
>glowing THAT hard.
First day in the job pal?
Liam Butler
Noah Myers
Care to provide a link?
Tyler Gomez
Somebody please make a backup of the stuff I posted, and if at all possible a pastebin. I will try my very best to keep this stuff backed up, and start a new thread if this one dies but I cannot promise much.
Somehow the stuff has to tie into everything else. It keeps coming back up we cannot let this die, we not only to the victims, but to ourselves to understand this part of the human psyche. There are no conspiracies anymore, we can no longer turn a blind eye to anything.
just check out all his stuff, sick tunes to go along with slides
Angel Brown
Thank you, user. I will be sure to check that out. I'll suck a dick and shut up, you're a little faggot who just likes to cause problems where there are none. You really want to start being divisive at a time like this think about where the fuck your country's at before you post some gay shit like that again.